Can you reach love through understanding?

If you love, understanding will come. Both ways. Some of us here understand nicely—no one understands perfectly—but even a person who does not understand Krishna due to strong material attachments—is given intelligence in order to understand Him.(by Srila Prabhupada)

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  • Hari bol! I am in love with how easily my dear Guru His divine Grace explains issues to a lesser intelligent people like me. This is very much true mataji..the Lord himsleves states this also:


    tesham satata yuktanaam
    bbhajatam prtiti purvakam
    dhadami buddhi yogam tam
    yena maam upayanti te

    Translation by his divine grace: To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

    Hari bol!
  • Volunteer
    Hare Krsna,

    His divine grace, A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has given explanations on this topic in several books, especially the Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-Gita.

    From the Srimad Bhagavatam, 2nd Canto:
    "Our intelligence in the present conditioned state of life is impure due to being engaged in sense gratification. The
    result of meditation on the transcendental form of the Lord will be manifested by one's detachment from sense gratification. Therefore, the ultimate purpose of meditation is purification of one's intelligence."

    "Perfect intelligence is to render service unto the Lord. One should be intelligent enough to understand that the living
    being is, in all circumstances, a servant of the circumstances. Every living being is serving the dictates of desire, anger, lust, illusion, insanity and enviousness--all materially affected. But even while executing such dictations of different temperaments, he is perpetually unhappy. When one actually feels this and turns his intelligence to
    inquiring about it from the right sources, he gets information of the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Instead of serving materially for the above mentioned different humors of the body, the living entity's intelligence then becomes freed from the unhappy illusion of materialistic temperament, and thus, by unalloyed intelligence, the mind
    is brought into the service of the Lord."

    "people with desires for material enjoyment worship small demigods, and such intelligence is condemned in the Bhagavad-gita (7.20) as hrta jnana, the intelligence of one who has lost his senses. One cannot obtain any result from demigods without getting sanction from the Supreme Lord. Therefore a person with a broader outlook can see that the ultimate authority is the Lord, even for material benefits. Under the circumstances, one with a broader outlook,
    even with the desire for material enjoyment or for liberation, should take to the worship of the Lord directly."

    "An intelligent person can detect the awkward position of material existence and thus begin to inquire as to
    what he is, why he is subjected to different kinds of miseries, and how to get rid of all miseries, and thus, by good association, an advanced intelligent person can turn towards the better life of self-realization.
    It is advised, therefore, that an intelligent person associate with the great sages and saints who are on the path of salvation. By such association, one can receive instructions which are able to slacken the
    conditioned soul's attachment for matter, and thus the intelligent man gradually gets rid of the illusion of matter and false ego and is promoted to the real life of eternity, knowledge and bliss."

    "Attainment of love of Godhead means complete freedom from all other attractions. The conditioned soul has many aspirations such as becoming a religious man, a rich man, or a first-class enjoyer or becoming God
    himself, or becoming powerful like the mystics and acting wonderfully by getting anything or doing anything, but all these aspirations should be rejected by the prospective devotee who actually wants to revive his
    dormant love of God. The impure devotee aspires after all of the abovementioned material things by perfection of devotion. But a pure devotee has none of the tinges of the above contaminations, which are the influence of material desires, impersonal speculations and attainment of mystic powers. One can attain the stage of love of God by pure devotional service, or by "a learned labor of love," for the sake of the devotee's lovable object, the Personality of Godhead."

    "The bhakti-yoga process is practiced by the devotees in different methods like hearing, chanting, remembering, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, worshiping, praying, rendering service in love, becoming friendly, and offering all that one may possess. All nine methods are bona fide methods, and either all of them, some of them or
    even one of them can bring about the desired result for the sincere devotee. But out of all the nine different methods, the first one, namely hearing, is the most important function in the process of bhakti-yoga.
    Without hearing sufficiently and properly, no one can make any progress by any of the methods of practice. And for hearing only, all the Vedic literatures are there, compiled by authorized persons like Vyasadeva, who is the powerful incarnation of Godhead. And since it has been ascertained that the Lord is the Supersoul of everything, He should therefore be heard and glorified everywhere and always. That is the special duty of the human being. When the human being gives up the process of hearing about the all-pervading personality of Godhead, he becomes victim to
    hearing rubbish transmitted by man-made machines."

    Hari Bol,
  • Volunteer
    The more you learn about Krishna the more you will love Him. When you learn about Krishna, just learn. Not judge Him... simply learn. Reading KRSNA book is a good way to learn about the Lord. To a devotee, what ever the Lord does is just wonderful.
  • Jai Shri Krishna..

    Those that disrespect Vaishnavas, those that disrespect Krishna.. have no clue of the position of Krishna or His devotees. By coming to understand their position towards Krishna and His Vaishnavas, they start loving Him and His Vaishnavas..

  • Volunteer
    Dear devotee Hare Krsna, sometimes a devotee may not study the books of Srila Prabhupada so well because they are not so inteligent.
    But it is seen that they serve very sincerely and by the mercy of Krsna, the caitya guru within the heart they advance in bhakti, love for Krsna.
    They are the ones who wil listen to Krsna katha with great faith and the learned devotees are the ones who speak Krsna katha in parampara.
    Both the uneducated and the highly learned devotees become free from all material attachments by hearing and chanting the Name .fame , qualities and pastimes of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna.
    There are so many examples of this in shastra like the sages at Naimasaranya putting questions to Suta Goswami.
    So Krsna mercifuly aranges that these devotees come together to hear His glories and achieve the ultimate goal of life, love of God, Krsna prema.
    And this hearing and chanting is going on and on, eternaly. Hare Krsna
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