
  • Matajee, my question is related to step between leaving this body and getting another.

    Hai Bol!

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    2538362965?profile=originalAnd let the whole World wait! 

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    Hare Krishna Sharanagat Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    it depends in our present deeds. If we live sinful life then we will be taken to particular Hell planet. If we live in passion - being too much attached to family life, worldly problems then we will be given chance to take birth in the Earth planet, if we do pious acts we will be taken to some particular Heavenly planets.

    But if we worship Krishna we will be taken to Goloka Vrindavan.

     I am surprised, why still You do not read Srila Prabhupada's Books in order. i am sure that You are reading them but in order to understand them correctly we have to read starting with Bhagavad Gita, Shrimad Bhagavatam 1-2-3...

    then only 10th Canto.

    And when we read we have to pray and to pray Krishna and Srila Prabhupada to give us proper intelligence to understand those books.

    We may read and think of "oh here Krishna killed Hiranyaksha with toe but here it says with finger...Krishna hold up Govardhan Hill with left hand but somewhere says finger........"

    will these things increase our desire to chant??????? Yes of course these Lilas are very important but the main point is to understand that i am spirit soul - the servant of Krishna and my main duty is to chant His names.

     Dear Sharanagat Prabhu, please, we took this human body after billions of lives because of that no time to loose! We have to take this path seriously reading Srila Prabhupada's books, attentively chanting, associating with Devotees and serving to them.

    about next life You can read (but again better to start with the first Canto) 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

    For example, i like to read books on the roof under the shade, near the Tulasi, and with the loud voice so that i can hear it. If i do not have hard copy i read in my computer with soft background music (again loudly). When i read Srimad Bhagavatam i feel that i am not loosing my time. But when i do something else i start to trouble that i am loosing my time.

    Your humble servant,  

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