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A nice letter I got by Adikarta Das


This is a nice letter I got today. If we don’t go out they will never know.
Hare Krishna my friend,
We met a few days ago while I was walking out of class at Florida state. I’m the young man who knew the mantra already and knew about George Harrison, the musician. I just wanted to tell you how much that conversation meant to me. I’m quite the pessimist but even for me it’s hard to believe our meeting was just coincidence. I have been a huge Beatles fan and more specifically a George Harrison fa

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GBC Resolutions 2024


Dear Devotees,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The 2024 GBC AGM Resolutions have been released at the below link:

Please click the bottom link for 2024.

The GBC will continue to meet online during the year and will process other
proposals that were not able to be covered during the AGM. These will also
be published in due course.

Hare Krishna.

Your servant,

Ananda Tirtha Das
(GBC Corresponding Secretary)


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There is a new sankirtan sensation in New Zealand that is creating a fire of enthusiasm and camaraderie in the community. It is called the “One Book A Day” challenge (OBAD) and was initiated by Bhakta Jordan from The Loft Outreach Centre in Auckland. 

Bhakta Jordan himself first came in contact with Krishna Consciousness through book distribution. His sister came home after meeting a sankirtan devotee in a car park and brought him back a Chant and Be Happy. After reading a few chapters, he star

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Though it is Easter weekend, a time of sacredness for Christian brethren, in Durban this time slot is also holy for Krishna followers. The festival of Jaganath, a name for Lord meaning Lord of the Universe, the local point for Durbanites of Krishna (and the whole country of bhaktas) has become the opportunity to praise the Supreme. There are a number of heroes I met today that took the lead in such praises over this blessed weekend.

Craid Lucas, a winner for the major talent show in South Afric

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From Back to Godhead

What is the effect of chanting Hare Krishna?

The names of the Lord in the maha-mantra Hare, Krishna, and rama are invested with His full potencies. Singing God’s names, therefore, is to contact Him through the medium of transcendental sound. Thus, the effect of chanting is the same as the effect of directly associating with the Lord. The following beautiful verse, written by Lord caitanya, describes the seven effects the Hare Krishna mantra has on chanters.


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From Back to Godhead

If God is inconceivable, as the scriptures state, can we really know anything about Him?

Sri Isopanisad states that Krsna is simultaneously very far away and very close. The Vedic scripturesencourage us: The best way to know Krsna and bring Him closer is to hear about Him.

As we open any book about Krsna, we’ll immediately feel the richness of the clear and scientific knowledge it contains. We’ll also come to understand that Krsna is by nature inconceivable to finite beings

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After hearing so many complaints from so many devotees, Srila Prabhupada called a meeting of all the devotees. Practically all the devotees in the temple came into Srila Prabhupada’s room, and he listened very sympathetically to what every devotee had to say, and he was really concerned and wanted to improve things.

At one stage the GBC for India protested: “Srila Prabhupada, my only intention was to execute Your Divine Grace’s will.” And Prabhupada replied a little sarcastically, “Is it My Div

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Krishna’s Home Adult Care Tucson assisted living facility has shared the latest updates on their inspiring, first-of-its-kind project in North America that’s responding to the critical need for 24-hour Krishna-conscious care for aging devotees who have served Prabhupada’s mission for many decades. Project founders Chandrika Devi Dasi and Rama Nama Das describe their vision for the project, “At a crucial time of their lives, devotees will be able to practice bhakti and continue their engagement

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Aindra Prabhu and Mother Arca-vigraha


Sripada Aindra Prabhu’s appearance day, I share with you a sweet pastime involving him and my disciple Arca-vigraha Dasi, from Aindra: Kirtan Revolution by Kalachandji Das.

When the curtains opened one morning in the winter of 1989, Aindra was amazed by what he saw. Srimati Radharani’s eyes were newly painted. And they were incredible, more beautiful than ever. “Who painted them?” he asked Radha-Shyamasundar’s pujari Bhaktisiddhanta das.

“One of the brahmacharis,” Bhaktisiddhanta had replied.


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The outdoor cooking had been already going on for a few hours before I papped to check out the scene with the unsung heroes. The moon was directly above and clouds appear to kiss that heavenly body. The smoke from those pots of seasoned biryani was rising, perhaps to kiss the moon so well. In preparation for serving the masses at the Ratha Yatra on its first day of the long weekend tireless volunteers, men and women, rough-it-up in the wee hours of the morning. It is before the 4.30 arati and t

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"Being grateful is a state of consciousness, a state awakened awareness. Are we grateful for every breath we breathe?" - Radhanath Swami
Every opportunity that comes to us in life, we should learn to be grateful for. We can't take anything for granted. I recently got the opportunity to go to Mauritius and had a good experience there but, if it was not for Krishna's mercy, so many things could have gone wrong. It could have rained heavily and spoilt the experience. I could have got sick there
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Over Easter weekend, the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah, hosted thousands of guests for the 29th annual Festival of Colors. Many regard this annual celebration as the most iconic Holi celebration in the world, framed by the snow-capped Wasatch Range and the stunning Rajasthani-style temple.  

Holi Festivals, held around the world, are celebrations of new beginnings and the power of good over evil, drawn from several ancient Indian narratives. Appreciating the positivity and

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12421806258?profile=RESIZE_400xSukadeva Patita Pavan and I walked to the pier and naturally at it's edge you see nothing but waves of water forming those iconic curls and ending in a splash. The beach itself is unclean, noted by Patita. The city workers are on strike. Sukadeva remarked about the city and the country's issues. "Greed," was the big word he used. It's certainly a problem everywhere globally.

We are out here at the North Beach to browse but more so to get in a technical rehearsal for "The Age of Kali." The questi

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Govinda Ghosh was one of three brothers Govinda, Vasudev and Madhav, who were all dear associates of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu.

According to Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (188), Sri Govinda Ghosh is a sakhi named Kalavati in Goloka Vrindavan who beautifully sings songs composed by Srimati Vishakha Sakhi.

Govinda Ghosh, in Mahaprabhu’s lila, was a celebrated singer with a melodious voice. He, along with his brothers, was present in the kirtans at Srivas Angan, in the kirtan party

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Hearing His Holiness Niranjana Swami’s wonderful talk, I felt we were being elevated to the spiritual world. He quoted from Visnujana Maharaja. Visnujana had a program in which he went by boat along the Ganges River, in Bengal, and chanted the holy names all day, stopping at villages along the way and chanting and speaking and distributing books about Krsna. Once, when I was in Los Angeles recovering from being sick in India, Srila Prabhupada received an issue of Back to Godhead with an artic

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The Ramayana character Maricha was faced with choosing who would kill him.

By Chaitanya Charana Dasa

Knowing he’d be killed by Ravana or Rama, Maricha acted with spiritual knowledge, but worked against the purpose of such knowledge.

We all are going to die one day. This is one of life’s hardest truths – hard to endure and hard even to contemplate. Equipping us to face this reality, Gita wisdom explains that at our core we are eternal souls; death is an event that happens only to our bodies, no

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Hare Krishna Melbourne were invited to be a part of the Bendigo Easter Parade - and what a lovely experience it was!
We danced and paraded down View Street, Pall Mall, McCrae Street, and Bridge Street alongside other wonderful groups, bringing a sense of colour and celebration to the people of Bendigo over this holiday period.
We are so grateful for the invitation and had such a beautiful time at the parade, and being a part of the Bendigo community.
Enjoy some of the photos fro
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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

In the latest testament to its unwavering dedication to spiritual, cultural, and societal advancement, the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) in Kolkata, India, was honored with the prestigious Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Social Impact Award in the category of preserving intangible heritage on March 12th, 2024. The award was presented by the Honorable Governor of West Bengal, CV Anand Bose, with Balarama Lila Das, Head of Development, accepting this este

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To The Beach by Bhaktimarga Swami

12421564863?profile=RESIZE_400xI was not disdainful towards wearing any standard dhoti. I secured a pair of yogi pants because it was totally practical to use them for our practice. The Durban's version of "The Age of Kali" calls for a swivelling office chair for our leading man playing Kali and I was to demonstrate some fancy moves with the chair. Has anyone ever tried to go up and down a ladder with either a dhoti or sari? Not advisable! Some thing with an office chair on wheels.

Our troupe went on site to practice by Nort

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HG Caitanya Chandra prabhu a leading disciple of HH Gaura Govinda Mahraja left this world around 1:56 (IST) 30 March 2024
late night of the 29th March he was taken from the hospital in Bhavanesvara to Gadai Giri Temple where he has been the leader for many decades. Still alive although in a coma. on arrival all support was removed and for a few minutes he breathed on his own accord. After around 10 minutes he came out of coma and suddenly smiled. surrounded by hundreds of devotees chanting the

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