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Recreation counts by Bhaktimarga Swami


Kala from Box Acouncil, Mauritius arranges my programs when I’m here. It includes temple programs, home programs and usually cultural events in the country’s largest hall near Phoenix. This last one is put on hold since covid. But the one thing he puts on the agenda which is practically a necessity is recreation.

Each year he arranges for a group of us to go to Belle Mare for a walk in solitude at pre-dawn. We cover a 5Km distance which we accomplished this morning under cloudy skies. That w

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In 1895 Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura published in his “Sajjana-tosani” selected verses from “Śrī Prapannāmṛta”, a 12th century book by Sri Ananta Acarya, son of the great Kuresa, famous disciple and chief associate of Srila Ramanujacarya. The book contains valuable information and biographical accounts of the great founders of the Sri-sampradaya – Nathamuni, Yamunacarya and Ramanuja. It is stated in “Prapannāmṛta” in relation to Ramanujacarya’s birth:

caitre meṣe śukla-pakṣe pañcamyāṁ guru-vāsare

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In the year 1017 A.D. Sripad Ramanujacarya, a partial incarnation of Lord Ananta Shesha and Laxman appeared on the ‘sasthi’, sixth lunar mansion of the light fortnight in the month of Chaitra, (April-May). He made his appearance in South India, Tundiradesha, at Sriperumbudur, about half way between Kancipuram and Madras. His fathers’ name was Asuri Keshava Somayaji, also known as Sarvakratu Diksitar, who it is believed was either an advaitin, or a smarta. His mother was Kantimati, the grand dau

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Today is the appearance anniversary of Sripada Ramanujacharya, the principal acharya in the Sri, or Lakshmi, sampradaya. Srila Prabhupada wrote, “We find great shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Ramanujacharya because his lotus feet are the strongest fort to combat the Mayavadi philosophy.” (letter 22.11.1974) And in the early days of ISKCON in India, before we had Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Hindi, Prabhupada would refer people to read the Hindi edition of the Gita with Sri Rama

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In the year 1017 A.D., Ramanuja was born in the village of Perumbudur, about twenty-five miles west of Chennai. His father was Kesava Somayaji and his mother was Kantimathi, a very pious and virtuous lady. Quite early in life, Ramanuja lost his father. Then he came to Kancheepuram to prosecute his study of the Vedas under one Yadavaprakasha, a teacher of Advaita philosophy.

Ramanuja was a very brilliant student. Yadavaprakasha’s interpretations of Vedic texts were not quite up to his satisfact

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Sri Ramanujacarya Appearance


Sri Ramanujacarya’s Life History (By Sri Ubhaya Vedantha Anbil Ramaswamy)

Sri Ramanuja (1017 – 1137 CE), the most important philosopher-saint of Sri Vaishnavam and one of the most dynamic characters of Hinduism. He was a philosophical as well as a social reformer, displaying a catholicity that was nearly unparalleled in Hindu religious history before him. He revitalised Indian philosophy and popular religion so much that nearly every aspect of Hinduism has been influenced by his work. His life

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Vrndavana Vilasini was attached to a hippie life of independence but found that lifestyle to be no protection from painful events and the intense suffering they caused. In her travels around America, she met devotees, heard the holy name, and took prasada. Finally, she ended up back in Seattle, Washington, her hometown.
One day, I was visiting the Seattle temple when the president, Makhanlal, said to me, “Do you want to meet someone who loves God more than anyone else?” I said, “Sure!” A little

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By the mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga, ISKCON Amravati has successfully organized its fifth annual Vaishnavi padayatra. Every year, they arrange a Vaishnavi padayatra to be on or around International Women’s Day, which is observed on March 8th. March is also a special month for devotees because Gaura-purnima mahamohotsava. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s advent occurred to spread the holy name, and padayatris also try to do the same.

Their Vaishnavi padayatra is the most-awaited event by temple Vais

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I could sneak some minutes in for my japa meditation prior to the trip to the airport, so I accomplished some rounds on foot around the temple and rounds on fingers with my beads. The circumambulation of the presiding deities is always auspicious. Then off we went to King Shaka Airport and in my company were a few of devotees so loyal to our drama.

The flight to Johannesburg was short. From there to Mauritius, a bit more lengthy - 3 hours. My passenger partner was Hamsa, a young Hindu who has

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We are pleased to present the GBC Online Meeting Report for 3 April 2024, providing a comprehensive overview of the online GBC meeting and the key topics discussed.
The meeting commenced with a reading by Prahladananda Swami from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10. The main topics discussed during the meeting were the final preliminary discussion on Guru Projects and Guru Dakshina in ISKCON and the GBC Executive Support Office (ESO) Work Plan.
1. Guru Projects and Guru Dakshina Paper: Badrinarayan Swam

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Her Grace Visakha Dasi is not only Temple President of Bhaktivedanta Manor and a disciple of ISKCON’s Founder Srila Prabhupada, but also a prolific writer.

In 1971, at age 20, she had just published her first book and was beginning a career in photojournalism. She dreamed of bringing people around the world closer together by sharing their common kinship and values through her photographic essays.

At the invitation of her colleague who was working on his MFA thesis in India, Visakha Dasi trave

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Join us for Camp Spark! at Gita Nagari, an immersive overnight summer camp experience for youth ages 10-17 in the idyllic mountains of Pennsylvania. Campers experience the splendor of Krishna’s creation and make memories with other Vaishnava youth through seven days of outdoor fun carefully planned to spark friendship, adventure, and bhakti. The Camp will be held from June 22nd through June 29th at Gita Nagari Eco Farm in Port Royal, PA. 

Spark Friendship!

In the Camp’s inaugural year, 2023, 50

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It was the return journey of Lord Jagannatha as us enacted in the town of Puri in Orissa, India. On the past Friday, the first of a four-festival day, three gorgeous chariots were hand-pulled along the ocean side. Gracing these three conveyances are deities of Krishna, Brother Balarama and Sister Subhadra. For a return journey, I was asked to take the lead in singing in front of Subhadra's chariot. I was also assigned to a group of drummers who were poised for a bangra beat. I can indeed play a

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From Back to Godhead

Understanding the levels of instruction in the Bhagavad-gita can help us comprehend the overall unity of Lord Krishna’s message.

The Bhagavad-gita is no doubt a major spiritual treatise and one of the world’s greatest classics. Understanding that a hierarchical concept of reality characterizes the Gita can help us see coherence of the Gita’s message.

The Bhagavad-gita speaks on two major levels of reality and a third, intermediate, one. We can use the Sanskrit words dharma

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Recently I was in New York attending an initiation ceremony. As I watched the new devotees, young and old, take their vows, I reflected on my own beginnings.

Over 35 years ago I sat before the fire and took the same vows. I am grateful to still be practicing. Later that day I heard a talk which shared 4 reasons why devotees sometimes give up the process of Krishna consciousness, the one they once started so enthusiastically. Turning them into positives, here are 4 things, if we do them well, th

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By Daya Hladini devi dasi and Yogapaty das

On behalf of the Russian Speaking yatra in London we are pleased to share with you the exciting activities and achievements that kept us busy and joyful in Krishna consciousness throughout the month of March:

Bhajan Band Recording: Our newly formed Bhajan band has embarked on an exciting journey by initiating the recording of musical Bhajans in the studio. We are eagerly looking forward to sharing the release with you soon!

Celebrating Group’s Birthday

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Joy of Devotion by Vishakha Devi Dasi


“To be blissful – to be joyful – is our birthright. It’s part of who we are; it’s our natural constitutional nature.”

To some people, “devotion to God” may conjure grave activities: prayer, worship, and religious observances. They may not associate joy with devotion. Yet in fact, joy is a natural result of devotion.

One of Krishna’s primary teachings in the Gita is that we are not the body that we inhabit but we are a soul. He says, “As the sun alone illuminates all this universe, so does

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In a recent article, Canada Immigration News (CIN) reported significant growth in the immigration of religious minorities to the country. While it focused on Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, the phenomenon is true across Canada. “The proportion of Canada’s population that identifies as being Muslim, Hindu, or Sikh has more than doubled in 20 years.” ISKCON Temples across Canada are not only centers of worship and service but also provide meaningful connections for these new immigrants navig

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Before heading off for the festival site at North Beach, the temple at Chatsworth filled up with devotees from all over the country for a rite of passage. That rite is called diksha or the acknowledgement of accepting a teacher or guru. Forty initiates (1st and 2nd) sat by the agni-hotra, fire arena, for this purificatory event. Four of us gurus placed ourselves nearby. Rama Govinda, Indradyumna, myself and Bhakti Chaitanya Swamis - in that order.

I formally accepted two local young men int

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12425319457?profile=RESIZE_400xThis gentleman man from NY came up to my table asking if I have a Bhagavatam set , I asked how he knows about Bhagavatam ? He says his wife sent him a picture of her friend receiving Bhagavatam set from me in Decatur Patel brothers and asked him to get a sb set for her. I showed him English and Gujarati Bhagavatam sets so he can choose one but he wanted to take both sets since he is driving. What are the chances ? All this happened in 5 mins while I was just hearing a live class from Vaisesika p

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