Though the Holy Name is so full of nectar, but I am so unfortunate that I can not relish this nectar.. When I become regular in my Chanting for a few days, Maya plays its tricks and I get some excuse for not Chanting one fine day.. Though I know its not good to skip Chanting for any lame excuse, but its difficult to control my mind.
The other day I heard in a lecture that some devotees take a Counter-vow to regularize their Chanting. Which means that with the vow of Chanting certain number of rounds daily, they take another vow that what they'll do if they'll not Chant their rounds on a particular day. It's a kind of punishment for not Chanting , and the thought of it gives an impetus to Chant daily..
I applied this idea in my case. I took a counter-vow that if on a certain day I'll not finish my rounds, then on the next day I'll not eat anything till I finish all my rounds.. I cannot tolerate hunger, and cannot do without breakfast in morning. So just the thought that I'll not get anything to eat in morning if I'll not do my rounds is strong enough to make me do my rounds daily.
There might not be any devotee as fallen as me who'll need to apply this idea to Chant daily. But still I am sharing it here for my own purification. I hope I'll get the blessings of Devotees so that I can become regular in my Chanting and relish the nectar of Holy Name.
Sharing is caring! Thank you!
Thank you for your inspiration.
hare krishna
hari bol
so nice mataji u r inspiration 4 new devotees like me who can not chant regularly.