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Nearly 200 ISKCON managers, teachers, child protection volunteers, bhakti-vrksa leaders, and others who serve in positions of trust or authority throughout North America gathered for the largest online child protection training to date.

On Saturday, December 9th, the Child Protection Office (CPO) for ISKCON North America offered the CPO Basic Training course to leaders from 36 different yatras encompassing three presenters, three breakout sessions, one practice session, and participant Q&A. Cha

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The Bhaktivedanta Medical Association (BMA), a global healthcare committee with more than 220 devotee doctors dedicated to providing comprehensive care to devotees on a virtual platform free of cost, successfully launched its first-ever health camp on November 25, 2023, at the ISKCON’s Bhaktivedanta Manor. There were about 700 registrations, with 350 devotees attending the three-hour-long event. 

Sundarananda Das (Dr. Sanjiv Agarwal), the Chairman of BMA, explaining the structure of BMA, said,

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No Blues by Bhaktimarga Swami


Tuesday was the day for me to return the heart monitor which had been affixed to my chest for the last two weeks. The Toronto Medical Clinic for returning was at 826 St. Claire West. I Ubered my way there but happily trekked my way back to the ashram.

It became very evident that winter is around the corner. That was confirmed by the Uber driver. There’s now a chill and a fairly hefty wind bringing down the leaves. The afternoon brought on a cold rain which had a second shot at removing the leav

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Hare Krishna.

I started learning Sri Sri BG in 18 days - the online course started by ISKCON. Mangalore and thereafter started learning the 'recitation' of the Slokas.

The word break file as available in IDT is greatly helpful in learning the recitation of the BG slokas. However, the same lacks synonyms (meaning of the sanskrit words) besides tranlation of the slokas. I have tried to compile the same and here is the file. Devotees may find it useful in their devotional service to the Lord.Śri Śri

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श्री उपदेशामृत श्लोक ११: भक्तों के लिए, श्री राधा कुंण्ड की महत्वपूर्णता को दृढ़ता से कहने के लिए, महिमा का पुनर्वाचन किया गया है। श्री उपदेशामृत पाठ समाप्त हुआ। Hare Krishna
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श्री उपदेशामृत: श्लोक १० का सार - श्री राधा कुंण्ड श्रीमती राधा रानी से अभिन्न है। दोनों ही श्री भगवान के परम-प्रीय हैं। अतः जो भक्त इनकी शरण ले, वह स्वत: ही कृष्ण का प्रिय हो जाता है।
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श्री उपदेशामृत: श्लोक-९ - अभिप्राय यह है कि कृष्ण प्रेम के यथाशीघ्र जागरण तथा भक्ति की पूर्णता के लिए, भक्तों को श्री राधा कुंण्ड का आश्रय ले कर, प्रेममयी सेवा में जुट जाना चाहिए।
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श्री उपदेशामृत-8: आठवें श्लोक में, श्री उपदेशामृत का सार दिया गया है। जिव्हा तथा मन, यह दोनों ही अति प्रबल इंद्रियां हैं। सौभाग्य इसी में है की इंद्रियों को श्रवणम् कीर्तनम् तथा मन को स्मरणम् में लगाकर, कृष्ण उन्मुख कर दिया जाए।
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श्री उपदेशामृत-७: श्लोक सार - भौतिक कलमश में डूबे हुए, हम उस पीलीये के रोगी के समान हैं, जिसे मिश्री भी मीठी नहीं लगती। श्री कृष्ण के नाम-रूप-गुण-लीला में रुचि जागते ही, कृष्ण- विमुखता रूपी पीलीया समूल नष्ट हो जाता है, और हरि नाम में स्वाभाविक प्रीति उत्पन्न हो जाती है।
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श्री उपदेशामृत-6: श्लोक सार - शरीर जड़ीये अवस्था है। कुछ प्राकृत दोषों का होना स्वाभाविक है। इनकी उपेक्षा करें।
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श्री उपदेशामृत-४ - श्लोक सार: प्रसाद स्वरूप कुछ देना; प्रसाद स्वरूप कुछ लेना; हृदय के भेद भक्तों से सांझा करना; तत्वज्ञान संबंधी गुह्य तत्वों को पूछना; भक्तों से भोजन प्रसाद स्वीकार करना; तथा भक्तों को भोजन प्रसाद प्रीति पूर्वक करवाना। भक्तों के संग व्यवहार के यह छः तटस्थ लक्षण कह गए हैं।
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भक्ति विकास का सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन क्या है? पूर्ववर्ती आचार्यों के श्रेष्ठ आचरण जैसी सतो-वृत्ति व चर्या का वर्धन।
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UNESCO adopts the 150th Birth Anniversary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada!
150th anniversary of the birth of Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada, philosopher, social reformer, and eminent spiritual leader (1874-1937) (India with the support of Cuba, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Thailand, and Viet

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Looking at the,
Faces of Moderation: The Art of Balance in an Age of Extremes, (kali-yuga). Reminds me of how valuable wisdom is to compare with information.
When Wisdom Speaks, Knowledge Listens,
I truly admit, not the opposite.
Arjuna was full of knowledge, but, his knowledge could not address his impurity of thoughts!
Lord Krsna had to speak the ageless wisdom of the Bhagavad gita to ride him of his thoughtful impurities!!
A person who speaks knowledge is a person who is
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Latest ISKCON GBC Meeting Report


The Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON resumed its regular online meetings on Wednesday, 6 December, after the Kartik break. Two significant topics were discussed at this meeting:

1) CPO Directorship
An important topic discussed was the strengthening of the international Child Protection Office (CPO), including future and succession planning. The discussion grew out of a shared report submitted by two GBC-appointed committees to review the current CPO systems and structures and propose i

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Getting Connected by Bhaktimarga Swami


It was great seeing one family again. They had come to Niagara from Hungary to participate in his parent’ 50th anniversary. That, of course, is a great milestone.

The family – Nila Gopal, Sukhayanti and two daughters (twins, actually, at 8 years) – began their spiritual life here in Toronto some years back, then moved to Hungary for a rural life and school for their daughters. Nila trains oxen. Sukhayanti is an organizer.

In such circumstances, when acquaintances meet after some years of separa

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By Dr Malav Bhimpuria

Devotional service in this day and age is not an easy endeavour, with many obstacles on this material platform. However looking after yourselves is imperative, as the body is an instrument of devotional service. In short, if we fail to do that, our devotional service can be impaired. As part of The Devotee Care Festival held at the Bhaktivedanta Manor recently, I expanded on these themes.

According to the World Health Organisation, health is “…a state of complete physical,

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