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yatha harau bhagavati
nrnam bhaktir bhavisyati
sarvatmany akhiladhare
iti sankalpya varnaya
yatha -- as much as; harau -- unto the Personality of Godhead; bhagavati -- unto the Lord; nrnam -- for human beings; bhaktih -- devotional service; bhavisyati -- become enlightened; sarva-atmani -- the Absolute Whole; akhila-adhare -- unto the summum bonum; iti -- thus; sankalpya -- by determination; varnaya -- describe.
As we were chanting, I looked at the picture of Srila Prabhupada on thewall, painted from a photograph of him from 1966, and I thought of how hecame to the Western world to give us the holy name. He did so on the orderof his spiritual master, with full faith in the holy name, that if peoplelike us would just chant the holy name everything else would follow.
Srila Prabhu
pralaya-payodhi-jale dhrtavan asi vedam
vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam
kesava dhrta-mina-sarira jaya jagadisa hare (1)
O Jagadisvara! O Hari! From your eternal spiritual abode, you descend to this temporary world in the form of a fish and save the Vedas from the ocean of universal devastation, just as a ship effortlessly rescues a drowning man. May you be victorious.
ksitir ati-vipula-tare tisthati tava prsthe
kesava dhrta-ka
Udder madness! Pampered cattle produce Britain's most expensive pint of milk... at a staggering £1.70
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:33 PM on 9th November 2010
Milked only by hand to the sound of sacred mantras, these garland-wearing cows could be the most pampered in the UK.
But they are producing the most expensive milk in the land, costing £1.70 per pint - nearly four times more than usual.
The animals are being reared on a farm run by Hare Krishnas meaning, as per Hindu rules, that none
Here, the brothers Krsna and Baladeva became so absorbed in Their childhood games that They even forget to come home to eat. Yasoda-maiya first sent Rohini to get Them, but as Rohini approached, Krsna and Baladeva ran away, frustrating her attempts to catch Them. Yasoda then went herself. She would emply various tricks and, with great difficulty, bring Them home where she bathed and fed Them. Sometimes she told Them about a haua, or hobgobin,
A Vaishnav is more intelligent than even a Brahmana... Because he fulfills The actual Purpose of All The knowledge of Vedas.. by serving Krishna out of Unmotivated and Unalloyed Love and Devotion... He is Actually Ahaituki Apratihata..
Thus he is most intelligent.. as he always acts to please Krishna.. and to serve his devotees..
A Vaishnav is more Brave than a Kshatriya, Because He tolerates all insults to himself and valiantly fights Mayadevi being determinant to Only Serve Krishna, Guru and Vai
I have the same five senses as you: I can see, smell, touch, hear, and
I experience pain, misery, loneliness, and happiness.
I like to socialize and enjoy time with my family and friends.
I am intelligent and follow a pecking order.
I can recognize other chickens by sight and smell.
I nest and nurture my young.
I chirp dozens of vocalizations and speak my own language.
I have a long term memory.
I like to sit in trees.
I run towards food because I enjoy eating.
I am scared of loud noi

Damaghosa Dasa
Vicitravirya, July 26, 1973, London: [...] This is Dr. Schumacher.
Prabhupada: Thank you very
A story is told about a mountain climber, who was also a devotee, liked to climb tall mountains for fun and to impress his friends. After years of preparation and training he felt he could handle any mountain terrain in the world, regardless of the degree of difficulty.
During a climbing trip, with five other devotees, he decided he would make the final climb to the summit, solo, so he could get there first and claim the glory, while the others slept. After the rest of the climbing party turned-i
Hare Krishna Friends, Sadly, many of us keep convincing ourselves, “Someday I’ll be happy.” We tell ourselves ‘I’ll be happy when I will be a president, when I will be doing so and so service, get a particular mobile phone’ etc. We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, then another, then another, on and on and on we go with our wish list. Meanwhile, life keeps moving forward. The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life wi |
Beggar's Rags
A beggar lived near the king's palace. One day he saw a proclamation posted outside the palace gate. The king was giving a great dinner. Anyone dressed in royal garments was invited to the party.
The beggar went on his way. He looked at the rags he was wearing and sighed. Surely only kings and their families wore royal robes, he thought. Slowly an idea crept into his mind. The audacity of it made him tremble. Would he dare? He made his way back to the palace. He approached the guard aA new English devotee, Bhakta Robin, expressed his appreciation of Srila Prabhupada's knowledge of cooking.
Prabhupada replied that right from his childhood, if somebody was preparing food, he would want to see how it was done.
Bhakta Robin observed
idam bhagavatam nama
yan me bhagavatoditam
sangraho 'yam vibhutinam
tvam etad vipuli kuru
idam -- this; bhagavatam -- the science of Godhead; nama -- of the name; yat -- that which; me -- unto me; bhagavata -- by the Personality of Godhead; uditam -- enlightened; sangrahah -- is the accumulation of; ayam -- His; vibhutinam -- of the diverse potencies; tvam -- your good self; etat -- this science of Godhead; vipuli -- expand; kuru -- do it.

In Caitanya-caritamrta it is stated, “A devotee who believes that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord is a pure devotee, even though he may be in the neophyte stage. By his association, oth ers may also become Vaisnavas.” Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 15.106
When a girl who was familiar with our prohibition against illicit
Because a person who is spiritually advanced accepts any adverse condition of life as the mercy of the Lord, he is completely eligible to enter into the spiritual kingdom. Even though a person takes to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord, he may som
and disease. That is real problem. That problem is being solved by
Krsna consciousness movement. If you simply understand what is Krsna,
tyaktva deham punar janma naiti [Bg. 4.9], there are no more material
So to become Krsna conscious, even if you fail in this life, in one
life, there is no loss. There is no loss in this way that you get
another chance. But if you are not Krsna conscious, there is no
certainty whether you are g
Deity Dreams
In the modern day many pastimes between devotees and the Lord in His Arca Avatar, or Deity forms are happening. There are many stories....
Dreams have long been a feature of exchanges between the Lord and His devotees.
In Remuna, Kshirachora Gopinath (photo above) told His pujari in a dream to take the pot of
sweet Kshira the Lord had hidden under his dress, and bring it to His beloved
devotee Mahdavendra Puri. Madhavendra Puri, who was outside under a Banyon
tree, had left the temple, fe