
  • Volunteer
    Dear devotee Hare Krsna, Krsna consciousness means being soder.
    In sanskrit it is called dhira, to have some gravity of thought, to be serious.
    Persons who are attracted to intoxication of any kind are not serious about spiritual life.
    We are already intoxicated with the mode of passion wanting to be the enjoyer
    so why put more intoxication?
    This will only blind us more and more to the purpose of our lives.
    Alcohol is like a poison that reduces the bodies reflexes and dulls the brain.
    In this state the mind is altered and percieves the world differently.
    Marijurana LSD Cocaine Tobacco and other intoxicants impair the perception and create a false feeling of security and halucination.
    Bewildered some think that these halucinations a spiritual and are mislead in this way.

    From Srimad Bhagavatam we hear that this intoxication is one of the four pillars of sinful life and leads to the hardening of the heart.
    Such hard hearted persons can perform all kinds of abominable sinful activity and are a cause of suffering for everyone.
    The devotees therefore refrain from all types of intoxicants and encorage everyone to live a life free from such degrading influences. Hare Krsna
  • Volunteer
    Intoxication is forbidden in many religions because, it changes one's judgement. People intoxicated will do things which they would not otherwise do if sober.
    As simple at best, as talking stupid .... or making babies out of wedlock... all the way to killing someone, perhaps at worst.
    In the United states, 50% of all deaths on freeway are caused by drunk drivers.
    Over 1.5 million children are born out of wedlock every year. Believe it or not there is hunger in the United States and plenty of homeless too. Most of the parents of hungry children are alcoholics... same with the homeless.. most are alcoholics.
    There is nothing sexy about drinking alcohol in real life.
    Sex is associated with alcohol, so stupid people go buy beer!!
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