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Hang a dummy monkey

Aksaya prabhu and I are engaged in a running battle with the monkeys. They raid Srila Prabhupada's garden, wrecking the plants -- especially chewing down the banana trees -- and pass stool and urine everywhere. We have a system where I chase them from the garden and he waits to ambush them on the other side of the wall.

So it was that just after lunch today I ran through Srila Prabhupada's sitting room carrying a big stick. He looked up with surprise and curiosity. "What is tha
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Follow the goswamis

Later, during his massage Prabhupada told me that any sex life in Vrndavana is an offence, even for married couples. He said, "We should follow the line of the Six Gosvamis. Did they come here for having sex and beginning family? No. It is meant for retirement from material activity. They gave up family life and then came to Vrndavana."

I was puzzled because I couldn't see how the local people could avoid it. "Well, Srila Prabhupada, what about the Brijbasis, the people who are
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Avoid offenses in dhama

September 10th, 1976

Prabhupada gave a powerful lecture this morning, issuing a strong warning to the devotees to be careful to avoid indulging in sex in the holy dhama, thereby committing offences. The increasing conglomeration of householders and single women in the community is an ongoing concern for him. Although he is not against them staying here, his many recent comments have made it clear that there is a need for caution. Today he voiced his concern to the assembly
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Hare Krsna,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s,

All glories to srila prabhupad.

Dandvat Pranam,


I am looking for the cheap & best (Devotee home)accommodation in mayapur at the time of Gaur Purnima for 10 days where i can get prasadam & all. can any one help me to arrange the same.

i am very much greatfull  if some one helps me on this regard


Your Servent

Saci Gaurasundara Das


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By rendering devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, one immediately acquires causeless knowledge and detachment from the world.  If one engages in the service of Vasudeva ,Krishna, this knowledge comes, and one becomes a mahatma. A mahatma is one who realizes that Krishna is everything.  He does not defy Krishna or try to become Krishna. One who does so is not a mahatma, but a duratma, a rascal.  
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Hare Krishna Prabhus.
Dandavat pranam. AGTSP. AGTSG&G.

Please read this article in its entirety. Please accept my apologies if I am spamming your mailbox.

On September 15th HH Purnacandra Goswami Maharaja was hospitalized with internal bleeding, and from October 19th he was in coma. On the 4th of November, 22:25 PM Moscow time HH Purnacandra Goswami passed away. It i
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From book of dead to Live Books



Now here's a story from the Marathon in Czech Republic:

Srila Prabhupada's marathon has just ended. As usual, it was full of mercy, both in terms of realizations and in the number of books distributed. When the marathon started, the first winter frosts came, yet we headed to the mountainous part of the Czech Republic. On the first day we were scheduled to go out on the street I was ill with a fever, but I felt I had to go out because I had been asked to teach a devotee doing traveling sankirtan

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It is by grace that we are eligible to have the facility and association by devotees by which we can purify our hearts and as the Heart becomes Pure, D Eternal Light of Love of Krisna, which is dormant within our hearts is awakened & shines forth. Radhanath Swami Maharaj - South India Yatra, 2010.
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Killing of Kamsa


1. Thus addressed, Lord Krsna made up His mind to accept the challenge. He paired off with Canura, and Lord Balarama with Mustika.

2. Seizing each other’s hands and locking legs with each other, the opponents struggled powerfully, eager for victory.

3. They each struck fists against fists, knees against knees, head against head and chest against chest.

4. Each fighter contended with his opponent by dragging him a
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Hare Krishna....


I have received so many response to my Blog "How Dhuki became Sukhi" that Lord Krishna should make everyone Sukhi.


My appeal to all Vaishnavas is that our attitude should be that of QUEEN QUNTI,we should always wish that we be in troubles / problems because, only when we have troubles and problems, we will think about KRISHNA, and INDIRECTLY, WHENEVER WE THINK ABOUT KRISHNA, DEFINITELY, THERE WILL NOT BE ANY PROBLEMS / TROUBLES.



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Srila Prabhupada - on being a Dhira.






We can become eternal, immortal, all qualified like God, if we get out of these material clutches. And for this, we have to become dhira. Dhira means, I have already explained, not to be disturbed, even the cause of disturbance is there. So that is the qualification of becoming immortal. So little tolerance of the sensation... Just like there is some sensation. If you have got some itches and you are feeling that "I should itch," but if you stop itching, this will be cured, and if you go on

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Govardhan giri episode - a lesson.

The episode of the lifting of the Govardhana Hill shows how surrendered the residents of Gokula and Nandgaon were to Krishna.
Dasaratha was heart broken at the thought of Rama having to go to the forest for 14 years but was unable to break his word to Kaikeyi. However Vasudeva was also known to be a Satyavaadi or one who always speaks the truth.  He promised to give his eighth son to Kamsa. He even gave Kamsa his first son when it was born.  However when the
voice told him to take Krishna to Gokul
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Dualities of the world

One must be tolerant in the face of dualities of this material world. Whether your rich or poor, literate or illiterate, live in shanties or high rises, or CEO or simple worker, you are to the shackles of old age, disease and death.. The body will get sick and die but the soul is beyond birth and death. We have to learn to love God and realize the eternal relationship between the soul and Him before death. To the degree , we understand this, we can face any of the these impediments and see them
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In the world, but not of the world

As Jesus Christ said, “We are in this world but not of this world.” To be in this world, but not of this world means the spiritual conception of life. We are above; we are transcendental to all the miseries, which are inevitable in this world. Such a spiritual person alone can actually create peace on Earth. Because he or she can enliven and illuminate others to get out of this world by being transcendental to the repetition of birth and death. So, as spiritualists, as devotees of God, our praye

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Unfortunate condition of the world.

Human form of life is meant for real satisfaction, which comes through self-realization that comes from the purification of the heart. But people, today, consider that this is impractical, unrealistic. This is the most unfortunate condition, the cause of all problems. It is practical, to destroy the water, to destroy the air, to destroy the ground with pollution, nuclear waste—it’s very realistic, is it not? It is very realistic and practical to be so frustrated in material endeavors, to fill yo

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The Spiritual World

The path of devotion teaches us the simple principle that we are all individual, eternal principles who are eternally connected to the Supreme Absolute Truth or Krishna, and we are all meant to serve the Absolute Truth. And in doing so we serve each other, and we create harmony. Why? Because then we will have common purpose.The spiritual world, the real world, is where everyone accepts that Krishna’s pleasure is their real goal in life. Ahaituki, Apratihata: everyone is selfless there. So everyo
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Guru Kumhaar Shish kumbh hai, Garhi Garhi kade khot,
andar haath sanhaar de, baahar bahe chot.
Guru is like a Potter and our heads are like the clay mounted on His wheel. Just as the Potter hits the clay on the outside and digs the extra clay and impurities to give it shape from the inside, Guru may be harsh on His children from the outside, but from inside, He loves them and makes them pure.
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Dukhi was a simple poor maid servant, she was not educated but she was in the association of Srivas Thakur. 


 By Srivas's association, she developed a sincere desire to serve everyone and to please the Lord.  While all the senior devotees were bathing the Lord, Dukhi would arrange water pots from Ganges. She would ensure that there is water available for the service.  She was  not expecting any honor, she just wanted to serve unconditionally and the Lord was very pleased with here service attitu

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Diary of a Traveling Monk
Volume 11, Chapter 12
November 22, 2010
By Indradyumna Swami

There Are Too Few Like You

Dear Purnacandra Goswami,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It was with great sorrow that I heard about your sudden departure from this world. Although we regularly hear about these things in sastra and are constantly preparing ourselves for such inevitable events, somehow when they actually happen we seem totally unprepared. And so it is that I can

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A study suggests that burning joss sticks raises the risk of certain mouth, throat and lung cancers

Incense is burned in a Buddhist templePhotograph: Anuruddha Lokuhapuarachchi/ Reuters

Along with the piles of dirty laundry, empty beer cans and Bob Marley posters they are a common feature of many student digs. But scientists have now found that regularly burning joss sticks increases the risk of certain mouth, throat and lung cancers.

The 12-year study back

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