
Hare Krishna,Respected Jagadatma Das Prabhuji, Maral Alim Mataji, Manoj Kumar Bika Prabhuji, Shravan Prabhuji, Saci Gaura Sundara Das Prabhuji... It is very pleasing to see you all replying enthusiastically to the queries of all devotees, writing KC blogs and guiding everyone.. we are fortunate to have your association.. All glories to you all.. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad...Hari Haribol...........

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  • Volunteer

    If you want to know Krishna, you must share Krishna.

    I was searching for the verse that explains it. Perhaps a devotee can quote it here.

    Such a trickster Krishna is.

    Thats why performing Nagar Sankirtana is so important... because you are giving the Holy Name (who is Krishna Himself) to others and you too will have Krishna (darshan, as sound vibration).

  • Hare Krsna Jagadatma Das Prabhuji, Maral Alim Mataji, Manoj Kumar Bika Prabhuji, Shravan Prabhuji, Saci Gaura Sundara Das Prabhuji

    We seriously like the way you all have been helping us.
    Please keep your association and company for neophytes like us.
    Thank you.
    May Gaur Nitai shower their special blessing on you all
  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    The queries of the devotees here has given me the opportunity to learn a lot,  for each query we get to immerse ourselves into the vedas and seek the answers.  If it wasn't for Prabhupada and his Guru and the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu...  I would have been drowning in ignorance.  By serving the vaishnavas, Krishna has helped me with knowledge of Himself and an opportunity to serve Him eternally.  All Glories to Prabhupada and all the Great Vaishnavas... your insignificant servant.. 




  • Volunteer
    Hare Krishna Sanjay Bailur Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    not a leaf moves if there is no the sanction of God there, isn't it?!
    so there is no need to be proud of anything we do, or we have. Everything comes from Krishna and everything belongs to Him.
    But You as a Devotee wanted to glorify others, thank You for inspiring us!
    Why You also use Your medical knowledge in the preaching? Yes, why not? For example, if a doctor says or write articles about eating Prasadam ordinary people will easily accept that.
    Each of us have something to share with. Krishna gave a particular talent to each of us.
    Because of that let s move all together and help people!!!
    Your servant,
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