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Bhakti by Bhaktimarga Swami


The two towns mentioned above were destination points for bhakti on this day. How these places did shine. But for my blog entry, I wanted to share a past poem on the precious topic of bhakti.





Contrary to popular belief...

Strength lies in humility
Whereas weakness does in pride
Our base, set in simplicity
Puts complexities to the side

Pleasures ignite from stimulu
But that is so short lived
Long term comesfrom vigilance
When cheap thrills we'll outlive

Entertainment may l

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Hare Krsna dear devotees

As for the so called success of C-3?
It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita in the "yam yam vaapi smaram bhaavam.. " sloka how to travel to different planets of the universe. You simply have to meditate on the presiding deity of the planet you want to travel to at the time of giving up the earthly bodily form, which is in any case unsuitable for the environments on other planets. Mechanical travel is a sheer waste of time and energy along with taxpayer's money.

If you read the b

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By Atma Tattva Das

Within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), a question often arises for the devotee—how does one balance family life with dedicated service to the movement? Gaura Narayana Das stands as a testament to transcending this challenge. A former brahmachari, he has seamlessly transitioned into the roles of a family man and a pioneering business owner. His brainchild, Fly Sacred, represents not only a travel agency but also a bridge connecting spirituality, c

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By Thomas Haribol

This summer, a new ISKCON Bhakti Yoga Center opened in a strategic location near the University of Minnesota, and they reached a significant milestone on October 28th by welcoming a set of stunning Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai deities to their community.

Six weeks of intense preparation by Minnesota devotees preceded the arrival of Gaura-Nitai, Who were escorted from Alachua by Jaya Gopal Dasa and his wife Damianti Devi Dasi, both disciples of HH Romapada Swami. 

Read more: https://isk

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Life Achievement by Bhaktimarga Swami

12291986262?profile=RESIZE_584x12291986287?profile=RESIZE_584xI suppose you could say that I received a moment of honour this evening. 600+ people, largely from the Hindu community, presented me with a lifetime achievement award, and others received awards in different categories. The event held in OE Banquet Hall was well organized in that Oakville destination, although it ran an hour late and went a little long. In the tradition of bhakti, Vedic/Hindu recognition, love, and appreciation have been a strong component for centuries.

And it is a fact that IS

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Are we really want him?

We have been roaming in this matterial world from millions of lifetimes, as a effect we have develop so many ananths in our heart. The prominent one is pride. This pride is like sweet venom. At the initial stages it seems very pleasing but as the moments will pass it will start showing its effect.

we think that we are devotees and it is generally believe that the most pure jewel of a devotee is his humility. And and if he doesn't have that means "we are very far. we have to push ourselves .Chait

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Rainmakers, Big and Small By Suresvara Dasa


From Back to Godhead 

Few of us realize as the farmer does how completely we’re at the mercy of nature. Even if the farmer lives not by selling crops but by selling cows for slaughter, still he’s keenly aware how much he relies on the bounty of the fields to fatten his herd. After he cuts his alfalfa, for instance, he needs two days to “make hay while the sun shines,” then more rain to make his crop grow for another cutting. And even if he irrigates his land, his river or well will go dry if ra

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Kartik Navadvipa Mandal Parikrama 2023!!


Registration begins 1st August!!

It is our great pleasure to announce ISKCON MAYAPUR’s 11th annual six-day Kartik Navadwip Mandal Parikrama during the most auspicious month of Kartik (organized by the Mayapur Chandra’s). The Parikrama dates are 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 21st & 22nd November, 2023.

There will be two days break, for Srila Prabhuap’s disappearance day (17th of November) and Gopashtami (20th November) so that devotees can participate in the festivals.

For this year also, the parikram

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Hare Krishna!

In the gentle embrace of devotion, today marks the joyous celebration of Govardhan Puja, a sacred occasion that beckons us to delve into the divine pastimes of Lord Krishna. This enchanting festival holds a special place in the hearts of devotees, offering a tapestry of devotion, gratitude, and profound spiritual significance.

At the heart of Govardhan Puja lies the timeless story of Lord Krishna lifting the mighty Govardhan Hill to protect the residents of Vrindavan from the wrat

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Sri Giriraj Govardhan Puja by Giriraj Swami

We welcome you on the most auspicious occasion of Govardhana-puja. When I was first initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1969, he was in Los Angeles and I was in Boston. He sent me a letter in which he wrote, “Your name is Giriraj. Giriraj is a name for Govardhana Hill, on which Krishna used to tend His cows. In Vrindavan the Govardhana Hill is worshiped as a representation of Krishna. Sometimes devotees take a stone from Govardhana Hill and keep it at home as a representation of Krishna, and they

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By Savitri Devi Dasi

Devotees are invited to step away from the digital noise and find solace at the Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education’s (VIHE) retreat, “Alone with Krsna: Together with Krsna’s devotees,” to be held November 24-27, 2023, at the Govardhana Retreat Center in Jatipura, Govardhana.

Guided by HG Bhurijana Prabhu, this digital detox retreat promises a blend of Krsna-katha, introspection, prayer, japa, and sastric reading. What makes it special is the dedicated time for introsp

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Dear Devotees,

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to Mayapur Dham!

As the sacred month of Kartik Maas gently slips away, we find ourselves with just two weeks remaining to immerse in the divine blessings that this auspicious time bestows. Now is the opportune moment to deepen our connection with the Lord and express our love through selfless service.

Consider sponsoring a seva to the Holy Dham of Nityananda at Ekachakra, where the spiritual

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On November 1st, one of the leaders of the Salt Lake City Krishna Temple, Sundari Priya Devi Dasi, spoke to a group of about 30 authors (many of whom are professors at Utah universities) on the topic of “Nourishing Your Soul through Conscious Eating.” 

The author group is part of the larger National Society of The Sons of Utah Pioneers, whose membership includes both genders. “They had recently been learning about Hinduism & wanted to hear from a practitioner,” said Sundari Priya, “So in coordi

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By Gopikā Rādhikā Devī Dāsī and Sundara Gopāla Dāsa  

Over a decade ago, Kolkata, the birthplace of Śrīla Prabhupāda, witnessed the founding of the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) by H.G. Hari Śauri Prabhu and H.G. Praṇava Prabhu. Inaugurated in 2009 by H.H. Jayapatākā Mahārāja and H.H. Bhakti Cāru Mahārāja, the BRC has since blossomed into a thriving research center and guest house, serving as a significant destination for the global academic and Vaiṣṇava community.

The inspiration to esta

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In a world filled with fast-paced interactions and superficial connections, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on the fundamental principles of building strong, meaningful relationships. Whether you’re connecting with a friend, family member, or colleague, there are timeless truths that can guide you toward nurturing genuine bonds. Let’s explore some valuable lessons from the Bhagavad Gita, a profound wisdom literature, to help you enhance your relationships and make them more fulfilling.

1. The

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Following Vidura by Bhaktimarga Swami


This morning at class time, our studious team of young devotees and I explored the character of Vidura. He was quite the walker. He covered a good chunk of what is know as India, and which for some is called 'Bharat'. The journey entailed trekking from one tirtha to the next. 'Tirtha' refers to a sacred space where some miracle occurred, or a pastime place for God and saints where many yajnas or sacrifices took place.

Vidura was a hero in the sense that he protected the pious Pandava clan, gave

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8162145699?profile=RESIZE_400xIn a letter dated October 10, 1968, Srila Prabhupada wrote,

“Diwali ceremony can be observed in the temple by illuminating hundreds of candles in different parts of the temple and offering special prasada to the Deity. This ceremony was observed by the inhabitants of Ayodhya, the kingdom of Lord Ramachandra. While Lord Ramachandra was out of His kingdom due to His fourteen years’ banishment by the order of His father, His younger stepbrother, Bharata, took charge of the kingdom, and the day on w

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The Sanga Initiative (TSI), a grassroots effort led by young devotees to provide sanga and spiritual formation through in-person and online events, aims to create “a network of young devotees that support and empower each other to become leaders for the next and future generations of ISKCON.” One of their latest efforts is the Kartik Immersion online sanga.

Although registration for live participation in the series has closed, the group is sharing recordings of the multi-part program with the g

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

“Mayapur Clean & Green” is taking initiatives to plant new trees and protect the ones in the holy Dham. The team, headed by Murari Mohini Devi Dasi, has successfully collaborated with local educational institutions with the requisite space.

Murari said, “We visit and clean the school, give them recycling dustbins, and plant trees. We recently organized a cleaning competition at Sri Mayapur Sishu Niketan School.”

The participation of the schools ensures the bro

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Back home by Bhaktimarga Swami


I'm back home and after a 16-hour flight direct from Delhi, I felt the need for rest, a shower, and a walk. These are the steps I take to ground myself after a long airy journey. It works. The rest addresses the fatigue the body goes through. The shower counters dryness. Finally, the walk literally gets the feet on the ground and in the ravine where you have dirt on both sides, and plenty of autumn trees.

The squirrels rustle through those moistureless leaves – the type of leaves that hiss when

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