diary of a traveling monk (4)



Diary of a Traveling Monk

Volume 15, Chapter 10

January 31th, 2020

By Indradyumna Swami

“These Are All Krsna’s Arrangements”

I was on my morning walk on the beach in Durban, South Africa, last week when my cell phone rang.

“Hey, Maharaja. This is Craig! Craig from high school!”

“Wow, Craig! I can’t even remember the last time we were in touch! How are you doing?”

“Just fine,” he replied. “I heard through the grapevine that you’re recovering from a big surgery and I just wanted to call and wish

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These Golden Days by Indradyumna Swami




Diary of a Traveling Monk

Volume 15, Chapter 8

September 3, 2019

I nodded off to sleep on the way to one of our last summer festivals along the Baltic Sea coast in Poland. I woke just as Guru Kripa dasa was parking behind our large Ratha Yatra chariot at the festival site.

“I’m so tired I don’t even know what town we’re in,” I said, laughing.

“The name of the town isn’t so important,” said Guru Kripa. “What’s significant is that this is our forty-sixth festival of the summer!”

“Forty-six fest

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Diary of a Traveling Monk
Volume 15, Chapter 4 July 22, 2019 “Summer of Love”

During my teenage years, I was living in San Francisco during 1967’s “Summer of Love” when hippies were trying to establish the brotherhood of mankind without any positive lifestyle alternative or anyone to guide them. History shows that the young people of my generation fell hopelessly short of the goal of universal peace and love, for true love and peace can only be experienced on the spiritual platform.

The summer

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Diary of A Traveling Monk
Volume 15, Chapter 5 July 27, 2109
”Bonds of Brotherhood”

During the month of June I visited ISKCON’s temple in Skopje, Northern Macedonia. Macedonia is a small, land-locked country in Southeastern Europe with a population of just 2.7 million people. I had been invited to speak and hold kirtan at the country’s International Yoga Day Festival.

While we were waiting at a red light on the way to the festival, a horse-drawn wooden cart driven by a teenage boy and holding a

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