Prabhupada didn't like the Mercedes-Benz auto sedan, which was driven to India from Germany. The suspension was to bouncy on Indian roads, which were wavy at times from the heat, which created waves in the asphalt by the overloaded lorries. Sometimes Srila Prabhupada's head would hit the interior roof. He said, "Send it back." The 'car visa' was valid in India for six months only. And to keep it longer, one has to pay 600% tax. Then Srila Prabhupada assigned me this task of securing three Indi
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By Atma Tattva Das
Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Cueramaro, Guanajuato, Mexico, a transformative vision is taking shape—a vision that not only embodies the spirit of devotion and community but also lays the foundation for a harmonious blend of spiritual and studious living. The New Bahulavana Community, located in Cueramaro, about 200 kilometers east of Guadalajara is on the cusp of completing its majestic ISKCON temple—a testament to the unwavering dedication and perseverance of its
Cyclone Michaung (pronounced mig-jaum) struck the southern coast of India this week, bringing devastation and widespread flooding from its high winds and rainfall. Over a dozen have lost their lives in the city of Chennai, much of which is submerged under several feet of water, including the ISKCON Chennai Temple. “Despite devotees’ best efforts to protect the temple and its assets, the cyclone’s ferocity spared nothing—our temple vehicles, crucial for outreach efforts, lie submerged, said Amar
When it’s just above the freezing mark it is tolerable, even pleasant, to venture outside without a coat, provided I just keep going. That’s when the blood keeps running. Between visits to the two S’s, Scarborough and Stouffeville communities, Bhaktivinod, my driver, and I managed to get some more walking in; now with a bit of bite to the wind. We decided coats were necessary.
Near the tobogganing hill of Stouffeville’s downtown park, we explored a new ravine – new for us. And like all tucked a
ISKCON’s GBC Statement Against Domestic Abuse from 2020 says, “Domestic abuse is indefensible, often illegal, and never acceptable within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Any interpretation of Vaishnava religious or social teachings that condones, endorses, or justifies domestic abuse is rejected by the North American Governing Body Commission (GBC).” (Find a copy of the GBC resolution against Domestic Abuse here:
The Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON resumed its regular online meetings on Wednesday, 6 December after the Kartik break. Two significant topics were discussed at this meeting.
1) CPO Directorship
An important topic discussed was the strengthening of the international Child Protection Office (CPO) including future and succession planning. The discussion grew out of a shared report submitted by two GBC appointed committees to review the current CPO systems and structures and propose imp
By Yudhistir Govinda Das
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), one of the specialized agencies of the UN with a membership of 192 countries and several dozens of associate partners, recently had its biennial (one in two years) full body meeting at its headquarters in Paris, France which included Member States and Associate Members, together with observers for non-Member States, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and founda
By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi
Annually, the Prabhupada Marathon unfolds as a transcendent occasion for benevolence across ISKCON communities on a global scale with the “Live to Give” Campaign. This year, the BBT MCI Team (Marketing, Communications, and Innovation), under the expert leadership of Vaisesika Dasa, has set the goal of distributing 3.7 million Bhagavad-gitas worldwide between September 30th and January 7th, 2024.
Vaisesika Dasa said, “This campaign aims to realize the seventh p
I had no opportunity to touch nature today, other than the five kilometre brisk walk from Union Station to the ashram. Yes, it was fresh and early. Our train from Ottawa left us still for over two hours near Pickering, which landed us at our destination at 1:30 am. I wheeled my suitcase once again down the stretch. Good for wheels. Good for legs.
Planned for the day was two home visits where both parties expressed the desire for lamp offerings to the figurines of Krishna and Yasodha, His mom.
Vraja’s Nāndimukhi became Sāraṅga Ṭhākura in Gaura-lila.
Śrī Saranga Ṭhākura is mentioned in the listing of branches of the Chaitanya trunk of the tree of devotional service along with Rama Das, Kavidatta, Gopal Das and Bhāgavata Acharya (Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.10.113). He is also known as Sarnga Ṭhākura, Sarngadhar and Sarngapani.
He used to live in Modadrumdvīpa, which is the island in Nabadvīpa that represents, of the nine types of devotional service, the service attitude. The name of the
Shri Narahari Sarkar Thakura was born at Shri Khanda. Shri Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami describes that the residents of Shri Khanda formed a branch of the desire tree of love of God. “Shri Khan davasi (the residents of Shri Khanda) Mukunda and his son Raghu nandan were the thirty ninth branch of the tree, Narahari was the fortieth, Chiran Jiva the forty first and Sulochana the forty second.
They were all big branches of the all merciful tree of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. They distributed the fruits
By Savitri Devi Dasi
The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) will start its new series of the Bhakti-vaibhava course from 4 January to 5 April 2024. The course will begin from Canto 1 and be held on-site in Sri Vrndavana Dhama.
Apart from the regular classes, there will be classes for the memorization of verses, group work, and presentations by students. It will also include japa sessions, value classes, dhama darsana, and festivals. The course will be a verse-by-verse study of Srim
Before tucking into bed last night my host, Sreyas, a doctor at one of Ottawa’s hospitals, brought me to see his father, 91, recovering from surgery. This is one of those comforting obligations that goes with the priestly portfolio. The next morning, however, I had the pleasure to visit, not the aged and mature, but those classes of youngsters at the Bhakta Prahlad Montessori School.
Krishna Dulal, who is sometimes described as entrepreneur extraordinaire, is also the manager of the school, and

The point is that a pure devotee can't be seen with material eyes and material logic. Just like Lord Krishna can't be seen with material eyes, so also His pure devotees. You need spiritual vision to appreciate God, His abode, His name and His devotees. Thus Bhakti Vinod Thakur, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of all times
From Back to Godhead
By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Lecture given in New Vrindaban, West Virginia, on June 25, 1976
With practice, we can become free from limited affection centered on the body and can then realize the ideal of loving everyone.
ko griheshu puman saktam
atmanam ajitendriyah
sneha-pashair dridhair baddham
utsaheta vimochitum
“What person too attached to household life due to being unable to control his senses can liberate himself? An attached householder
By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi
Mayapur Clean & Green, an environmental initiative led by Murari Mohini Devi Dasi, recently welcomed new devotee volunteers who enthusiastically contributed to the cleaning activity for several days and helped raise funds for the laborers. Their service highlights the challenges of a rapidly expanding population in Mayapur without a matching infrastructure, waste management resources, financial support, and more volunteers to keep the Holy Dham clean and safe.
By Rati Gopika Devi Dasi
ISKCON Malaysia Headquarters, Sri Jagannatha Mandir in Kuala Lumpur, achieved a record during the 2023 Damodara month with 222,709 lamps offered and 19,821 plates of prasadam shared. Out of this, a team of devotees conducted the Damodara Program, also known as Deepa-Damodara Program, at 25 local primary schools (ages 5-12), facilitating the offering of 104,747 lamps and the distribution of 8,656 plates of prasadam.
The Damodara Month initiative, inspired by HH Srila Jaya
If I didn’t wheel my suitcase down the city streets to Union Station from the ashram, a distance just shy of a 5 kilometre mark, I might not have put any walking in for the day. I felt to almost be in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. Traffic was not nil, but quiet. For a good part, I stuck to the bike lane where you don’t have these cuts in the concrete. I arrived just after 6 am, and in a nice way, tuckered out, ready to plop down on the comfy train seat. With my japa meditation complete and pr
Answer Summary: By contemplating how meditation is where the biggest action is.
Answer: Action is what catches our attention. For example, in a cricket test match, when the action slows down as the batsmen start playing defensively, our interest sags. But when the action rises – the bowler delivers a googly that clean bowls the batsman or the batsman hits a huge six, for example – then our attention peaks effortlessly.
A break that we don’t need?
When it comes to meditation, we often think of it