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Srila Prabhupada Nectar


Srila Prabhupada flew from Los Angeles to San Francisco. After the slower pace of the Los Angeles center, the activities in San Francisco encouraged Prabhupada.

I think San Francisco center has been very much sanctified by unalloyed devotional service of the members here. As soon as there are sincere devotees, immediately the situation changes favorably.

The morning and evening meetings drew crowds of interested young people, and Srila Prabhupada observed: "Dancing in ecstasy is often exhibited t

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"... With a strong vow one should chant the holy name of the Lord —
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama
Rama Hare Hare,
 — for thus one will certainly be delivered from the clutches of mäyä by
the grace of Krishna.

The chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is recommended even for
persons who commit offenses, because if they continue chanting they
will gradually chant offenselessly. By chanting the Hare Krishna
mantra without offenses, one increases his love for Krishna. A
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Preaching is something important

Upendra dasa, a young American disciple of Srila Prabhupada, had until recently been Prabhupada's personal servant. Now, although the president of Seattle temple, he again hankered after Prabhupada's personal association. He was depressed, and had written asking Prabhupada's permission to resume his former service.

Prabhupada had agreed on the condition that Upendra find a suitable replacement. Upendra found one, and soon happily took up his former duties.

One day i
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 40
prajapatir dharma-patir
ekada niyaman yaman
bhadram prajanam anvicchann
atisthat svartha-kamyaya

praja-patih -- the forefather of all living entities; dharma-patih -- the father of religious life; ekada -- once upon a time; niyaman -- rules and regulations; yaman -- principles of control; bhadram -- welfare; prajanam -- of the living beings; anvicchan -- desiring; atisthat -- situated; sva-artha -- own interest; kamyaya -- so desiring.

Thus once
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Srila Prabhupada comments of Shiva Ratri and its observance:

Demon Çaìkhacüòa Killed - taken from Krsna Book

Once upon a time, the cowherd men of Våndävana, headed by Nanda Mahäräja, desired to go to Ambikävana to observe the Çiva-rätri ceremony. The räsa-lélä was performed during the autumn, and after that the next big ceremony is Holi, or the Doläyäträ ceremony. Between the Doläyäträ ceremony and the räsa-lélä ceremony there is one important ceremony called Çiva-rätri, which is especially observ

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Cow as a Sacred Asset of the Nation

India has 150 million cows today, giving an average of less than 200 litres of milk per year. If they could be fed and looked after, then these divine animals can give an average of 11,000 litres of milk as the Israeli Cows do. That could provide milk for the whole world. The milk we produce today is the cheapest in the world. With enhanced production by raising the productivity of milky cows , we can become the world's largest exporter of milk and India 's biggest foreign exchange earner.Yet ou
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Hare Krishna!

Unbelievable but true! Almost like real! Unimaginable!

Now we can anytime visit the Dhaams and have complete virtual darshan through this website (developed by Gaudiya math). Just play around with your cursor (mouse pointer) and you can view from any angle you want. Just view it as it moves or click and drag inside, right click and drag or scroll to zoom and also right click inside the screen so that a tool box appears. If there is something that you won't like after visiting this si
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HH Bhanu Swami


Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir!

Date: February 25th, 2011

Topic: Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back To Godhead

Verse: SB 4.12. 19

Speaker: HH Bhanu Swami
dadarsa vimanagryam

nabhaso 'vatarad dhruvah

vibhrajayad dasa diso

rakapatim ivoditam

TRANSLATION: As soon as the symptoms of his liberation were manifest, he saw a very beautiful airplane coming down from the sky, as if the brilliant fullmoon were coming down, illuminating all the ten directions.

PURPORT: There are different levels of acquired knowledge

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Birth And Death Caused By Maya.

Birth And Death Caused By Maya.



72/11/25 Hyderabad, Bhagavad-gita 2.20 



na jayate mriyate va kadacin
nayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah
ajo nityah sasvato 'yam purano
na hanyate hanyamane sarire
[Bg. 2.20]

So the soul cannot be killed. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. And the soul has no birth, no death. As Krsna is eternal, Krsna has no birth and death... Ajo 'pi sann avyayatma. Krsna says in the Fourth Chapter. Aja. Krsna's another name is Aja. Or visnu-tattva. Aja. We are also aja. Aj
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G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"

Srila Prabhupada: embodiment of simplicity……………….Nectarean Mellows


Being simple is a very very great opulence in this age of Kali. Srila Prabhupada was so simple. He really didn’t want anything for himself. He just wanted to serve. He just wanted to speak the truth. Recently I was reading Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja offering in 1973 in London. There were hundreds and hundreds of devotees from all of the European continent and the UK coming to sur

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Quality of Simplicity

Quality of Simplicity

 The word arjavam indicates simplicity or straightforwardness.

Simplicity means that without diplomacy one should be so straightforward that he can disclose the real truth even to an enemy. 

As far as the brahminical quality of simplicity is concerned, not only should a particular order of life follow this principle, but every member, be he in the brahmacari asrama, grhastha asrama, vanaprastha asrama or sannyasa asrama. One should be very simple and straightforward.

 Ref. Veda
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It is described in Srimad Bhagavatam 6.20.30) that Janaka Maharaja is
one of the 12 great authorities or mahajana in the devotional line. He
is the father of Sita and a great devotee of Lord Ramachandra.

The following illustration from the Padma Purana (Patala-khanda
18.31-77) illustrates the supreme potency of the Holy Name and the
merit of associating with saintly persons.

After a long life Janaka Maharaja gave up his body through the yoga
process. A divine airplane decorated with many bells descende
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Conscious Understanding

Conscious Understanding

Undoubtedly the soul is present in the heart of the living entity, and it is the source of all the energies for maintaining the body. The energy of the soul is spread all over the body, and this is known as consciousness. Since this consciousness spreads the energy of the soul all over the body, one can feel pains and pleasures in any part of the body. The soul is individual, and he is transmigrating from one body to another, just as a person transmigrates from babyhood to
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24 – Hour Kirtan Festival

24 – Hour Kirtan Festival

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare




March 5th – 6th

Saturday 12:00 noon – Sunday 12:00 noon

Hare Krishna (ISKCON) Berkeley Temple

2334 Stuart Street, Berkeley, California 94705

(Cross Street is Telegraph Ave., Stuart is 4 blocks north of Ashby)

Telephone:   510-649-8619

His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,  Founder-Acharya of ISKCON


Picture above copied from website:

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The Great Transcendental Adventure

I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna. This is the great transcendental adventure. Try your best, and I'm sure you will be successful. - Srila Prabhupada, from a letter to Bali-mardana

Pastimes of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in Australia and New Zealand - K
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 39
haraye vihitanjalih
sarva-bhutamayo visvam
sasarjedam sa purvavat

antarhita -- on the disappearance; indriya-arthaya -- unto the Personality of Godhead, the objective of all senses; haraye -- unto the Lord; vihita-anjalih -- in folded hands; sarva-bhuta -- all living entities; mayah -- full of; visvam -- the universe; sasarja -- created; idam -- this; sah -- he (Brahmaji); purva-vat -- exactly like before.

On the disappeara
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All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dandvata Pranam Prabhu JI and Mata Ji


                                  I have a little doubt regarding to Devotional Song for your Spiritual Progress. Should we listen only Iskcon Vaishnav Song or can we listen also other krishna Bhakti song by other singer like. Pt. Jasraj. Bhimsen Joshi , Vinod Agrawal , Mridual Krishna Shashtri  Ji ,  and many more there are..


                                 My realization  that Iskcon'd Devotional Song is pure and pure spiri

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How to Justify Caste System?

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: How to Justify Caste System?

I have read in the Bhagavad-gita that the Lord Himself created the caste system consisting of four classes: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra. How could this be justified? 

Santosh K.

Answer: To Create Heaven on Earth

The caste system is created by Krishna for the purpose of enabling the human society to function in a healthy, progressive manner. Now the caste system is stifling. Why is this?

The first thing to understa

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Srila Prabhupada Uvaca


Prabhupada said he would go to as many speaking engagements as Aniruddha could obtain. Aniruddha got engagements, but there were many difficulties. On two occasions, Prabhupada, Subala, and Aniruddha were on their way to an engagement at a college when their car broke down. Another time, a policeman arrested Subala for not having a driver's license, and Prabhupada, accompanied by his servant, had to walk back to his apartment. At an engagement at the U.C.L.A. Student Center, not a single studen

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 9 Text 38
sri-suka uvaca
sampradisyaivam ajano
jananam paramesthinam
pasyatas tasya tad rupam
atmano nyarunad dharih

sri-sukah uvaca -- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said; sampradisya -- fully instructing Brahmaji; evam -- thus; ajanah -- the Supreme Lord; jananam -- of the living entities; paramesthinam -- unto the supreme leader, Brahma; pasyatah -- while he was seeing; tasya -- His; tat rupam -- that transcendental form; atmanah -- of the Absolute; nyarunat -- disappeared
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