International Society For Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
Transcription & Compiling : Gauranga Premananda Dasa & Anupama Krishna Dasa
Editing : Hemavati Radhika Dasi
Introductory Lecture 3
Becoming a Vaishnava Devotee of Krishna 13
Basic Principles of Vaishnava Behavior 15
More on the Behavior of a Vaishnava 17
Vaishnava Behavior is Inspiring for everyone 20
Etiquette within Relationships 21
Treating Women as Mothers 24
Vaishnava Aparadha 29
Dressing like a Vaishnava 31
Correcting Others 33
Etiquette in Management 36
Temple Room Etiquette 39
Serving Guests and Life Members 40
Serving and Honoring Prasad 42
Kirtan Etiquette 45
Etiquette in Public 46
Etiquette in Holy Places 48
Indian Brahmanas, Mayavadis, and other Sampradayas 49
Vaishnava Etiquette Introduction:
1. Lord Caitanya speaking to Srila Sanatana Goswami: Read thispassage from Caitanya-Caritamrita, as given by Bhakti Charu Maharajafrom page 1 to page 3.
The greatest problem in spiritual life is Vaishnava aparadha oraparadha generally. So Vaishnava etiquette means how to avoid that.Bhakti Charu Maharaja says “the whole Vaishnava etiquette or the wholeVaishnava culture is founded on this principle.”
2. It is known as sadacara — eternal standard of activities.
3. Lord Caitanya tells Srila Sanatana Goswami that etiquette is theornament of the devotee. Story of Srila Sanatana Goswami going to visitLord Caitanya by the route by the beach instead of past the templebecause he was worried about contaminating the pujaris. Then LordCaitanya told him:
“My dear Sanatana, although you are the deliverer of the entireuniverse and although even the demigods and great saints are purifiedby touching you, it is the characteristic of a devotee to observe andprotect the Vaishnava etiquette. Maintenance of the Vaishnava etiquetteis the ornament of a devotee.
“If one transgresses the laws of etiquette, people make fun of him, and thus he is vanquished in both this world and the next.
“By observing the etiquette, you have satisfied My mind. Who else but you could show this example?”
4. Srila Sanatana Goswami says: “Since nothing can be successfulwithout “sadachar” or etiquette, every action should be performed withproper etiquette.” We must act according to proper etiquette. Theheart of a saintly person is free from contamination. The way asaintly person acts is known as proper etiquette. A way a saintlyperson acts is known as “sadacara.”
1. See the list of basic etiquettes in Bhakti Charu Maharaja’s book, pages 5-8.
2. Back to Lord Caitanya speaking to Srila Sanatana Goswami. He saysthat maintenance of the etiquette is the ornament of a Vaishnava. Wecan imagine a rich man without any money. One can be decoratedaccording to his means. If one is rich one can have fine clothes etc,but if one is poor one will not be able to display anything. Sosimilarly, the more one is situated as a Vaishnava the more one will bedecorated in that way.
3. Accepting the identity of a Vaishnava necessitates a certainstandard of behavior or etiquette. Vaishnava etiquette facilitatesKrsna consciousness. It provides the criteria — the protocol — by whicha devotee can act properly in every situation. In the Bhagavad-Gita(6.24 purport), quoting from verse 3 of the Upadesamrta, SrilaPrabhupada roughly paraphrases one of the items favorable fordevelopment of devotional service as, “by engaging completely inactivities of goodness.” Practicing Vaishnava etiquette means alwaysacting in the mode of goodness, which is a stepping-stone to thetranscendental plane. The mode of goodness is conducive toself-realization, whereas ignorance and passion are not. Therefore, howone applies the principles of Vaishnava etiquette reflects whether adevotee is Krsna conscious or not: i.e., is he humble? Conscientious?Well-mannered? Disciplined? Cultured? Sensitive? Someone who isactually a devotee will be known by how much he displays the goodqualities.
See p. 11 for some further basic etiquettes re cleanliness
1. Preaching accompanied with Vaishnava etiquette: Wehave to push forward this movement, and we may get caught up in theactivities of pushing, and forget about Vaishnava etiquette. However,there is an exchange between Srila Sanatana Goswami and Haridas Thakurain which Srila Sanatana Goswami praises Haridas: (Cc Antya 4.102-3)
apane acara keha na kare pracara pracara karena keha na karena acara
“Some behave very well but do not preach the cult of Krishna consciousness, whereas others preach but do not behave properly.”
acara pracara namera karaha dui karya tumi sarva guru tumi jagatera arya
“You simultaneously perform both activities in relation to the HolyName by your personal behavior and by your preaching. Therefore you arethe most advanced devotee in the world.”
2. Basics must always be stressed: The basicactivities are listed by Srila Rupa Goswami in Nectar of Instruction(see BCS’s transcript). Bhakti Charu Maharaja says: “PracticingVaishnava etiquette means always acting in the mode of goodness, whichis a stepping-stone to the transcendental plane. The mode of goodnessis conducive to self-realization, whereas ignorance and passion arenot. Therefore, how one applies the principles of Vaishnava etiquettereflects whether a devotee is Krishna conscious or not: i.e., is hehumble? Conscientious? Well-mannered? Disciplined? cultured? Sensitive?Someone who is actually a devotee will be known by how much he displaysthe good qualities.”
3. One major component in Vaishnava etiquette, humility: Oneof the main parts of Vaishnava etiquette is humility. It is consideredso important that Lord Krishna lists it as the first part of knowledgein Bhagavad-Gita (amanitvam). Some quotes from Srila Prabhupada: ToPatita Uddharan (12/12/74) “So we all have to cooperate amongstourselves, otherwise what will people think if we ourselves fight withone another? A devotee is always ideal in behavior.” SP Letter toGargamuni 2/5/69 “Your humble repentance is just like a Vaishnavastudent, so I thank you very much for this humbleness. Lord Chaitanyataught us to be humbler that the grass on the street and more tolerantthat the tree. So these symptoms are Vaishnava symptoms.” *** SP Letterto Dindayal 2/2/70 “Krishna is so very merciful to those who are veryhumble in their attitude engaged in service of the Lord. Lord Chaitanyaadvised, therefore, one should be humbler than the straw and moretolerant than the tree and thus be seriously engaged in glorifying theLord. This world is very awful. Anyone is ready to create somedisturbance; especially they are very much apt to disturb KrishnaConsciousness persons because that is the way of demoniac life. So, inorder to protect us from all dangerous elements, we have to chant theHare Krishna Mantra regularly being humbler than the straw and moretolerant than the tree. Then Krishna, Who is Dina-Dayal, will bestowHis Mercy upon us.” *** SP Letter to 8/18/70 Upendra “You are good foreverything but your attitude to remain good for nothing is very nice. AVaishnava is always humble and meek, and he is never puffed-up, even hehas got the highest qualities of demigods.”
4. Vaishnava behavior is inspiring (see Bhakti Charu Maharaja P.11)
5. Vaishnava etiquette within relationships: Seeverse in transcript p.17. Read through list on p.14. Talk about use ofterm prabhu, transcript p.15 to serve the spiritual master includesserving his disciples. Read some of the quotes from letters on p.15-16.
6. Vaishnava etiquette in regard to dealing between sexes. See transcript p.19
7. Dangers of Vaishnava etiquette. Transcript p.21.Particularly the list of 4 things we should not blaspheme a Vaishnavafor — p.21. Above that, verse saying how we should greet Vaishnavas.
8. Dressing like a Vaishnava. See transcript p. 22.Sections: 1. General. 2. Srila Prabhupada’s own standard. 3. Muslimstory. 4. Srila Prabhupada’s appreciation of Satsvarupa and Rupanugawearing tilaka to work.
9. Correcting others is very sensitive, see p. 23
Introductory Class Lecture given by His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami
I’d like to welcome you all to our classes on Vaishnava Etiquette.Thank you for coming. I’ll begin by reading some quotes from CaitanyaCaritamrta, the instructions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu to SanatanaGoswami, on sadacara–the activities of a Vaishnava.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Sanatana Gosvami to write “Vaishnava Smrti”
(Hari Bhakti Vilasa) in CC. Madhya Lila 24.324-344: Folding hishands, Sanatana Gosvami said, “My Lord, You ordered me to write adirectory about the activities of Vaishnavas. I am a most lowbornperson. I have no knowledge of good behavior. How is it possible for meto write authorized directions about Vaishnava activities?” SanatanaGosvami then requested the Lord, “Please personally tell me how I canwrite this difficult book about Vaishnava behavior. Please manifestyourself in my heart. If you would please manifest yourself within myheart and personally direct me in writing this book, then, although Iam lowborn, I may hope to be able to write it. You can do this becauseyou are the Supreme Personality of Godhead Yourself and whatever youdirect is perfect.”
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu replied, “Whatever you want to do you willbe able to do correctly by Lord Krishna’s favor. He will manifest thereal purport. Because you asked me for a synopsis, please hear thesefew indications. In the beginning one must take shelter of a bona fidespiritual master. In your book there should be the characteristics ofthe bona fide guru and the bona fide disciple. Then, before accepting aspiritual master, one can be assured of the spiritual master’sposition. Similarly, the spiritual master can also be assured of thedisciple’s position. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna,should be described as the worshipable object, and you should considerthe (bija) mantra for the worship of Krishna, Rama, or any otherexpansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
“You should discuss the qualifications necessary for receiving amantra, the perfection of the mantra, the purification of the mantra,initiation, morning duties, remembrance of the Supreme Lord,cleanliness, and washing the mouth and other parts of the body. In themorning, one should regularly brush his teeth, take his bath, and offerprayers to the Lord and offer obeisances to the spiritual master. Oneshould render service to the spiritual master and paint one’s body intwelve places with urdhva pundra [tilaka]. One should stamp the holynames of the Lord on his body, or one should stamp the symbols of theLord, such as the disc and club.
“After this, you should describe how one should decorate his bodywith gopicandana, wear neck beads, collect tulasi leaves from thetulasi tree, cleanse his cloth and the altar, cleanse one’s own houseor apartment and go to the temple and ring the bell just to draw theattention of Lord Krishna.”Also describe the Deity worship, wherein oneshould offer food to Krishna at least five times daily. One should indue time place Krishna on a bed. You should also describe the processfor offering arati and the worship of the Lord according to the list offive, sixteen or fifty ingredients.
“The characteristics of the Deities should be discussed as well asthe characteristics of the salagrama sila. One should also discussvisiting the Deities in the temple and touring holy places likeVrindavana, Mathura, and Dvaraka.
“You should glorify the Holy Name and carefully give up offenseswhen chanting the Holy Name. One should know the symptoms of aVaishnava. One must give up or nullify all kinds of seva-aparadha,offenses in Deity worship.
“The items of worship, such as water, conchshell, flowers, incenseand lamp should be described. You should also mention chanting softly,offering prayers, circumambulating, and offering obeisances. All theseshould be carefully studied.
“Other items to be considered are the method of performingpurascarana (purification), taking Krishna-prasada, giving up unofferedfood and not blaspheming the Lord’s devotees.”
This is also a very important point that devotees should remember. AVaishnava is not supposed to take anything that has not been offered toKrishna. We should be very careful about that. Because I have seenpractically all over the world we are developing a tendency to eatthings that are not offered. The only consideration has become if thefood is vegetarian. But we are supposed to only take Krishna prasada.
Try to avoid it as much as possible. When you are traveling or ifyou are on sankirtana, then it is different. But still try to offereverything to Krishna before you take it.
“One should know the symptoms of a devotee and how to associate withdevotees. One should know how to satisfy the devotee by renderingservices, and one should know how to give up the association of nondevotees. One should also regularly hear the recitation ofSrimad-Bhagavatam.”
We can see how Prabhupäda actually implemented all of these instructions of Sanatana Gosvami in our Society.
“You should describe the ritualistic duties of every day, and youshould describe the fortnightly duties – especially observing Ekadasifast, which comes every fortnight.”
Now here also it’s an important thing to consider, like we generallythink that just by not taking grains we are observing Ekadasi. Butactually when we talk about observing Ekadasi, it actually meansfasting. And fasting means not taking anything. Fasting does notnecessarily mean just fasting from grains. In the beginning of course,devotees may just abstain from grains on Ekadasi day. But as one makesadvancement, one should try to fast completely. Also as it has beendescribed that one may also stay awake for twenty four hours. Stay upduring the day and the night.
When I give class on observing Ekadasi, devotees often raise thepoint that Prabhupäda never really instructed us to observe Ekadasi inthis way. But actually in the Nectar of Devotion Prabhupäda says thatdevotees may stay awake the whole night singing the glories of the Lordfasting. So Prabhupäda actually did instruct us to stay up all night aswell. It’s actually not a very difficult thing.
“You should recommend the avoidance of mixed Ekadasi and the performance of pure Ekadasi.”
Perhaps you’ve noticed that sometimes we don’t fast on the Ekadasibut we fast on the Dvadasi. The reason we do this is that the Ekadasiis mixed. That is, dasami enters into Ekadasi. When the tenth dayoverlaps the eleventh day it is to be mixed or penetrated. And one doesnot fast on that Ekadasi but instead fasts on the next day which isDvadasi, the twelfth day. And it has been described that fasting on aMaha-Dvadasi is a thousand times more potent then fasting on an Ekadasi.
“You should also describe the fault in not observing this. Oneshould be very careful as far as these items are concerned. If one isnot careful, one will be negligent in executing devotional service.
“Whatever you say about Vaishnava behavior, the establishment ofVaishnava temples and Deities and everything else should be supportedby evidence from the Puranas.
“You should give general and specific descriptions of the behaviorand activities of a Vaishnava. You should outline things that are to bedone and things that are not to be done. All this should be describedas regulations and etiquettes.”
Here are some other Quotes from Srila Prabhupada on etiquette:
“All the inhabitants of Vrindavana are Vaishnavas. They areall-auspicious because somehow or other they always chant the holy nameof Krishna.” CC Adi 5.232 Purport
So here we also must understand one thing that all of the devoteesin ISKCON are Vaishnavas because somehow or other they are chanting theholy name. Prabhupada is giving the qualification of a Vaishnava. Oneshould consider all of the inhabitants of Vrindavan Vaishnavas. Why?Because somehow or other they chant the holy name of the Lord. So whatto talk of the devotees of ISKCON, we should be very respectful of allof the devotees knowing well that they are all Vaishnavas.
The biggest hindrance to our spiritual progress is Vaishnava aparad.It’s actually a very dangerous offense. We must be very careful aboutcommitting Vaishnava aparad.
“Even though some of them do not strictly follow the rules andregulations of devotional service, on the whole they are devotees ofKrishna and chant His name directly or indirectly.”
This is a very important instruction. Actually the whole Vaishnavaetiquette or the whole Vaishnava culture is founded on this principle.
CC Adi 7.50 Purport “A Vaishnava should be tolerant like a tree and submissive like grass.”
“Nevertheless the author of this instruction, Caitanya Mahaprabhu,did not tolerate the misbehavior of Jagai and Madhai. When theyharassed Nityananda Prabhu, He immediately became angry and wanted tokill them. One should be very meek and humble in his personaltransactions, but if there is blasphemy against one’s guru or anotherVaishnava, one should be angry as fire. One should not tolerateblasphemy against a Vaishnava but should immediately take one of threeactions. If someone blasphemes a Vaishnava, one should stop him withhigher arguments and higher reason. If one is not expert enough to dothis he should give up his life on the spot, and if he cannot do this,he must go away. But we should never listen to blasphemy against aVaishnava.”
Although Vaishnavas are very humble and tolerant, that is notweakness. Vaishnavas are not weak. Vaishnavas are as hard as athunderbolt. If it is necessary they can become as violent as a lionrose petal and he’s as hard as a thunderbolt. A Vaishnava is not onlysoft, but if necessary he can become hard. That shows that Vaishnavasare not weaklings. Vaishnavas are very, very powerful. Both physicallyand spiritually. Actually it is the spiritual power that endows themwith the physical power.
Vaishnavas should not be disrespectful to anyone. One should alwaysbe respectful to others but should not demand respect for himself.“amanina manadena”
A Vaishnava is adosa darsi. A Vaishnava never sees other’s faults.Of course, every human being has good qualities and faults. Therefore,it is said “sadyana guna mitsanti.” A Vaishnava accepts only a man’sglories and not his faults. “Adosa darsi” means one who does not findfaults in others. He simply sees the other’s good qualities and hefinds faults with himself. He is very strict with himself and he isalways watching himself very scrutinizingly, detecting all of thedefects he has in himself.
A Vaishnava always follows the order of guru and Krishna. Anyone whoattempts to write about Krishna must first take permission from theguru and Krishna. One must first become a pure devotee and then he musttake permission from the spiritual master and that permission must beconfirmed by Krishna from within his heart.
Sanatana Goswami followed the instructions of Caitanya Mahaprabu andwrote a book on Vaishnava Etiquette. This book is the guidebook thatdirects a Vaishnava’s activities. The Hari Bhakti Vilasa describesVaishnava etiquette as the behavior of a pure Vaishnava. Everybodyshould follow that standard. Here is how the Hari Bhakti Vilas definesVaishnava etiquette, its philosophy, and some basic Vaishnavaprinciples.
“Since nothing can be successful without “sadachar” or etiquette,every action should be performed with proper etiquette.” We must actaccording to proper etiquette. The heart of a saintly person is freefrom contamination. The way a saintly person acts is known as properetiquette. A way a saintly person acts is known as “sadacara.”
“If a person reads the six branches of the Vedas without practicingproper etiquette, he does not get purified, just as a bird flies awayfrom the nest as soon as it grows wings, the Vedas leave him at thetime of his death.
“Although one may have acquired the knowledge of all of the Vedas,but if one is not practicing the proper etiquette or if he did notbecome a Vaishnava, then all of this knowledge which he has acquired,will be lost at the time of death.
“Proper etiquette increases fame, opulence, longevity and destroys all inauspiciousness.
“O king, proper etiquette gives the results of dharma, artha andkama. Therefore a wise man very carefully performs the proper etiquettedescribed in the scriptures.
“Thus one can understand that Vaishnava etiquette purifies the heart and the consciousness.”
Now here are some basic principles and points that I’ve compiledfrom Hari Bhakti Vilas and the Nectar of Devotion about the properactivities of one who is a Vaishnava.
A Vaishnava -
l. Offers respect and obeisances to the guru, to the Lord and Hisdevotees, and to other superiors. One must offer respect and obeisancesto the superiors, like the guru, the Lord and His devotees. We mustalso respect superior relatives, like the parents.
2. Get up before 4 a.m. and attend mangala-arati.
3. After waking up, first brush your teeth and afterwards take a bath.
4. Bathe after passing stool.
5. Wash with water after passing urine. Also wash hands and feet.
6. Wash hands, feet, and mouth before and after taking prasadam.
We must at least wash our hands. In the Western countries it may bedifficult to wash our feet. But when in India, you should wash bothyour hands and your feet before and after taking prasada.
7. Wash hands after drinking water. This is done because when yourhold your cup while drinking, your hands actually become contaminated.
8. Use the right hand for eating and drinking. Even if you are a lefty, try to use your right hand.
9. Always wear clean clothes.
l0. Never steal anything.
11. Never use unpleasant words.
l2. Never tell a lie, even if it is pleasant. That is don’t even tell a pleasant lie.
l3. Never speak ill of others.
l4. Do not become inimical to others.
l5. Do not develop friendship with people who are envious, fallen,insane, inimical, extravagant, deceptive, lying or illicitly relatedwith women. Do not develop friendship with unchaste women.
l6. Do not travel alone.
l7. Do not sneeze or yawn without covering the mouth.
l8. Do not laugh loudly.
l9. Do not pass air loudly.
20. Always avoid a crematorium, a garden, and unchaste women at night.
2l. Do not take shelter of a fallen person.
22. Neither sleeps too much nor stays awake too much.
23. Do not outstretch your legs in front of your elders.
24. Do not pass urine or stool on the road.
25. Do not spit while eating.
26. Do not insult women.
27. Do not become envious of women.
28. Never cause any harm to anyone; instead, always try to do good to others.
29. Do not associate with unscrupulous people or read “scriptures”that are not bona fide. Scriptures are in quotes, which mean they areso-called scriptures.
30. Do not mock people who are foolish, insane, distressed, ugly, cunning, lame, or fallen.
3l. Do not chastise anyone except sons and disciples to educate them.
32. Bathe after shaving, copulating, or going to a crematorium.
33. Do not hit anyone on the head or pull anyone by the hair.
34. Do not eat yogurt or chickpea flour at night. ActuallyPrabhupäda instructed us about yogurt but we are not so sure about thechickpeas. So you be careful about that now. Don’t eat chickpeas atnight. In the morning they are good, but not at night.
35. If someone insults you, leave the place silently.
36. Never praise yourself.
37. Never look at a naked woman or man.
38. Do not place your foodstuffs on your lap to eat.
39. Do not quarrel with your wife.
40. Do not spit on water.
Because people sometimes drink water from ponds or lakes or rivers, one should not spit on water.
4l. Do not sleep in the temple room.
42. Sannyasis should bathe three times a day, grhasthas and brahmacaris at least twice a day.
43. After one takes prasadam the area where the plate was kept mustbe cleared. One should not step over the area where prasadam was taken,because it is considered contaminated.
I have noticed in many temples that after we take prasada, which isusually on the floor, we just step all over. Then without even washingour feet we enter into the temple room. So one should be careful aboutthat. The place where we take prasadam becomes contaminated. And if youstep on that spot, then you must wash your feet. The place where theprasadam has been taken must be cleaned right after the prasadam hasbeen taken. Because the temple must be very clean, we should be carefulthat we do not unnecessarily contaminate the temple.
44. After touching the inside of the mouth or nose, one must wash his hands.
45. After putting on tilaka, one must do acaman by saying “om kesavaya namah,” “om narayanaya namah,” and “om madhavaya namah.”
So those are some of the basic principles by which a Viashnava acts.We’ll be going over many of these points in detail later in our classes.
Becoming a Vaishnava Devotee of Krishna
1. We are all infinitesimal parts and parcels of Sri Krishna. As ourKrishna Consciousness evolves we will naturally develop and manifestall divine qualities.
2. The Supreme process for developing such Krishna Consciousness is the chanting of the Holy Name.
3. Becoming a pure devotee is not a cheap thing. We must guardagainst imitation and strictly follow in the footsteps of SrilaPrabhupäda.
4. The qualities of a pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada are farbeyond our present grasp. However, in their compassion, Sri Krishna andthe Vaishnavas have made both the principle and the process very clearand simple.
5. Sri Krishna in B.G. 12.13-20 tells us quite plainly which qualities are dear to Him:
(a) “One who is not envious but who is a kind friend to all livingentities, who does not think himself a proprietor, who is free fromfalse ego and equal both in happiness and distress, who is alwayssatisfied and engaged in devotional service and whose mind andintelligence are in agreement with Me – he is very dear to Me.” (BG12.13-14)
(b) “He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is notdisturbed by anxiety, who is steady in happiness and distress, is verydear to Me.” (BG 12.15)
(c) “A devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course ofactivities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains,and who does not strive for some result, is very dear to Me.” (BG 12.16)
(d) “One who neither grasps pleasure nor grief, who neither lamentsnor desires, and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious things,is very dear to Me.”
(BG 12.17)
(e) “One who is equal to friends and enemies, who is equipoise inhonor and dishonor, heat and cold, happiness and distress, fame andinfamy, who is always free from contamination, always silent andsatisfied with anything, who doesn’t care for any residence, who isfixed in knowledge and engaged in devotional service, is very dear toMe.” (BG 12.18-19)
(f) “He who follows this imperishable path of devotional service andwho completely engages himself with faith, making me the Supreme goal,is very, very dear to Me.”
(BG 12:20)
6. How can we develop these qualities? Srila Rupa Goswami explained–
(a) be enthusiastic
(b) Endeavour with confidence
(c) Be patient
(d) Act according to regulative principles (such as sravanam,kirtanam, visnoh, smaranam – hearing, chanting and remembering Krishna)
(e) Abandon the association of non devotees
(f) Follow in the footsteps of the previous acaryas
(Nectar of Instruction Text 3)
7. He also elucidates those practices which will hinder our Krishna Conscious development:
(a) Eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required
(b) Over endeavouring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain
(C) talking unnecessary about mundane subject matters
(d) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for thesake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement,or rejecting the rules and
Regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically
(e) Associating with worldly minded persons who are not interested in Krishna consciousness
(f) Being greedy for mundane achievements.
8. Srila Prabhupada, being as practical as he is compassionate, hasprovided a very clear and simple check list by which we can assess ourprogress in Krishna consciousness. Please read Bhagavad-Gita Chapter13, Verses 8-12.
9. The process for developing our Krishna consciousness isprofoundly simple and straightforward. If we sincerely take shelter ofthe lotus feet of the Vaishnavas, and intensely desire to achieve thegoal, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will undoubtedly shower His mercy upon us.
10. All the divine qualities are there in the spirit soul. Thereforeas we come closer to our spiritual identity, these qualities naturallybecome manifest.
Basic Principles of Vaishnava Behavior
Vaishnava etiquettes are not superficial or un-essential.
“Having heard all these details, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, greatly pleased, spoke as follows: (Cc Antya 4.129-30)
tathapi bhakta-svabhava maryada-raksana maryada-palana haya sadhura bhusana
“My dear Sanatana, although you are the deliverer of the entireuniverse and although even the demigods and great saints are purifiedby touching you, it is the characteristic of a devotee to observe andprotect the Vaishnava etiquette. Maintenance of the Vaishnava etiquetteis the ornament of a devotee.”
So it is stated, “Etiquette is the ornament of a Vaishnava.” Butwhat does this mean? Is etiquette something only external or optional?We could draw an analogy: Is it possible to be wealthy, but have noriches? Or what is the value of wealth if one uses no costly ornaments?Generally, one will decorate himself according to the degree of hiswealth. If one is very rich, he will be adorned with only the finest ofraiment and accessories. Similarly, for one who is profound in hisKrishna Consciousness, the jewels of Vaishnava etiquette will naturallygrace all of his dealings and activities. The characteristics of adevotee are always sublimely manifest in all of his actions. The depthof a Vaishnava is judged by his symptoms. The true devotee willtherefore adorn himself unsparingly with the decorum of a Vaishnava inall respects.
Etiquette [Dictionary Definition]: 1) conventional requirements as to social behavior; 2) the code of ethics of a profession.
Accepting the identity of a Vaishnava necessitates a certainstandard of behavior or etiquette. Vaishnava etiquette facilitatesKrishna Consciousness. It provides the criteria — the protocol — bywhich a devotee can act properly in every situation. In the BhagavadGita (6.24 purport), quoting from verse 3 of the Upadesamrta, SrilaPrabhupäda roughly paraphrases one of the items favorable fordevelopment of devotional service as, “by engaging completely inactivities of goodness.” Practicing Vaishnava etiquette means alwaysacting in the mode of goodness, which is a stepping-stone to thetranscendental plane. The mode of goodness is conducive toself-realization, whereas ignorance and passion are not. Therefore, howone applies the principles of Vaishnava etiquette reflects whether adevotee is Krishna conscious or not: i.e., is he humble? Conscientious?Well-mannered? Disciplined? cultured? sensitive? Someone who isactually a devotee will be known by how much he displays the goodqualities.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupäda
A Vaishnava is better than a Brahmana
SP Letter to Sivarama (12/7/75) “Brahminical life means cleanliness”
“Brahminical life means to be very, very clean, inside and out.Inside by chanting and hearing, and outside by bathing three timesdaily, if not possible at least two times, but never less than once.Bathing after passing stool. The qualifications of the brahamanas aredescribed in the 18th Chapter of Bhagavat Gita verse 42: “Peacefulness,self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, knowledge,and religiousness — these are the qualities by which the brahmanaswork.” So see that these instructions are being followed nicely.”
Not Associating with Materialistic Persons
[In regard to brainwashing] Ramesvara: They claim that our lifestyletends to take the devotee and isolate him from the world.” “Yes,” saidSrila Prabhupada, “We hate to mix with you. No gentleman tries to mixwith loafers. Crows will not like to live with the ducks and whiteswans; and white swans will not like to live with the crows. That isnatural division. Birds of the same feather flock together.” (SPLil.VI, pg 222)
The Feet
The feet should not touch (or even be exposed to) anyone or anythingespecially sacred items). That is offensive. Basically, the feet touchonly the floor. Otherwise, they are kept covered. One should not stepover (or reach over) anyone a) while they are offering obeisances(e.g., before the vyasasana) b) while they are sitting (as in thetemple room)
Slamming Doors
The slamming of doors, although seemingly a minor fault, greatlydisturbed Srila Prabhupada. It symptomized carelessness and misuse, andPrabhupada said the sound cracked his heart. One time Prabhupäda cameout of his room and called out, “Who is that slamming the doors? No oneknows from where this building has come. You take it for granted, thatit is here. But no one cares.” (SP Lil.V, p.144)
* SP Letter to Pradyumna VE (1/22/68) don’t steal “But so far asstealing is concerned, one should not steal except in the rarestcircumstances. Moral principle is recommended in all scriptures as aprerequisite for spiritual culture.”
More on the Behavior of a Vaishnava
“It is the characteristic of a devotee to observe and protect theVaishnava etiquette. Maintenance of the Vaishnava etiquette is theornament of a devotee.” Cc. Antya-Lila 4.129-130.
1. The consciousness of a devotee is manifested by his actions.
2. If one has any depth of realization, the jewels of Vaishnavabehaviour will naturally pace all of his dealings and activities.
3. We need to be aware that the vast majority of our exchanges arewith devotees and the innocent public. Aparadha is the only realstumbling block in spiritual life. We must become fearful of committingoffence. Such awareness will give sobriety and gravity to ourbehaviour. We will naturally become humble, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhuwill become pleased, and we will make advancement without seriousobstruction.
4. Srila Prabhupada’s reputation depends on our behaviour. In hiscompassion he lifted us up from much degraded backgrounds. He was evencriticized by the less intelligent in India for doing so. In order tomaintain Srila Prabhupada’s good name our behaviour should be veryexemplary.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada
“Act in such a way that they will see we are of ideal character.”- Well-known SP quote: When asked, “How do you recognize a Vaishnava?” SP replied, “He is a perfect gentleman.”
(Cc Antya 102-3) Sanatana Goswami to Haridasa Thakura:
apane acara keha na kare pracara pracara karena keha na karena acara
“Some behave very well but do not preach the cult of Krishna consciousness, whereas others preach but do not behave properly.”
acara pracara — namera karaha dui karya tumi — sarva guru tumi jagatera arya
“You simultaneously perform both activities in relation to the HolyName by your personal behavior and by your preaching. Therefore you arethe most advanced devotee in the world.”
“Better than the brahmana who knows the purpose of the Vedas is hewho can dissipate all doubts, and better than him is one who strictlyfollows brahminical principles. Better than him is one who is liberatedfrom all material contamination, and better than him is a pure devotee,who executes devotional service without expectation of reward.” (SrimadBhagvatam 3.29.32)
SP Letter to Rupanuga 5/9/72 “Boil the Milk”
“Now I want that we shall concentrate on making our devotees Krishnaconscious and ourselves becoming Krishna conscious, and not be so muchconcerned with expanding ourselves widely but without any spiritualcontent. Just like boiling the milk, it becomes thicker and sweeter.Now do like that, boil the milk.”
To Patita Uddharan (12/12/74) “A devotee is always ideal in behavior.”
So we all have to cooperate amongst ourselves, otherwise what willpeople think if we ourselves fight with one another? A devotee isalways ideal in behavior.”
SP Letter to Gargamuni 2/5/69 “Vaishnava Symptom is Humility”
“Your humble repentance is just like a Vaishnava student, so I thankyou very much for this humbleness. Lord Chaitanya taught us to behumbler that the grass on the street and more tolerant that the these symptoms are Vaishnava symptoms.
SP Letter to Dindayal 2/2/70
“Krishna is so very merciful to those who are very humble in theirattitude engaged in service of the Lord. Lord Chaitanya advised,therefore, one should be humbler than the straw and more tolerant thanthe tree and thus be seriously engaged in glorifying the Lord. Thisworld is very awful. Anyone is ready to create some disturbance;especially they are very much apt to disturb Krishna Consciousnesspersons because that is the way of demoniac life. So, in order toprotect us from all dangerous elements, we have to chant the HareKrishna Mantra regularly being humbler than the straw and more tolerantthan the tree. Then Krishna, Who is Dina Dayal, will bestow His Mercyupon us.”
SP Letter to 8/18/70 Upendra
“You are good for everything but your attitude to remain good fornothing is very nice. A Vaishnava is always humble and meek, and he isnever puffed-up, even he has got the highest qualities of demigods.”
SP Letter to Janardan 1/21/68
“So we have to be very careful in understanding KrishnaConsciousness. …. To understand Krishna as He has spoken in theBhagavad Gita or in other Vedic literatures through the right sourcesof disciplic sucession that is our real knowledge. The idea is everyoneshould try to pace himself as if he doesn’t know anything. His positionis secure. But as soon as he says that “I know everything, and I waspreviously such and such…,” That is actually rascal. So I know that youare trying to know things from the real source, and you are not puffedup like other fools who think that they know everything. Yourhumbleness is very much appreciated by me.”
“Otherwise, we may become subject to criticism”
SP Letter to Advaita (5/28/70) “As I have already said many timesthat we have to maintain two lines parallel; namely the path of SrimadBhagavatam and the path of Pancaratriki. Srimad Bhagavatam is the pathfor Paramahansas, and Pancaratra path is for the neophytes. So theTemple worship is necessary for the beginners so that by following theregulative principles, such devotees become more and more purified andthus gradually come on the platform to understand Srimad Bhagavatam. Sowe shall always keep these principles in view and maintain our centerson this standard.
Recently I have received one ‘Kalyan’ magazine in which ouractivities in the Western world have been very much appreciated.Especially they have appreciated my strong injunctions on the point offollowing the four prohibitive regulations. So after describing ouractivities, the editor has remarked in one place that things are goingvery nicely at present, but it is God only Who knows how it willcontinue in the future. This means that the Indians, or the rigidfollowers of Vedic principles, are doubtful about my American andEuropean students about their sticking to these principles. So it is aGod-sent warning for us so that we may not deviate from the abovementioned two lines of action and thus become subject to criticism bythe opposing elements.”
“Our dealings with others must be very clear.” Letter to Bali Mardan (2/22/70)
SP Letter to Satsvarupa (8/19/69)
“Anyway, do things in good sense, without any disturbance. We haveto make progress very soberly, and I am always at your service wheneverrequired.”
[Therefore a serious devotee is always ready to take guidance fromsuperior/other Vaishnavas to understand the proper way of acting.]
“But we should never steal anything like money, food, water,gasoline, etc., just to enhance our service to Krishna. That is toomuch dangerous, and if we are caught then all our work is finished.Just like in India recently, this Balyogi Guru Maharaji was detected bythe customs authorities attempting to smuggle some small items intoIndia. By this one tiny incident his entire effort for preaching – evenhe is rascal Number One and his preaching is nonsense, even so theexample is there – his work is ruined now and he is practicallyfinished, as the government will not grant him a passport to leaveIndia. So we shall always be careful to avoid any kind of jeopardizingour high standing in the society by some foolish and small act ofillegal stealing.” <Source N/A>
No Salaries
“The teacher and the pujari should never receive a salary. They mustwork in pure devotion. The ksatriya also.” (SP Lil.V,p.65-6)
Vaishnava Behavior is Inspiring for Everyone
SP Letter to Janardan (1/21/68) Humbleness is appreciated
SP Letter to Shivananda (9/14/68) “This Krishna consciousnessmovement through music, philosophy, spiritual culture, and personalbehavior culminating in ideal character of the devotees. All theseheavenly contributions combined together will certainly bring about amajor change in the life of Western people.”
SP Letter to Batu Gopal (2/1/75)
“You are right. We must all become ideal in character and thenpeople will become very impressed with such purity. A devotee isfaultless — he has no flaws.”
But, on the other hand, if we don’t follow:
SP Letter to Madhavi Lata (10/28/68)
“It is nice that you are doing preaching work there, but you shouldknow that such practices like stealing are against the principles ofKrishna consciousness. I always want that my students should be veryideal in character and not discredit our society.”
Letter to Çrédama 7/8th/70
“It is very good you have received permission for chanting anddistributing literature as well as collecting. Now you shouldconcentrate to develop your spiritual power to attract the fallen soulsto Krishna Consciousness. The daily regulative duties must be performedby everyone very strictly: the beads chanted sixteen rounds, and ourliteratures read and discussed. In this way, everything should be donevery nicely. Sankirtan should be done by you in the streets and atgatherings and in this manner display what is thisKrishna Consciousness movement and how it is for everyone’s eternalwelfare and happiness. So you do all these with great enthusiasm andvery carefully. Our all activities must be open so that no one maycriticize our mission. So all dealings must be to the standard ofVaishnavism. We cannot misrepresent ourselves for the purpose of takingmonies from the public, but as everything is undertaken forthrightly ina Krishna Consciousness way, then Lord Krishna will be pleased toprovide all facilities for aiding our sincere service.”
Etiquette within Relationships
1. The Vaishnava society is very meticulously structured, whereseniors are always respected by the juniors and juniors always receiveaffection from the seniors.
2. The Vaishnava society is structured according to Varnasrama,Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya and Sudra; and Sannyasi, Vanaprastha,Grhasta and Brahmachari.
3. There are considerations of seniority according to initiationamong Godbrothers. Devotees who have received initiation earlier areconsidered senior.
4. The Guru’s Godbrothers should be respected as the guru.
5. Sannyasis should always be respected as the guru.
6. In a Vaishnava society everyone tries to become humble. The more advanced one is the more humble he becomes.
7. Sometimes senior Vaishnavas may offer respect to a juniorVaishnava due to his humility, but a junior Vaishnava should neverthink that he deserves that respect from all senior Vaishnavas. On theother hand when a senior Vaishnava offers him respect then the juniorVaishnava should feel extremely embarrassed, and repeatedly pray toKrishna that He receives the respect.
8. One should always remember that his business is to become morehumble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, and desiringno respect for himself he should offer all respect to others.
9. Transgression of Vaishnava etiquette will undoubtedly destroy one’s spiritual life.
10. Never take sides when there is a disagreement among seniorVaishnavas. Stay neutral because the quarrel among the Vaishnavas is akind of pastime and beyond our understanding.
11. Disciple should always respect his Guru as God.
12. Preachers should have compassion upon the innocent souls but avoid offenders.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada
Use of Titles
“One thing you may note also as a matter of etiquette. The SpiritualMaster is addressed as His Divine Grace, a Godbrother is addressed asHis Grace, and any sannyasi is addressed as His Holiness.” (SP letterto Rayarama 91/30/67)
Dealing with Godbrothers
- Definition of “Prabhu”: SP, “You should not just use it mechanically; you should meaningfully apply it.”
*** SP Letter to Himavati VE (6/14/68) [68-6-18]
“Yes, to call one another “Prabhu” is all right, but not to becomeprabhu. To accept others as prabhu, and remain as servant is the idea.But because somebody is calling you “Prabhu”, one should not become aprabhu and treat others as servants. In other words, everyone shouldfeel himself as servant, and not to think himself prabhu because he isbeing called “Prabhu”. This will make the relationship congenial.”
- A Practical definition of “Prabhu”:
Ralph Waldo Emerson (who is quoted on the jacket cover of allEnglish Bhagavad Gita’s) said, “Every man I meet is my superior in someway. In that, I learn of him.”
“To serve the Spiritual Master means also to serve his disciples.”
SP Letter to Shivananda 1/23/69 “Regarding serving your godbrothers,this is a very good practice. The Spiritual Master is never without hisfollowers, so to serve the Spiritual Master also means to be theservant of his disciples. When you want to serve the king, you mustalso serve his minister, secretary, and everyone who serves him. And toserve his servants may please him more than to serve the kingpersonally.”
But, on the other hand:
SP Letter to Kirtanananda (11/23/74)
“Why Taittiriya should have a servant? Godbrothers are not meant forbeing servants. Without the spiritual master’s order, nobody canutilize the service of a Godbrother as one’s personal servant. Weaddress each other as “Prabhu” so how we can engage our Godbrother asservant? Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu engaged Govinda das, who was HisGodbrother, as His servant, but that was only on the order of SriCaitanya Mahaprabhu’s spiritual master.”
SP letter to Janardan (1/21/68)
“I understand that your Godbrothers are as your younger dependentbrothers: kindly treat them as your younger dependent brothers and tryto advance them in Krishna consciousness as good as you can.”
SP Letter to Janaki 1/18/69 “Please do your duty combined withoutany disruption of peaceful attitudes amongst yourselves. We are pushingour movement on the background of a peaceful atmosphere in the world,and if we show a little disturbance in our own camp that will not be avery good example, Therefore, everyone should be forbearing, tolerantand cooperative.”
SP Letter to Gargamuni 9/8/69 “But one thing is you must stop thisfighting between brothers. Otherwise the whole program will be spoiled.Yourself, Tamal Krishna, Brahmananda, Satsvarupa–you should doeverything combined. That is my request. Gradually, by Krishna’s Grace,we are expanding. So if amongst us there is friction, it will be verydangerous.”
SP Letter to Brahmananda 11/15/69 “This is called Vaikunthaattitude. In the Vaikuntha factually there is no fault in anyone, butthere is another type of competition. The competition is that onedevotee thinks of other devotees how nicely they are serving the Lord.In the material world the attitude is that everyone likes to think thatI am doing better than others. This is material conception. In theSpiritual Sky it is just the opposite: Everyone thinks that mycontemporary devotees are doing better than me. We are trained toaddress Godbrothers as Prabhu, which means Master. This means we shalltry to find out always the serving side of our Godbrothers. Sometimesthere are misgivings, but we should try to overlook.”
SP Letter to Upendra (8/4/70) “It doesn’t matter what we are,grhasthas or sannyasis, the point is to be paramahamsa, completelysurrendered to Lord Krishna.”
“Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmachari, grhasta,vanaprastha and sannyasa. These are all MATERIAL DESIGNATIONS, but thisKrishna consciousness movement is for becoming transcendental to thesematerial designations, and these boys, these foreigners, they are beingtaught in that light.” (SP Lil.V, p.21)
Dealings amongst Grhasthas
SP Letter to Vrindavan Chandra 6/24/70
“I am so glad to learn that your good wife is also helping you. Thatis the duty of a faithful companion of life. If the wife is helpful inthe spiritual progress of life, she is the best friend and philosopher.So in Krishna consciousness the wife is never a burden, but she iscompletely a counterpart. So set example to your countrymen how youngergeneration can live peacefully, husband and wife, being engaged inKrishna’s service. There are many examples of this type of husband andwife working in our different centers for propagating this sublimemessage.”
Dealing with One’s Guru
Letter to Madhudvisa (2/14/70): “In regard to praying to LordNityananda Prabhu, I have written to you in my last letter that suchprayer is quite appropriate. Our only prayer should be in the matter ofdesiring further development of devotional service and such sincereprayer should be submitted not directly to the Lord but through the viamedia of His bona fide servitor or representative.” [Note: media isplural in number, not just one]
“I chastise you, because it is my duty. Disciple is related todiscipline, so it is my duty to my disciples. Otherwise, I am not upsetwith anyone. I simply do this to discipline you, because you are mydisciples.” (SP Lil. V, p.43)
“You may be afraid of your spiritual master, but that doesn’t meanyou shouldn’t come and see him.” “I will drag you to come and see me.”(SP Lil.V, p.196).
- Disciples should not try to instruct their spiritual master:”Notknowing why Madhavendra Puri was crying, Ramachandra Puri tried tobecome his advisor. Thus he committed a great offense, for a discipleshould never try to instruct his spiritual master.” (Cc Antya 8.21purpt)
- Disciples should not initiate while the spiritual master ispresent. SP Letter to Acyutananda (8/21/68) “The first thing, I warn,Achyutananda, do not try to initiate.
You are not in a proper position now to initiate anyone. Besidesthat, the etiquette is that so long the Spiritual Master is present;all prospective disciples should be brought to him. Therefore if anyoneis anxious to be initiated, he should first of all hear our philosophyand join chanting at least for three months, and then if required, Ishall send chanted beads for him if you recommend.”
- Gurus Should Not Transgress Vaishnava etiquette (and initiate their Godbrothers’ disciples in good standing):
SP Letter to Mukunda VE 3/26/68 “I have received one letter which isvery depressing from Hrshikesh. I understand that he has been inducedby Bon Maharaja to be initiated by him for giving him shelter, and thisfoolish boy has accepted his inducement. I have replied Hrshikesh’sletter in the following words: `My dear Hrsikesa… I am greatlysurprised for Bon Maharaja’s initiating you, in spite of his knowingthat you are already initiated by me. So it is a deliberatetransgression of Vaishnava etiquettes and otherwise a deliberate insultto me. I do not know why he has done like this, but no Vaishnava willapprove of this offensive action. …I do not wish to discuss on thispoint elaborately now, but if you are desirous to know further aboutit, I shall be glad to give you more enlightenment…’ If Hrshikeshwrites you a letter, I think you may avoid reply. I do not approve ofboth Hrshikesh’s and Bon Maharaja’s this offensive action.”
Seniors, juniors, and Equals
gunadhikan mudam lipsed anukrosam gunadhamat maitrim samanad anvicchen na tapair abhibhuyate
[SB 4.8.34]
gunadhikan — who is more qualified; mudam — pleasure; lip set –oneshould feel; anukrosam — compassion; gunadhamat — who is lessqualified; maitrim — friendship; samanat — with an equal; anvicchet —one should not desire; na — not; tapair –by tribulation; abhibhuyate —becomes affected
(Narada Muni to Dhruva M
“Every man should act like this: when he meets a person morequalified than himself, he should be very pleased; when he meetssomeone less qualified than himself, he should be compassionate towardhim; and when he meets someone equal to himself, he should makefriendship with him. In this way, one is never affected by thethreefold miseries of this material world.”
Purport: Generally when we find someone more qualified thanourselves, we become envious of him; when we find someone lessqualified, we deride him; and when we find someone equal we become veryproud of our activities. These are the causes of all materialtribulations. The great sage Narada therefore advised that a devoteeshould act perfectly. Instead of being envious of a more qualified man,one should be jolly to receive him. Instead of being oppressive to aless qualified man, one should be compassionate toward him just toraise him to the proper standard. And when one meets an equal, insteadof being proud of one’s own activities before him, one should treat himas a friend. One should also have compassion for the people in general,who are suffering due to forgetfulness of Krishna. These importantfunctions will make one happy within this material world.
Surpassing a Superior Personality
(Maryada vyatikrama)
“To be well versed in the transcendental science necessitatesawareness of the techniques of spiritual science. Uddhava, being wellaware of all these technicalities of transcendental science advisedVidura to approach Maitreya Rsi to receive transcendental knowledge.Vidura wanted to accept Uddhava as his spiritual master, but Uddhavadid not accept the post because Vidura was as old as Uddhava’s fatherand therefore Uddhava could not accept him as his disciple, especiallywhen Maitreya was present nearby. The rule is that in the presence of ahigher personality one should not be very eager to impart instructions,even if one is competent and well-versed. So Uddhava decided to send anelderly person like Vidura to Maitreya, another elderly person.
Since both Maitreya and Vidura were directly instructed by the Lord,both had the authority to become the spiritual master of Vidura oranyone else, but Maitreya, being elderly had the first claim tobecoming the spiritual master, especially for Vidura, who was mucholder than Uddhava. One should not be eager to become a spiritualmaster cheaply for the sake of profit and fame, but should become aspiritual master for the service of the Lord. The Lord never toleratesthe impertinence of maryada-vyatikrama. One should never pass over thehonor due to an elderly spiritual master in the interests of one’s ownpersonal gain and fame. Impertinence… is very risky for spiritualrealization.” (SB 3.4.26)
SP Letter to Sudama 7/29/72 Respect for sannyasi
“All should offer due respect to a sannyasi. His position is alwayssuperior to all other inmates of the temple. He must always maintainthat superior position by action and behavior.”
SP Letter to Rayrama (1/30/67)
“One thing you may note as a matter of etiquette: The SpiritualMaster is addressed as `His Divine Grace’, a Godbrother as `His Grace’,and any sannyasi is addressed as `His Holiness’.”
SP Letter to Janardan (1/21/68)
“I understand that your Godbrothers are as your younger dependentbrothers. Kindly treat them as your younger dependent brothers and tryto advance them in Krishna consciousness as good as you can.”
SP Letter to Arundhati 6/16/69 “Regarding your second question aboutgreeting karmis, if a karmi is a friend, you just greet him HareKrishna, and with folded hands touch your forehead. If the karmi is asuperior relative, then chant Hare Krishna and bow down to him on theground. That should be the etiquette in our society transactions.”
SP Letter to Yamuna Devi & Harsharani (1/15/68)
“If you have any specific grievance, please let me know but don’tbut don’t be disturbed by any sort of disagreement with yourGodbrothers and Godsisters. Each and every living entity is anindividual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in ourdealings with one another. But we have to consider the central point ofinterest. You are both very intelligent and sober girls and I have gotgood estimation of you; do not take at any time an attitude ofnon-cooperation because you have not agreed with another’s point ofview.”
[As superiors] “We should not accept unnecessary favors for sense gratification.” (Letter to Brahmananda 2/20/68)
Treating Women as Mothers
“In distributing love of Godhead, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Hisassociates did not consider who was a fit candidate and who was not, orwhere such distribution should or should not take place. They made noconditions.” (Cc. Adi-Lila 2.7.22)
1. In essence, duality means that we forget that we are partand parcel of Krishna. We want to enjoy separately from Him, we want toplay the controller. This controlling tendency culminates in sex desire.
2. Man/woman concept is synonymous with material consciousness.
3. Becoming Krishna conscious means rising above duality. We have tobecome fixed in the consciousness that all are part and parcel ofKrishna and for His pleasure – not ours.
4. A devotee’s foremost duty is to transcend sex desire.
5. This takes philosophical awareness, constant practiceand perseverance. (Aversion is not the solution. Attachment/ aversionare two sides of the same coin.)
6. Srila Prabhupada in the compassionate mood of the Pancatattva hasopened the treasure house of bhakti to all classes of men – and women.
7. This offers us intense and unlimited opportunity to transcendmaterial attachment and aversion and develop transcendental realizationin Krishna.
8. The word ‘mother’ generates a mood of respect and sobriety.
9. When we advise that women should be seen as mothers, we mean that our dealings with women should be reserved and respectful.
10. Such conduct will minimize offensive mentality and dealings with other living entities.
11. Women should behave as mothers.
12. In the practice of Krishna consciousness segregation of the sexes is essential.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada
SP letter to Gargamuni (75.9.84):
“Regarding the disturbance made by the women devotees, they are alsoliving entities. They also came to Krishna. So consciously cannot denythem. If our male members, the brahmacharis and sannyasis, if theybecome steady in Krishna consciousness, there is no problem. It is theduty of the male members to be very steady and cautious. This can bedone by regular chanting like Haridas Thakur did.”
Letter to Rayrama 10/4/67 “Protect the women (Don’t Exploit Them.)”
“Please guide our innocent Godsisters who have come to our shelter.Girls are more susceptible to the finer attachments of Maya. Boys are alittle stronger. Mrinalini, Jadurani and all other girls who are soqualified, good-looking, intelligent, educated, and seriously engagedin Krishna consciousness should always be given protection from theattachments of Maya.”
SP Letter to Gargamuni 10/18/69 “Maya’s most attractive feature iswomen and money. We Krishna Conscious men have to deal with women andmoney in course of preaching work, and the only prophylactic measure tosave us is not to accept them for our sense gratification. Then weshall remain strong enough. Materialistic people take everything forsense gratification and Krishna Conscious people take everything forKrishna’s satisfaction. There is no fault in the thing as it is; namelywomen and money, but it becomes faulty by improper use. The improperuse is to accept them for sense gratification.”
SP letter to Ekayani (12/3/72):
“Who has introduced these things, that women cannot have chantingjapa in the temple room? If they become agitated, then let thebrahmacharis go to the forest. I have never introduced these things.The brahmacharis cannot remain in the presence of women in the temple,then they may go to the forest, not remaining in NYC, because in NYthere are so many women, so how they can avoid seeing? Best thing is togo to the forest for not seeing any women, if they become so easilyagitated, but then no one will either see them and how our preachingwork will go on?”
Vaishnava Aparadhas
“In Krishna consciousness every man is so important because all ofthe activities of a devotee of Lord Krishna are beneficial to allliving entities.” (SP letter to Shivananda 6/15/69)
The Greatness of a Vaishnava Quotes from Hari Bhakti Vilas
1. Devotees of Hari are very rare in the age of Kali. The positionof the devotee is more elevated than the position of Lord Brahma andLord Rudra.
2. The presence of a devotee at the time of death elevates even the killer of a brahmana to the spiritual sky. (10.86)
3. If a dog-eater becomes a Vaishnava then he becomes more elevatedthan a brahmana, and if a sannyasi is devoid of devotion to Visnu thenhe is considered to be more degraded than a dog-eater. (10.87)
4. Even at the time of total annihilation the devotees of Visnu donot fall down. That’s why Sri Hari is known everywhere as infallible,all pervasive, and inexhaustible; therefore there is no need to fear adevotee. A devotee never inflicts pain on anyone. (10.101-105)
5. Those who worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Hari,are the best of all people and no one is better than them in the threeworlds. (10.110)
6. Those sinless, magnanimous Vaishnavas purify the entire creation;therefore they are even better than the places of pilgrimage. (10.118)
7. Those who are My devotees are not actually My devotees, those who are My devotees of My devotees are real devotees.(10.133)
8 My devotees who are surrendered unto Me and free from attachmentand disgust, envy and pride, sing My glory all the time. They nevercause any harm to anyone. They are always engaged in worshipping Mydevotees and eager to hear about Me, they are the ones who always carryMe in their hearts. (10.145-146)
Blasphemy of a Vaishnava
SP letter to Gopal Krishna (4/21/70)
“You are always alert to see whether you are committing someoffense. This is a very nice attitude. In rendering service to LordKrishna and His representative, the Spiritual Master, we should alwaysmaintain this fearful attitude which means careful attention. Thisattitude will advance you progressively in Krishna consciousness.”
Quotes from Hari Bhakti Vilas
1. When one blasphemes a Vaishnava he loses his religiosity, wealth, fame and children. (10.310)
2. If one beats a Vaishnava, blasphemes a Vaishnava, showsdisrespect to a Vaishnava, gets angry upon a Vaishnava or does notexpress joy in seeing a Vaishnava, he goes to hell. (10.310)
Four Kinds of Blasphemy to a Vaishnava
1. To find fault with a Vaishnava for his apparent low birth.
2. To blaspheme him for his previous faults.
3. To blaspheme him for his accidental fault.
4. To blaspheme him for the faults that is almost rectified.
(from Harinam Cintamini)
What to Do If One Commits Vaishnava Aparadha
If by chance one commits Vaishnava aparadha then he must beforgiveness from the Vaishnava very earnestly holding his feet. AVaishnava is very merciful so he will immediately embrace him andforgive him for all his offenses. (from Harinam Cintamani)
Offering Praise to a Vaishnava
SP letter to Tamal Krishna (8/19/68)
“This is actually a devotee’s business that everyone shouldappreciate the value of other devotees. Nobody should criticize anyone.”
Now that you have come to my house today, I have become glorified;my life has become completely successful. To be able to see a Vaishnavais as rare as the good fortune of seeing Sri Hari. I must have acquiredimmense piety, huge as the Meru Mountain that’s why I got to see agreat Vaishnava like you.” (HBV (10.337-338)
Dressing like a Vaishnava
“Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said ‘A first class Vaishnava is he whosevery presence makes others chant the Holy Name of Krishna.’” (Cc.Madya-Lila 6.16.74)
1. There should be no compromise in our Vaishnava appearance. We arerepresentatives of Srila Prabhupada. We should aim to be first classrepresentatives.
2. We need to be aware of the bonafide standard of appearance.Maintain it and preach it. In the age of Kali deviations easily becomethe standard. We should be alert to this.
3. Proper Vaishnava dress helps us maintain proper consciousnessregarding our identity and responsibility in service to SrilaPrabhupada and the Vaishnavas.
4. Vaishnava appearance is attractive and will facilitateour preaching. The first impression, which is most often formed fromvisual stimuli, is the most longstanding.
5. Just by seeing a Vaishnava the conditioned soul is purified.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada
“Srila Prabhupada was dressed appropriately for a resident ofVrindavana. He wore kanthi-mala <neck beads> and a simple cottondhoti, and he carried japa-mala <chanting beads> and an oldchadar, or shawl. His complexion was golden, his head shaven, sikha inthe back, his forehead decorated with the whitish Vaishnava tilaka. Hewore pointed white slippers, not uncommon for sadhus in India. But whoin New York had ever seen or dreamed of anyone appearing like thisVaishnava? He was possibly the first Vaishnava sannyasi to arrive inNew York with uncompromised appearance. Of course, New Yorkers have anexpertise in not giving much attention to any kind of strange newarrival.”(SP Lilamrta, vol 2, pg 7)
Episode of Vaishnava wearing tilaka in Muslim factory (SP Nectar 3,6th Story): There was once a factory in India where all the workerswere Hindus, and mostly Vaishnavas. The Vaishnavas had freedom,therefore, to wear their Vaishnava tilaka to work, and they alsodisplayed other Vaishnava paraphernalia. But after some time, thefactory went into new management, and then the proprietor was a Muslim.On taking over the business, the Muslim owner declared that he wouldnot allow the workers to come to work anymore wearing Vaishnava tilaka.Most of the workers obeyed, and on the given date announced by theowner, they appeared at the factory without their tilaka. One employee,however, thought that he would take his chances and depend on Krishna.So he went to work wearing very clear, white Vaishnava tilaka. Afterseeing all the workers assembled, the new Muslim proprietor said, “Thisone devotee who has worn Vaishnava tilaka is very courageous. He may bepermitted to continue wearing the tilaka to work. But all others areforbidden to wear it anymore.”
In this way, Prabhupäda encouraged the devotees to not unnecessarilyabandon the markings of a Vaishnava. Where situations forbid it,Prabhupada said it was not absolutely necessary to wear tilaka,although a devotee should at least put water tilaka on his body withthe names of Visnu. But if the paraphernalia is permitted, then adevotee should not unnecessarily do away with the dress or beads of aVaishnava.
Comment by SDG: This story has obvious modern day application. In1966 Srila Prabhupada was pleased when Rupanuga and Satsvarupapersisted in wearing Vaishnava tilaka to their jobs with the NYC Deptof Welfare. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura also desired that one daythe high court judges may wear Vaishnava tilaka, and this would be asymbol of the successful influence of Krishna consciousness in theworld. Even in job situations where wearing tilaka is not permissible,a devotee should try in different ways to remember Krishna while atwork. The story told by Prabhupada about the man who insisted onwearing tilaka to his job may remain an inspiration to all devotees whogo to places of employment controlled by the karmis. Somehow or other,we must remain as devotees.
“Gaudiya Vaishnava sikha is an inch and a half across — no bigger.Bigger sikha means another sampradaya. …And they have to be knotted.”(SP Lil.V pg. 93)