Hare Krsna!

    Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

       Last night I saw a very interesting dream. Normally I don't see spiritual dreams. That's why I am very curious about the meaning.
I woke up early in the morning and then I fall a sleep again, and that's when I saw this dream. My son who is 1,5 years old was sleeping near to me with a very high fever and we had
a difficult time that night.

      In my dream, I saw a goswami from our disciplic succession and I don't know who He was, maybe a personality that doesn't exist but in my dream He was a goswami from our disciplic succession. He was only middle age, with pinkish dhoti and with one beautiful garland. I don't remember His face. He had brown curly hair.

     We were in a ship I guess. I was following Him behind His back and I continuously tried to offer obeisances. I was always bowing down infront of Him and I was saying please let me
offer my obeisances unto You. I was taking the dust under His feet with my fingers and putting the dust unto my forehead. Suddenly he started to bless me. And he came close to me and through my head he made some signs in the air which I don't really know the meaning and I bowed down again in front of Him and  a big energy passed right inside my body like a punch. That punch and that energy passing into my body was real. It wasn't a dream. When i woke up I was still feeling it in my body.

    After He gave me that powerful blessing, He fainted and he fell down. Just before falling down He whispered my name and I hold Him in my arms. I didn't let Him fall down.
Then He turned into pieces of scriptures. I placed these papers/scriptures in my Bhagavad-Gita and in a short while these scriptures/papers between the pages of my Bhagavad-Gita turned into a little (one year old) child. I was holding the child in my arms knowing that He is the goswami and I knew that I should take care of this child.

   At the same time I was thinking anxiously how am I going to explain to my husband that now we have a new family member to take care of when he returns from work.

  Then I woke up. When I controlled the fever of my son, I noticed that the fever has dropped and he got away with the fever.

p.s. I don't think that my son is this goswami because according to his jyotish chart my son is coming from Brahma-loka with a knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, so I don't believe that my son is this exalted personality that I saw in my dream, although we never know anything about nothing.

Your servant,

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  • pamho and convey my regards to your child.

    may he live fit & fine and goes back to godhead in this very life.

    mostly deams are outcomes of different experiences we go through life as you live your life arround devotees and family dream was having all these things and you can take this easily. we dream in dream(material life).

    Be K.C. ..........................


    • Volunteer

      i agree with Nilesh Prabhuji,

      There are so many dreams which we see. Some of them are really impressing some are only takes our time by contemplating upon them.

      For example, to day how interesting i saw how one person - scientist in order to do experiment just took alive goat and cut its skins ...:( and i started to cry...but i do not know for what reason i saw it. It was horrible. 


      Our duty is to be in the present time which means ALWAYS REMEMBER KRISHNA & NEVER FORGET HIM.

      Your servant,

  • "according to his jyotish chart my son is coming from Brahma-loka"

    I wonder which branch of jotish says about your past life? I have gone through many chart and never saw it saying any thing about previous birth.. (I shouldn't be that confident. by next week I verify it with some learnt person)

    I have hard a story on Prabhupada Where a Devotee got to know from a Jotish that he was a Peacock in Speritual World, after hearing that he started to imitate peacock, later seeing this Prabhupada joked and asked wheather that devotee had shoulder problem.

    I Don't Know what happens at your place But In my place there are 1000s of cheaters who play with human emotions (they will say what you want to hear, to fetch your appreciation)

    • one can refer Brghu samhita system where one can know about past , present and little bit of future also. i also know how to make calculations for brighu readings in case you wants to know pls share your birth details such as dob,time and place only then i will tell u manythings about ur present, past and future. but my intension is to point that astrology is good science and we should be convince that destiny is there but krishna can change destiny if we surrender ***************************

    • Hare Krsna!

      Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

      Yes, it is possible. There must be 16 divisional charts and as far as know one of these divisions address one's past life matters which is called shashtyamsa or the D60 chart.

      But personally I think that who we were in the past life is not really important. The reality is, we are here and I hope we can find a solution to this problem of being here in this material world.

      (Past lives is not the subject of my message. If I created that impression, I am really sorry, that wasn't what I meant)

      Your servant,

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