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जय जगन्नाथ

जगत के नाथ जनन्नाथ
जग दर्शन को हैं निकले आज
ये दिन बड़े ही दुर्लभ होते
दौड़ पडो छोड़ सब काज

भक्त वत्सल भगवान
मंदिर से निकल आये हैं
दया,करुणा ,वत्सलता
सब पर ही बरसाए हैं

एक बार जो कर ले दर्शन
कोटि जन्म के पाप कट जाए
खींच लिया जो रस्सा रथ का
जन्म-मृत्यु की रस्सी कट जाए

प्रभु ले नखरे
भक्त की ठिठोली
शरारतें प्रभु की
भक्त की बोली

कभी वो रथ पर ही
नही आते
कभी चलते-चलते
रुक जाते

अगर दर्शन देना चाहते कहीं
तो फिर प्रभु वही रुक जाते
आज भक्त भगवान के पास नही
भगवान भक्त के पास हैं आते

ऐसी ही लीलाएं प्रभु की
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Jagannath Rathayatra ( The Rathayatra )

The rathayatra often falls in the summer season of May-June each year and Puri becomes a vibrant scene of crowd attraction during the festival. Perhaps a million plus gather to witness the tumultuous event. This is one of the ancient festivals in Bharatam and a place of huge crowd attractions like the Kumbha-mela, Makara-sankranti, and Pongal festivals. The rathayatra festivities are organised and financed mainly by the Government of Orissa. As said, during the rathayatra, the three Deities are

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 36
yasyehavayavair lokan
kalpayanti manisinah
katy-adibhir adhah sapta
saptordhvam jaghanadibhih

yasya -- whose; iha -- in the universe; avayavaih -- by the limbs of the body; lokan -- all the planets; kalpayanti -- imagine; manisinah -- great philosophers; kati-adibhih -- down from the waist; adhah -- downwards; sapta -- seven systems; sapta urdhvam -- and seven systems upwards; jaghana-adibhih -- front portion.

Great philosophers imagine that the
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 35
sa eva purusas tasmad
andam nirbhidya nirgatah

sah -- He (the Lord); eva -- Himself; purusah -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tasmat -- from within the universe; andam -- Hiranyagarbha; nirbhidya -- dividing; nirgatah -- came out; sahasra -- thousands; uru -- thighs; anghri -- legs; bahu -- arms; aksah -- eyes; sahasra -- thousands of; anana -- mouths; sirsavan -- with heads also.

The Lord [
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 34
tad andam udake sayam
jivo 'jivam ajivayat

varsa-puga -- many years; sahasra-ante -- of thousands of years; tat -- that; andam -- the universal globe; udake -- in the causal water; sayam -- being drowned; kala -- eternal time; karma -- action; svabhava-sthah -- according to the modes of nature; jivah -- the Lord of the living beings; ajivam -- nonanimated; ajivayat -- caused to be animated.

Thus all
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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

Often persons afflicted with ghastly diseases undergo inconceivable suffering, which ends in death. If a sincere well-wisher points these facts out to them, trying to inform them of the reality, they become angry and accuse him of being a pessimist or a religious fanatic. SB 11.2.2 purport

Srila Prabhupada gave the example of a man flying a kite at a cliff's edge. Totally absorbed, his eyes fixed in the sky, he does not perceive the danger of immi
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bhaj le man mere madan gopala..

jeevan mein jitne bhi kasht tu paaye...
saare dukhon se wo paar lagaye..
gale mein hai jiske banmalaa
bhaj le man mere madan gopala..1.

vrindavan ka pyaara basi..
charon me uske hi hai, sangam,kasi..
jisko puje hain nit braj ki balaa

naam jiska hai sukh kaari..
jo hai govardhan giri dhaari..
jisko sumir jan tare tatkala..

jo bhi uski sharan mein jaaye...
wo to usko gale se lagaaye.
das kamal wo jag se niralaa


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Prabhupäda: My dear boys and girls, those who have come here, I welcome you on behalf of Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu appeared five hundred years ago, and He introduced this Kåñëa consciousness movement. This Ratha-yäträ is one of the item of this Kåñëa consciousness movement. Jagannätha, just try to understand Jagannätha. Jagat means the moving world. Gacchati iti jagat, Sanskrit word, gacchati means which is moving. So all these planets, this universe, even the sun, ever
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The Power of Reading Sacred Scripture


An old farmer lived on his farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning he got up early, sat at the kitchen table, and read His Bhagavad-gita. His grandson wanted to be just like his grandfather, so tried to emulate him in every way he could.
One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa, I try to read the Bhagavad-gita just like you do, but I don’t understand most of it, and whatever I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. So what good is it doing me to read the Bhagavad-git
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सुन्दर-सुन्दर कृष्ण कन्हैया
हाथ में वंशी,साथ में गैया

दाऊ पुकारे कह के कान्हा
लल्ला कहती है उनकी मैया

जीवन की धूप में है छैंया
भवसागर की है वो ही नैया

मटकी फोड़ी,माखन भी लूटा
उसपे ये नखरे हाय दैया

मन का मीत,जन्मों का साथी
राधारानी का है वो सैंया

सुन्दर-सुन्दर कृष्ण कन्हैया
हाथ में वंशी,साथ में गैया
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Devotion Through Discipline!


"The Lord instructs that one has to become fully Krishna conscious to discharge duties as if in a military discipline. Such an injunction may make things a little difficult; nevertheless duties must be carried out, with dependence on Krishna, because that is the constitutional position of the living entity.

The living entity cannot be happy independent of the cooperation of the Supreme Lord because the eternal constitutional position of the living entity is to become subordinate to the d
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Jagannath Rathyatra Festival...

Jagannath Puri, is the abode of Lord Jagannath or Purushotham, the Lord ofthe Universe or the Supreme Personality of the Universe.

Jagannath Puri Dham or Jagannath Puri or even Puri as it is called, is situatedon the sea shore of the Bay of Bengal in the State of Orissa (India). It is one of thefour Holy Kshetras of India including temples at Rameshwaram, Dwaraka, Badrinath and Puri. The Annual Rathyatra Festival is the high point of all the festivals celebrated and has been attracting lakhs of

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The Divine Encounter

For your personal advancement I would like to suggest a powerful meditation with which you can establish a conscious connection with Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.
In this world there are many things that divert us from our relationship with God – things that focus us on other relationships with other people, our job, society, our dreams, etc. All these relationships are like smoke; one day they will simply float away into the air. At that time we will be left with the only one, eternal relationship.
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Shri RadhikastakamEight Prayers Glorifying Sri Radhikaby Shrila Raghunatha dasa GosvamiText 1rasa-valita-mrgaksi-mauli-manikya-laksmihpramudita-muravairi-prema-vapi-maralivraja-vara-vrsabhanoh punya-girvana-vallisnapayatu nija-dasye radhika mam kada nuWhen will Sri Radhika, who is a splendid ruby in the crown of all nectarean doe-eyed girls, a swan swimming in the lake of love for jubilant Lord Krsna, and a celestial vine sprouted from Vraja's exalted King Vrsabhanu, bathe me in Her service?Text
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Glories of Jagannatha Puri Dhama


Some of you are contemplating to also visit Jagannath Puri. Wonderful!

Here is short glorification of Puri - where the Lord Purusottama (the best of all persons) resides in this form of Jagannatha. It is taken from the Chaitanya Bhagavat:

From afar seeing the Jagannatha-temple flag, the Lord became plunged in an ocean of bliss. The wonderful, indescribable Lord loudly roared. His entire body trembled. He looked and looked in the direction of the temple. As He walked, the Lord recited a verse. In t
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Radha Rani...Nectar of Divine Love

Jai Radhey rani ...
Jai Vrindavan Vilasini Radhey...
Jai Krishnapriya Devi...
Jai Krishnaswarupini...

Radha Rani is Sri Krishna's supreme bhakta. She is the heart and soul of our lord...No one knows Krishna better than Radhika. Sri Krishna controls everything as he is the supreme controller but It is Radha Rani who controls Krishna. Radha is Krishna and Krishna is Radha... they do not have distinct identities.

Radha ji is very sensitive,loving and innocent by nature...she loves Krishna unconditional

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Bhagavad-gita should be taken up in a spirit of devotion. One should not think that he is equal to Krishna, nor should he think that Krishna is an ordinary personality or even a very great personality. Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So according to the statements of Bhagavad-gita or the statements of Arjuna, the person who is trying to understand the Bhagavad-gita, we should at least theoretically accept Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with that su

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On Speaking Strongly in Srila Prabhupada's Service

In front of our residence our neighbor's daughter-in-law was beating her child. So I inquired through my servant, Why is this young woman beating her child? The servant brought me the news that this boy gave parata to his elder brother who is suffering from typhoid. In typhoid fever, solid food is strictly forbidden, but the boy did not know. He asked his younger brother that "If you steal one parata and if you give me, I am very much hungry." So
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 5 Text 33
tada samhatya canyonyam
sad-asattvam upadaya
cobhayam sasrjur hy adah

tada -- all those; samhatya -- being assembled; ca -- also; anyonyam -- one another; bhagavat -- by the Personality of Godhead; sakti -- energy; coditah -- being applied; sat-asattvam -- primarily and secondarily; upadaya -- accepting; ca -- also; ubhayam -- both; sasrjuh -- came into existence; hi -- certainly; adah -- this universe.

Thus when all thes
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लल्ला मेरा

पाँच साल का लल्ला मेरा
जा रहा है मधुवन में
गैया नही, बछड़े है साथ
बछड़े ही चरायेगा न बचपन में

सखाओं से घिरा है वो
दाऊ भी हैं उसके संग
ऐसे सज रहा है वो जैसे
तारों में सजे चाँद का रंग

बछड़े चर रहे हैं और
ये खेल खेलते हैं
कभी लल्ला को पकडते हैं
तो कभी गले मिलते हैं

कभी फूल तोडते हैं ये
तो कभी फूलों की माला बनाते हैं
कभी पत्ते से सजते हैं
कभी लल्ला को माला पहनाते हैं

खेलते-खेलते थक गए
उन्हें अब भूख सता रही है
दोपहर का समय है
उन्हें अब कलेवा बुला रही है

पेड़ के नीचे बैठ गए सारे
लेकर अपनी-अपनी पोटलियाँ
कोई हाथ पे ही खाना प
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