Uday, Navi and I went for that evening walk for a visit to Vallabha Hari, who’s working on a speech/interview on the topic of Diwali. We passed by a captivating sculptor piece of a homeless, dying person. It is making a strong statement as to where people are situated in an urban despair. While I’m taken by the wonderful artistic craftsmanship in the victim’s pose and the marvellous rendering of the blanket’s folds and ripples, it does invoke a heart pulling. There is a need here to pay attenti
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Padayatra reached Chitrakoot on 24th June and we stayed at Chitrakoot around 12-13 days. Keeping the padayatra chariot there, we went to Pandharpur for the Vyas Puja of our spiritual master Lokanath Maharaja. When Uttar Pradesh Padayatra visited Chitrakoot they had to struggle a lot for their stay, they had to pay Rs. 1000 per day. So we were little worried, But Lord shows the day. We visited the same dharmashala where we had stayed 10 years back during our last round to Chitrakoot and by
An Exceptional Visionary of Contemporary Times:
Remembering H.H. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami on his 86th appearance anniversary
by Jaganmohini devi dasi
On the auspicious day of Sri Odana Sasthi, Dec. 18th, 2023, the disciples, servants and wellwishers of H.H. Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami will be celebrating his 86th Vyasa puja around the world. On this special day, we are remembering maharaj as an exceptional visionary whose contribution to science and humanity continues to stand as a beacon,
By Mantra Caitanya Dasa
On December 7th, Kunti Devi Dasi, ISKCON’s Interreligious Dialogue representative in Brasil, was invited to speak at an event that brought together judges and justices from the Regional and Federal Courts of Justice in Rio de Janeiro. The auspicious occasion was held at the feet of the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue, a colossal Christian monument atop the Corcovado mountain overlooking Rio. The theme of the gathering was “justice,” and it featured representatives fro
Many people go in life on a drab routine hoping for a breath of fresh air, some break. For me, I get it all the time. I’m blessed.
Cuban born Ganganath, and I, are embarking on my yearly trip to the land of controversy. Of course, there’s sun, sand, good weather (at this time of year) and sweet people. We are anticipating to touch some nice souls. To do that Ganga stuffed our suitcase with beautiful gifts – books. Those books are bricks of gold. We have Spanish and English versions of books
In a ground-breaking initiative to promote and celebrate Vaishnava research and literature, Mandala Publishing and the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) have collaborated to co-publish “The Vaishnava Studies Series,” a unique endeavour with a multi-dimensional approach aiming to showcase the most recent and impactful research on Vaishnavism. The publishers are thrilled to announce the latest addition to this ongoing series—a 172-page book entitled “Madan Mohan: An Enchanting Saga.”
Released in
For the past fifteen years, ISKCON Tucson has been serving the city’s unhoused with a healthy seven-course meal along with the chanting of the holy name.
The monthly prasadam distribution, which includes kirtan, is part of a partnership with Southside Presbyterian’s “Cross Streets Community” initiative. The CSC program is a multi-faceted outreach to the unhoused population of Tucson that offers hot meals, showers, laundry services, haircuts, a clothing room, and a place to feel safe and loved.
From what I can see, Cubans are readers. After Ganganath and I took our dip in the ocean (a 30 min. one when we chanted our morning mantras), we met some workers. The first one was a painter, friendly as you can get. His warm-heatedness earned him our gift of the Bhagavad Gita. The second recipient was another local Cuban, with tools in his hands. This guy had torquoise eyes like the colour of the water we were in and had a build like warrior Arjuna. Was he ever overwelwhelmed by the beautiful
Food for All-UK, famous for its courageous food distribution in areas plagued by natural disasters or war, recently distributed thousands of Srila Prabhupada’s books to some of the nearly 250 schools in the Vrindavan area.
FFA-UK Director Parasuram Das, who has been personally offering this generous service in India for 35 years, said, “We aim to install a set of Srimad Bhagavatams in each school, as well as to give each teacher a Bhagavad Gita, each older child a medium size book, and a pocket
BBC Radio 2’s Pause for Thought episode “Wherever I Serve” was presented by devotee Nimai Devi Dasi (Nima Suchak) on the UK network. Her reflection, which begins with a simple Temple floor tile, explores her treasured place of pilgrimage, ISKCON’s Bhaktivedanta Manor, and the 50th anniversary of the installation of Radha Gokulananda.
“I’m very proud to call Bhaktivedanta Manor my spiritual home and have faith that the legacy of George Harrison’s gift will continue to serve many generations,” sa
I would say that one devotee, Krishna Surya, 54, is one of the more committed persons to bhakti in Cuba. He is a steady 16 rounder, as we say. Two hours he dedicates to mantra meditation while committed to his family, wife and teenage daughter. I recommended to him to read several books of Prabhupada, all in Spanish, of course. These books are the Bhagavad Gita, Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, and Srimad Bhagavatam. This will prepare him for his second initiation.
Krishna Sur
As the autumn leaves gracefully, we are reminded of the approaching winter season and the divine festival of Odana Sasthi. This joyous occasion is a celebration of new beginnings, symbolized by the offering of new clothes to Lord Jagannath, marking the commencement of the winter season.
Odana Sasthi is not just a festival; it's a moment in time when the spirit of devotion permeates the air, and the hearts of devotees resonate with love for the Supreme Lord. It is a time of joy, gratitude, and a
The Indian Parliament passed the much-awaited data privacy legislation known as the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDPA) in August 2023. It has received the President’s assent and has been published in the official gazette. However, various provisions of the DPDPA have not come into force as yet as its implementation is to be carried out in a phased manner. Recently Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar said that the accompanying rules of the DPDPA are ready and will be notified by e
Generally people think love to be some sort of romantic feeling.
But is that true love?
I don't think so.
Actually there is no love in this material world. Everyone just want to satisfy his lusty desire and his senses from each other by exploiting others. As prabhupada used to say. "You scratch my skin I scratch your skin", "I gratify your sences you gratify my sences".That's all and as soon as the gratification of the sences stop. There is a separation, breakup or a divorce.That is the nature of
By Acarya dasa (All India Padayatra leader)
Radhastami is a special occasion for padayatris: it is the birthday of Srimati Radharani as well as our All India Padayatra, which has now turned thirty-nine years of age.
Padayatra was inaugurated on Radhastami 1984 at Dwaraka and since then has completed seven rounds of India, walking and preaching all over the subcontinent. It’s going on nonstop, and whatever difficulties are encountered we try to overcome by the mercy of guru and Gauranga. It’s a
Leading up to the much-anticipated temple opening in Ayodhya on January 22, 2024, ISKCON is organizing a series of events in Ayodhya and the rest of the country to take the teachings of Lord Rama to every household.
One notable example is ISKCON’s Sri Rama Padayatra which commenced its 41-day journey to Ayodhya from East of Kailash, Delhi with a grand inauguration in the presence of Smt Meenakshi Lekhi (Union Minister of State for Foreign Affairs & Culture), Shri Ashwini Kumar Chaubey (Union Mi
On December 9th, ISKCON devotees joined representatives from other faiths (Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, and Hindu) at the annual interfaith gathering held at the Sanctuary of Truth in Pattaya, Thailand. They offered kirtan for the thousands in attendance and provided prasadam and Srila Prabhupada’s books in booths at the event.
The annual interfaith gathering honoring Thailand’s King was held on the day before the Pattaya Ratha Yatra. Pattaya, a popular coastal city in Thailand, is known
Sounds like the name of an Indigenous girl
Perhaps appropriate as a precious pearl
It’s not a mammal, bird, rock, or tree
You’re getting close if you say “herbal tea”
It’s something satisfying to the appetite
Yummy to the tummy to the very last bite
It’s a food preparation – *kichari*
The problem is, between you and me
It suffers from a bad reputation
A poor man’s food is ithttp://www.dandavats.com/?p=112240s qualification
When you go to an eastern monastery
Whether April, June, or January
Radha Govinda das and Kishori Yogini dasi took a group of 23 seekers around South India to explore the deep spiritual culture, ancient temples and majestic elephants with a focus on the timeless practise of Bhakti Yoga, devotion to Lord Krishna. From Udupi, to the beautiful forest of Coorg and then to the city of Mysore in time for Diwali!
The Krishna Wisdom department of Bhaktivedanta Manor focuses on delivering spiritual experiences and developing lasting friendships with individuals compl
By Parasuram das
Nitai Doya Prabhu heads up the school distribution team in the Vrindavan area. There are 240 schools and our aim is to install a set of Srimad Bhagavatams in each school. As well as giving each teacher a Bhagavad Gita and each older child a medium size book, and a pocket size book for the younger children.
The teachers use Srila Prabhupada’s books as text books.
Annually 180,000 books are distributed.
On the banks of Radha Kund, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarawati Maharaja instructed