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Śrī Caitanya Caritāmrta Ādi 1.56


"A person interested in transcendental knowledge must therefore always directly and indirectly inquire about it to know the all-pervading truth."


One should understand, through the transparent medium of the spiritual master, that the Supreme Lord exists everywhere in His transcendental spiritual nature and that the living entities' relationships with the Lord are directly and indirectly existing everywhere, even in this material world. In the spiritual world ther

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Light in Darkness

This material world is a place of darkness. In darkness there isalways fear. Violence, hatred, envy, greed, lust and illusion—these arethe forces of darkness which control this world. This darkness ispropitiated through the two processes of cruel and hypocrisy. 

In the name of religion, people are exploiting others for their personal motives. In the name of peace and love,

there is violence and hatred. This is called hypocrisy. Whenhypocrisy is present within our material dealings, it creates impi

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Poverty of the Rich

Years ago, I met with Mother Teresa. A newspaper reporter was glorifying her for nicely serving the poor. She said, ‘You don’t know who the poor are. People in the western countries living in big mansions, expensive homes, driving in nice cars, eating all kinds of foods—they are poor. Because although they have so much wealth materially, their hearts are lonely, their hearts are starving. When I look in their eyes, I see poverty of the heart. These people dying in the streets of Calcutta with no
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Reason for suffering

Everyone tries to claim as their own what belongs to God. Therefore, there is so much miseryand suffering. Because trying to claim somebody else’s property as ourown is sinful. It creates bad karma. When people take something theyare not supposed to take, they become attached to it; they becomeaddicted to it and so passionate for it that they cannot live withoutit. They commit so many sins to keep it or to get it. And that is whythere is so much crime, illicit sex, and violence.

By Radhanath Swam

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Tumi sarvesvaresvara

Tumi sarvesvaresvara
(from saranagati)


O youthful son of the King of Vraja, You are Lord of all lords. According to Your will, creation and destruction take place in the universe.(1)

According to Your will Lord Brahma creates, and according to Your will Lord Visnu maintains.(2)

According to Your will Lord Siva destroys, and according to Your will Maya constructs the prison house of this world.(3)

According to Your will the living beings take birth and die, and according to Your will they meet with pr
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Here are a few things that Srila Prabhupada said about chanting and reading Bhagavad-gita:Srila Prabhupada: “I thank you so much for having nicely appreciated the Bhagavad-gita As ItIs. This book should be read by all of my students at least one chapter per day, and in kirtanaclass it should be discussed sloka after sloka. Practically, we have tried to explain in this bookall of the basic principles of Krishna Consciousness. If you can simply cram Bhagavad-gitathen you will surely become a very
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Why we read the Bhagavat Geeta, even if we can't understand it? 


An old farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning, Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bhagavat Geeta.

His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Bhagawat Geeta just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand, I forget as soon as I close the book. What goo

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Caitanya Lila


Srila Prabhupada on Chaitanya Lila
"Once a pilgrim brahmana was received at the house of Jagannatha Misra,and when he was offering food to the Godhead, the Lord appeared before him and partook of the prepared food. The eatables had to be rejected because the child touched them, and so the brahmana had to make another preparation. The next time the same thing happened, and when this happened repeatedly for the third time, the baby was finally put to bed. At about twelve at night when all the mem
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A Letter and a Story


Letter December 6, 1974

Regarding your question, actually it is a fact that ultimately everyone should preach and distribute books if they want to please me in the best way. Book distribution must be given stress always. If you do this sincerely, it is a fact that Krishna will supply everything else required. I blindly follow my guru maharaj. I do not know what is the result. So I am stressing on this point of book distribution. He told me this personally. Book distribution is bhagavata marga and

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Driven by selfish motives, one may be inclined to such sinful acts as the killing of one's own brother, father or mother. There are many such instances in the history of the world. But Arjuna, being a saintly devotee of the Lord, is always conscious of moral principles and therefore takes care to avoid such activities.

It is the custom—according to ks’atriya fighting principles—that an unarmed and unwilling foe should not be attacked. Arjuna, however, decided that even if attacked by

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Condition of Yamraj - good one

*Yamaraj's Greatest Concern*


Yamaraj is the demigod who records all of our pious and evil deeds.The servants of Yamaraj approached him and complained aboutsomething they were very concerned about. Here is the conversationbetween Yamaraj  and his     Yamaduta servants.


Yamaduta 1: How are you Prabhuji?

Yamaraj: I am doing well. But you look a little tense.

Yamaduta 1: Yeah Prabhu. We are little held with few matters.

Yamaraj: Oh. Let me know your issues.

Yamaduta 1: I am worried about this hell.


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Lord Rama's worship of Lord Shiva



Giriraja: At one of the programs, somebody raised the question that we cited that Lord Siva is worshiping Krsna, that he is a Vaisnava. So that person replied that Lord Rama also worshiped Siva. So he wanted to know the explanation.

Lokanatha: You explained yesterday.
Prabhupada: Sometimes Krsna is chastised by mother Yasoda. So how is that? The Supreme Personality of Godhead is being chastised by mother Yasoda?
Giriraja: He likes to be chastised. It's part of the relationship.
Prabhupada: Similarl

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The Kingdom of the Blind

Once upon a time there flourished a civilization, cut-off from the restof the world by mountains. But as providence would have it, an epidemicdisease purged the entire population in to hereditary blindness.Generations passed, and a new way of life evolved to cope with thischallenge posed by material nature. Life went on without an event untila traveler lost his way in to this ‘Kingdom of the blind’.


From amusement to amazement to sympathy – the traveler andthe residents were swept by the same se

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One day I will be happy.

Sadly, many of us keep convincing ourselves, "Someday I'll be happy." We tell ourselves 'I'll be happy when I will be a president, when I will be doing so and so service, get a particular mobile phone' etc. We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, then another, then another, on and on and on we go with our wish list.Meanwhile, life keeps moving forward. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when?Your life will always be filled wi
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If Chickens Could Speak


I am a chicken.

I have the same five senses as you: I can see, smell, touch, hear, and


I experience pain, misery, loneliness, and happiness.

I like to socialize and enjoy time with my family and friends.

I am intelligent and follow a pecking order.

I can recognize other chickens by sight and smell.

I nest and nurture my young.

I chirp dozens of vocalizations and speak my own language.

I have a long term memory.

I like to sit in trees.

I run towards food because I enjoy eating.

I am scared of loud no

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A New Life - True Story



Here is a nice story - a true incident.. do read.... it might make you closer to God....


In the San Diego ISKCON temple in USA, there was a gentleman called *Mr. Prakash*. He was a reserved type of person who would come regularly to the temple feasts but never really showed a lot of enthusiasm. 

One day he had a severe heart attack and was rushed to hospital. During the surgery he almost passed away on four occasions. It was touch and go and he slipped into a coma. He remained that way for s

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My realization after watching a 4-D movie.

Few days back we went to Genting Highlands( a famous tourist attraction near Kuala Lumpur). Its a theme park with lots of fun rides and a 4-D movie theater. For those who have never watched a 4-D movie i would like to tell that in 4-D movie along with the 3-D images being projected on the screen, viewer's seat is also moved in certain ways which give the illusion to the viewer that he is also the part of the movie.

 The movie we watched was the story of a Cat who is moving inside a ghostly house.

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A lesson from the ocean

During the dry season, very little water comes from the river into the ocean. Does the ocean dry up? During the monsoon rainy season sometimes the river becomes several miles wide and billions of liters of water pour in every minute in the ocean. Does the ocean over flood? The ocean is ever being filled but is always still. Why? Because the ocean is pure and so deep in itself that it is not disturbed by the external forces coming in.Compare the ocean with a puddle of water. During the dry season
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Spiritual Practices at home

Make a little temple in your house.  Put it in a nice and if possible a prominent place.  We should show our children by our example that we love God.  Children when they are young they may not intellectually understand so much but theimpressions that they see go deeply into  theirconsciousness and mold their whole lives.  What you do will influencethem, not what you say.  We should cook pure food stuffs in our house. We should offer it to God in devotion so that eating it will sanctifyour consc

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Power, Knowledge and Love

Energy and power, people consider it very important. But knowledge is more important, because only if we apply our knowledge in utilizing the energy in harmony with the absolute, in harmony with God, can it serve the whole world. But if we utilize that same energy, that same power, without proper knowledge of who we are and what our real purpose in life is, it could create disaster. And higher than knowledge is love and compassion, for that brings real fulfillment and real harmony to all living
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