Krishna (4351)

Surrender and sin

Hare Krsna!

In the 'The Laws of Nature: An Infallible Justice' , Srila Prabhupada say that:

'Because we have had so many lives in this material world, we are suffering under heaps of sinful reactions. But as soon as you surrender to Krsna, He immediate

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Daughters of Krsna

Hare Krsna!

Please accept humble obesience! All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I was reading on Krsna's family. One place in Bhagavatam I found he had only one daughter - Charumati (from Rukmini), however it is mentioned elsewhere on internet that HE had

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Presence of Krishna........

Hare Krishna all,


All glories to Srila prabhupada !

All glories to my gurudev !

All glories to Yamuna mataji !

           I was watching some photos of worlds oldest temples probably older than some of the indian temples and I didn't find any simil

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Sleeping on Ekadashi

Hare Krishna,

I am keeping ekadashi today with great faith and without taking any food or water!

I just realiazed that at about 2 in the afternoon today I accidently dozed off while working on my computer. I think this was for 10 mins!

Have I cancelled

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Hare Krishna, PAMHO

I have a dilemma

I was following all the regulative principles for a long time and I felt like I was moving in the right direction. Something happened though and I tripped up in my practice and have not been able to get back on trac

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hare krishna.

dear all devotees

i want to ask one questions wat is punishment of life.if i made a mistake in life y should my family suffers wat is the rule of krishna to punish me

wats my family mistake y they suffer for me,y they hear bad or abused la

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The Maha Mantra.

I can feel the power of MahaMantra. My belief in Krsna has increased these days as I have

received some answer from the Lord itself in a different way. Although my chanting is not 

that great and regular but I feel that is the only way of communication

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Reading thorugh chapters after chapters of the book - 'The Science Of Self Realization', I feel more and more urge inside. Will someone suggest how part of initiation process and complete set of pre-conditions. Also how will initiation help serve bet

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Help me understand it.

Hare Krishna

Here is a quote from Vishnu Purana (5.33.46)

"yo harih sa sivah saksad yah sivah sa svayam harih
ye tayor bhedamati sthan narakaya bhave nnarah "

TRANSLATION: Whoever is Lord Hari, He Himself is Lord Shiva indeed. Whoever is manifesting as L

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