Krishna (4351)

Only Krsna Is The Controller

There is a nice story, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura in his temple where he was staying in Calcutta in 1930, sannyasis and brahmacaris were going out everyday and collecting alms, they were collecting food, grains, not cooked food but grain

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Addicted to Fault Finding

“Look within. Amend yourself rather than pry into the frailties of others.” These are the words of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.

Fault finding is natural for the conditioned soul. We don’t have to learn how to do it or take training to get

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hare krsna evry1......

i jst read a discussion on bal gopal ji's pooja nd was shocked...................i dint knew dat v shud nt worship him instead i toh worship him daily doesnt mean i consider him as ma child infact i consider him ma beloved .....

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According to scriptures we can find that in moon planet is presided by demigod soma and people there have a life time of 10000 years. but modern scientists say there is no life on moon because they have not fo

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Hari Bol!

I have seen power of MahaMantra. I never thought that a Mantra can be this powerful. I cannot disclose much here as it is public forum but will give some peek into what I felt while chanting.

I am married person. I was having big issue in mar

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hare krishna

Through a short practice of yoga & enchanting Lord krishna's name only , I got a unexplainable

feeling of peace & Positivity.

Kindly provide further guide lines/books need for a devotee.

hare krishna hare krishna

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Bal Gopal Worship!

Please Accept my most humble obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gurudeva & Gauranga.Hare KrishnaI was recently given a deity of Bal Gopal. He is eating sweets and smiling. I feel great attachment to this merciful form of Sri Krishna. I k

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