
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna!!! I understand your feelings!!!But Krishna is supreme bliss personified.Once you attain Him, all your griefs and pains will be erased. Here is a brilliant reply from Bhaktin Maral mataji, '

    We had billion mothers and fathers, we also were billion times mothers and fathers. In this way with which parents You want to meet...

    Soul does not have any relatives. The moment it leaves the body the relationships also stopped.' Individual souls have an eternal relationship with Krishna and no body else.Try to revive that relationship through chanting. Come out from this spell of Maya, embrace Krishna and the vacuum in your life will be filled with bliss!!! 

    • Thank Gourab Saha      Hare Krishna

      Yes, which one of my billion mothers and fathers do I want to meet? Very good question. I know I have to learn how to tolerate the material miseries without becoming disturbed. That's my problem. I am always disturbed.

      • Hare Ksrna!

        In Hinduism, it is generally accepted that souls meet their own relations of previous life or some extremely deep connection who may not be related.

        Hari Bol!

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna!!! Krishna is closest to every individual soul!!!Krishna is our closest one, not just in this life but in every life!!!He is closer than seemingly close ones!!  Why not try to reunite with Him???

    • Hare Krishna

      I would like to reunite with Lord Krishna. However, my heart is broken with the thought that I may not meet my parents again in my next life. I am hoping that souls in a previous life will have a tendency to meet again in the next life. I believe that in my next life, I will be born into a Hare Krishna family. After my cats die, I am praying that it will be my turn to die.

      • Volunteer

        Hare Krishna dear Pandora Hinson Mataji, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

        Even if we meet our relatives we will hardly recognize them because they will be in different bodies. who knows maybe our children were our parents in previous life...?

        or our husband or wife was our enemy in previous life?...

        We had billion mothers and fathers, we also were billion times mothers and fathers. In this way with which parents You want to meet...

        Soul does not have any relatives. The moment it leaves the body the relationships also stopped. 


        i remember one mataji who was married to a Muslim man used to cook even non veg. food for her family members. But she is a Devotee, chants her 16 rounds, reads...and went to His Holiness Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami Maharaja to get blessings that in the next life to take birth in the Vaishnava family.

        Maharaja told that there is no time! You should not take birth again and initiated her with the name Rasaamrita Murti Devi dasi.

        in this way, please, do not worry! the path of Bhakti is so powerful that anyone can achieve love for Godhead Krishna.

        We have just to learn the science of crying and begging for unconditional mercy.

        Your servant, 

        • Thanks Bhaktin Maral.

          My jobs have  me so exhausted that I am too tired to even think about my spiritual life.

          I hope Lord Krishna will find me a roomate soon so I can quit my 2nd job.  I am hoping to get my spiritual life back soon. I really appreciate your kindness and concern.





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