Anirudh Shetty posted photos
Jul 19, 2019
Anirudh Shetty posted videos
May 15, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Amit Kapoor's discussion Why most faiths/sects/religions/gurus/scriptures believe in IMPERSONAL FORM OF GOD?
"Exactly!! You hit the right point with your last statement, they haven't yet come to this level. My father would always give this example- its like these scriptures are like pocket dictionary and the vedas and puranas are webster dictionary - full…"
May 15, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Ashish Sharma's discussion SHOULD DEVOTEE HAVE MATERIALISTIC GOALS ?
"The example i quoted is of a person, who has vaishnava restaurants. Food without onion garlic, offered to Krsna and served to the customers.
And he also helps organize Ratha yatra festivals and many others my personally investing his time nd…"
May 15, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Anirudh Shetty's discussion VIllage Upbringing v/s City Up bringing
"Oh Yes! Totally! Srila Prabhupada said city life is like pigeon life. And flats like the Pigeon holes.
I so understand your point of view and totally agree with it! I even spent one whole month in my village sometime back and it was blissful.
May 15, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Harita Madhavi Dd's discussion cows milk from cows blood is considered veg..why?
"According to he Vedic principles, first the calf is allowed to drink the Cow's milk. After the calf drinks its quota, we collect the remaining milk. One should not force the cow for milk. And hence whatever milk we receive from the cow is not forced…"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Deepti Rajvanshi's discussion Deity worship in case of death in family
"I personally had to go through this after my Father's departure a year and a half back.
I had been instructed that no fire should be lit in the house. Therefore, we did not even cook for certain number of days, and we could not even worship our…"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty commented on Neeraj Bhatia's blog post Bhakti in kalyug.
"Yes, a grihasta does run around for gaining more material wealth. However, Srila Prabhupada and all our acharyas say, that as a Grihasta one should center their life around Krishna. HOw is that? Keep krishna in the center, worship him at home, do…"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Aishwarya's discussion What should be done as a devotee when hear something bad about Krishna???
"Close you ears, shut your eyes, walk away from there and Loudly CHANT KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA!!!!
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Amit Kapoor's discussion Why most faiths/sects/religions/gurus/scriptures believe in IMPERSONAL FORM OF GOD?
"Time, place, circumstance. These religions which you have mentioned, originated as per the needs of that time. The messiahs of this sect were empowered to pass on these teachings. The places where Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed preached, people…"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty commented on Sita devi dasi's blog post SAVE YAMUNA- CAN YOU HEAR HER CALLING FOR HELP?!!?!
"Let us all Unite and save another of our heritage from being lost!"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to chandru ramesh's discussion If God(krishna) is unlimited, then how can he be limited by a form
"He is not limited by a form. Our understanding of form is limited because, or form is limited. With our body we are conscious only of activities in our vicinity, and only with technology we receive information from around the world. Our body is…"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty commented on Anuradha's blog post Ram Navami fasthing - doubt
"Fasting is till noon. It is a complete nirjala fast, not even water. You can break the fast with water, lime juice, grains, no rule about that - since its a half day fast."
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty commented on Anirudh Shetty's blog post Satisfaction
"he he.. yeah..!"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty commented on ashwini's blog post Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
"Lord Chaitanya  appeared as his devotee, and not as the LORD himself. Even though he is the same Lord, his avatar as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is known as channa avatar, meaning hidden form.
He didn't reveal his true identity of the supreme personality…"
May 14, 2019
Anirudh Shetty replied to Mohini Madhavi's discussion Names to Deities?!
"Hare krsna Maral!
Can you please publish the list you already have? So there is no overriding.
Here are some coming from the top of my mind -
1) Nitai Mayapurishwar
2) Nitai Gaurahari
3)Nitai Maya
4) Nitai Navadip Chandra
You can try the…"
May 14, 2019