Presence of Krishna........

Hare Krishna all,


All glories to Srila prabhupada !

All glories to my gurudev !

All glories to Yamuna mataji !

           I was watching some photos of worlds oldest temples probably older than some of the indian temples and I didn't find any similarity between them and indian temples. They don't have any form of krishna and other demi gods carved on them and there is nothing comparable to indian temples. Does this mean people of that part of world are not aware of krishna and krishna is only known to indians ? If so what is the reason. Why their philosophy is different even though they belong to the same time frame of our history, what could be the reason. One more question, why two handed form of krishna is worshipped in north india where as south indians worship 4 handed form. 

Your Servant


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    Hare Krishna Aakash Menon Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    yesterday i wrote almost half A4 page answer to this question of You but mistakenly on the place of ctrl A + ctrl C i did ctrl A and ctrl V and everything was deleted without return...:-O Anyways Krishna is the source of our remembrance, forgetfulness and everything. we just the instruments.


     For example, there are Daityas (Demons) and Demigods. In previous ages these two types of people used to live in a different planets. By the time they started to appear in the same planet. Then later even in same continents, then in same countries, in same towns, in same families, even in same person as like "a bad dog" and "a good dog" in the heart.

    In this way it is right when You say that in some parts of the World some people did not worship Krishna.

    also few months before we talked about Egypt pyramids, we told that they were built by pururavas but few weeks ago i heard in the lecture that the now scientists found that pyramids were constructed more than 20 000 years ago.

    There was time when Lord Parashurama killed 22 times kshatriya generations. after that kshatriya women begot children from learned brahmanas and again peace was established on the Earth.

    everyone used to know their own position. for example, man eaters used to live far in the forests, dog eaters, untouchables lived far away from the cities, vaishas used to live in their own vaisha cities, kshatriyas in their, brahmanas in this way some were Devotees of Krishna some were not. But those who were not qualified with good qualities did not have right to take ruling positions. so they did not have much power.

    But degradation is that when unqualified people stand in the head of the society-the problem is in this.

    There won't be time when everybody will become pure Devotees. No. but the progress will be when pure Devotee rules the kingdom.

    But 5000 years ago Demons again started to attack the Earth Planet because it was progressing. demons like to rob something ready.

    Then Demigods went to Lord Vishnu and prayed to do something. He told that You - Demigods also take birth among people and when You arrange everything I will personally appear. 

    In this way Demogids appeared in the Yadu Dynasty, 16000 Apsaras, Pandavas - previous Indras...

    also Demons in the family of Dhritarashtra, Jarasandhu...


    In Mahabharata when King Yudhishtra wanted to perform Horse sacrifice all 4 brothers went to 4 sides of the world and fought with other kingdoms. You can listen these lectures : 

    Very interesting and You will find many answers to Your questions about the history of mankind.    


    Sri Rangam and Sri Vrindavan Dham do not belong to any country any any universe of this material world. In Sri Rangam mostly people worship to Lakshmi Narayana, they are from Sri Sampradaya.

    But in Sri Vrindavan Dham Devotees worship to Radha and Krishna. and we are in the sampradaya which comes from Lord Brahma.

    Each person already has his/her own swarupa in the Spiritual world. And accordingly in this life one is inclined towards particular Form of the Lord. As like in the Journey Home book of His Holiness Srila Radhanatha Swami Maharaja we know, for some times he was with Rama Bhaktas. They used to have Rama Katha every evening. But unfortunately it was in Hindi. and Maharaja wanted to understand it but couldn't. but after classes he used to ask his friend who knew English to translate the lecture.

    But that Rama Bhakta used to say about Krishna who used to steal butter. one time second time third time...whenever Maharaja asked to translate he used to repeat the same story. then Maharaja became upset and cried that as if his friend is joking with him. then his friend told that his Gurudev requested him not to speak about Lord Rama to this Monk but only about Krishna because he is Krishna Bhakta not Rama bhakta :-)

    Your servant, 

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