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Library sankirtan in Fiji


Inspired by the book distributors all over the world, I have taken up the project of placing Srila Prabhupada's books in all the libraries at the schools and colleges in the Fiji Islands -- more than five hundred libraries.

Every week at our temple I appeal to the guests to sponsor books for the libraries, and I also appeal for donations through phone, email, and personally delivered handouts.

On November 4th I delivered the following books to DAV College in Suva, and on November 11th I sent these
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Surrender to Krishna

Surrender to Krishna - Bhaktivinoda Thakura


1. Mind, body, and family, whatever may be mine, I have surrendered at Your lotus feet, O youthful son of Nanda!

2. In good fortune or in bad, in life or at death, all my difficulties have disappeared by choosing those feet of Yours as my only shelter.

3. Slay me or protect me as You wish, for You are the master of Your eternal servant.

4. If it is Your will that I be born again, then may it be in the home of Your devotee.

5. May I be born again even as a w
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ISKCON rock band a hit among the young

CHANDIGARH: Dressed as 'gopis', children danced to the tunes of ISKCON rock band and hymns during 'Rath yatra'. Elaborate offerings of 56 different food items were made to Lord Krishna and other deities 30 times during the journey that covered six kilometres.

'Over thousands of devotees danced to the tune of 'Hare Ram, Hare Krishna'. Around 8,000 pilgrims partook the 'mahaparsada'. Bhakti Madhurya Govind Goswami and Kadamb Kanan Goswami from the US has arrived here specially for this yatra,' sai
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Book distribution:Good One

Recently we flew south from a preaching tour in North Queensland, Australia, since our house in Sydney had been sold and we were moving a thousand kilometers north to the New Govardhana farm. We left our van with some friends in Mackay, North Queensland, since it was too far to drive in a short time with a baby and a wife.

So we moved our possessions up north. After doing so much traveling and moving our household, I felt like resting a bit before flying back up to North Queensland to get our van
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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Panihari-kunda


The Vrajavasis used to drink the pure and sweet water of this pond, and the gopa-ramanis would come here to fetch water. Therefore, this pond is also known as Panaghata-kunda. Krsna would come to Panaghata to meet with the gopis, and they too would eagerly make their way here to meet Krsna. While drawing water, they would become so absorbed in looking at Krsna that they were unaware whether or not they had filled their pots. The pot of
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Why is a highly posted government officer given better facilities for a comfortable life than an ordinary clerk? The answer is very simple: the important officer has to discharge duties of a more responsible nature than those of an ordinary clerk. Similarly, the human being has to discharge higher duties than the animals, who are always busy with filling their hungry stomachs. But by the laws of nature, the modern animalistic standard of civilization has only increased the problems of filling th
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Hare Rama Hare Krishna to come alive on rock stage

CHANDIGARH: Madhava Sankirtan, a rock band of four ISKON members, would recreate the magic of '70s a la 'Hare Ram Hare Krishna' at the 22nd Lord Jagannath Yatra in the city on Saturday.

Aged between 22 and 25 and clad in 'dhoti' and 'kurta', the rockers will perform on a moving stage and sing devotional songs in praise of Lord Krishna. The performance will be staged on an open truck that will move al
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The 26 characteristics of the Krishna's pure devotee are described as follows in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita (Madhya Lila 22. 78-80):rasikananda.jpg

krpalu, akrta-droha, satya-sara sama
nidosa, vadanya, mrdu, suci, akincana
sarvopakaraka, santa, krsnaika-sarana
akama, aniha, sthira, vijita-sad-guna
mita-bhuk, apramatta, manada, amani
gambhira, karuna, maitra, kavi, daksa, mauni

(o1) He is very kind to everyone.
(o2) He does not make anyone his enemy.
(o3) He is truthful.
(o4) He is equal to everyone.
(o5) N
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Shivaram Maharaj at Govardhan

Shivaram Maharaj at Govardhan.

Last night I went for a walk along Girirja. There are many pilgrims doing parikrama under the full moon. When I stopped for a while an old babaji appoached and asked "Where are you from?" I said "Hungary. In East Europe". He asked "Are there devotees of Krsna there?" I replied "There are many." He inquired "Do they chant japa like you and accept austerities?" I said, "They chant japa and every day 200 devotees, men and women, go out in minus weather, in the snow and
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how to become one of the gopī-jana.

So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopī-jana.

color:#666666"">Purport to Jaya Rādhā-Mādhava
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda
New York, July 20, 1971


color:#666666"">Prabhupāda: So you know this song Jaya Rādhā-Mādhava?

color:#666666"">Devotees: Jaya!

color:#666666"">Prabhupāda: So you can follow me?

color:#666666"">Devotees: Jaya! Haribol! (Śrīla Prabhupāda leads singing of Jaya



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Jain Philosophy Vs Yukta Vairagya

Jain Philosophy Vs Yukta Vairagya
Susila Munis, they are Jains. According to Jain philosophy, they should..., they do not use any vehicle from going this place to another place. They will go by walking. That is their principle. But we are not following that principle. We are preaching Krsna consciousness... Suppose if I have to come to your country, and if I say, "I will go by walking." (laughter) Then my life will be finished (laughter) before preaching. We are intelligent. Now we have got this
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Living in Radha Kunda

Prabhupada, however, said it wasn't a question of finding him. "That is not difficult. But what is his mentality. Why he has gone to Radha-kunda if he was teaching here? You cannot rely upon him." Prabhupada paused for a second and then said, "Radharani's place, if anyone thinks that it is very easy to remain in Radha-kunda, the topmost place ... Rupa Gosvami has spoken -- he must speak about Radha-kunda. But what he has spoken about other things? Atyaharah prayasas ca praja
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 3
kathayasva mahabhaga
yathaham akhilatmani
krsne nivesya nihsangam
manas tyaksye kalevaram

kathayasva -- please continue speaking; mahabhaga -- O greatly fortunate one; yatha -- as much as; aham -- I; akhila-atmani -- unto the Supreme Soul; krsne -- unto Lord Sri Krsna; nivesya -- having placed; nihsangam -- being freed from material qualities; manah -- mind; tyaksye -- may relinquish; kalevaram -- body.

O greatly fortunate Sukadeva Gosvami, pleas
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You are have a job

You are have a job. You have energy...lots of it.
You want to make it big in life. You want to succeed.
But when you read the headlines you are made aware of these things around
you -

Teenage suicides...Massive oil spills...Increasing risks of pollution...
Families breaking apart...Corruption at the highest levels of civic
administration...Stress and Anxiety...Rising food prices...Steep increase in
medical costs

Are you missing something in life?
Do you feel life has been fair with you?
Do you
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Why We Distribute Books?

Why We Distribute Books? - A devotee-bookseller explains.
By Seva-devi dasi
Back to Godhead Magazine # 19-08, 1984

Have you ever met a Hare Krishna devotee in an airport, a parking lot, or on the street distributing books and collecting donations? Many people wonder why we do this. I've been distributing books for over six years, and I'd like to tell you something about the origin of book distribution.

Devotees are not ordinary booksellers; their bookselling is transcendental. It is sankirtana, the
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Sankirtan Padayatra - 2010

ISKCON, Bhubaneswar
Sankirtan Padayatra-2010

This year’s Padayatra was organized in Boudh district of Odisha for 21days
from 22.10.2010 to 11.11.2010 carrying Sri Sri Gour Nitai and Srila
Prabhupad’s Sri Bigrahas in a well decorated Rath pulled by bullocks which
was inaugurated by Odisha Legislative Assembly speaker Sri Pradip Kumar Amat
at Pitambarpur. In his inaugural address the speaker praised ISKCON for its
stupendous work to preach Krishna Consciousness, the root of Sanatan Dharma
in the world.
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon


1. The demon Arista then came to the cowherd village. Appearing in the form of a bull with a large hump, he made the earth tremble as he tore it apart with his hooves.

2. Aristasura bellowed very harshly and pawed the ground. With his tail raised and his eyes glaring, he began to tear up the embankments with the tips of his horns.

3. Clouds hovered about sharp-horned Aristasura’s hump, mistaking
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Worship The highest Authority

Worship The highest Authority

Here the point is that in any religion there is a conception of worshiping God or symbol of God. Even in Jain philosophy they also worship Mahavira. In Buddha philosophy they worship Lord Buddha. In India there is Jainism. That is almost like Buddhism. They have got also exactly the same process of worship. Temples they have got. Big, nice, costly temples they have got. And they come to see, visit the temple, offer their worshipful offerings, flowers, fruits, everyt
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 2
etad veditum icchami
tattvam tattva-vidam vara
harer adbhuta-viryasya
katha loka-sumangalah

etat -- this; veditum -- to understand; icchami -- I wish; tattvam -- truth; tattva-vidam -- of those who are well versed in the Absolute Truth; vara -- O best; hareh -- of the Lord; adbhuta-viryasya -- of the one who possesses wonderful potencies; kathah -- narrations; loka -- for all planets; su-mangalah -- auspicious.

The King said: I wish to know. Narr
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