Yesterday 2nd march 2011,H.G Rohini Tanay pr, Brahmachari disciple of H.H Radhanath Maharaj left his Body . Aged 31, his body was ravaging with a terrible cancer. Around last year june-july he was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer.
In his Last days of painful condition, Rohini Tanaya pr's Krishna consciousness stood out more brightly.
some incidents i want to share.
Monday 28th feb he almost had left us,but he survived.Tuesday i got an opportunity to meet and say him Good bye. Even in his semi conscious state and drowsiness, when he saw me he was happy - he smiled and put out both of his hands to welcome me. Haribol style.He called his attender friend Bhima prabhu and indicated that i should feed him watermelon juice.i am thankful for this service. How can 1 have such clear thought process at this stage, considering just 1 day back he was about to leave.
Vamsivihari pr who was with Rohini tanay p told me "He would ask whenever some thing would be fed to him- is it offered to Gaur Nitai." That was so great so conscious of intricate details in K.C even at this stage.
Vamsivihari prabhus Gaur nitai deities were always near his hospital bed. when 2 senior vaishnavas came to meet him in his last days. he said i am so fortunate that 3 great personalities are meeting me (including vamsi vihari P) and then he corrected "oh , 5 personalities - including Gaura Nitai".
As His spiritual master was talking from mayapur on Mobile to him in his very last difficult stage.. he would constantly murmur "Maharaj", " Maharaj".... yes outwardly he looked to be unconcious yet he was internally fully aware and intune with. His Gurumahraj told him to be very grateful and indeed he exactly followed the orders till end.
Rohini Tanay p expressed his desire if possible if he could go back to Nigadi temple (The new big temple is shortly opening on 21st march).
Finally all devotees decided to take him back.wednesday 2nd march he left Bhaktivedanta hospital in the late afternoon to go to nigadi. He was unconcious. Devotees were not sure whether he could even reach Nigadi (4 Hrs journey).yes he made it. and then in his internal conciousness he saw the new temple, saw the new Radha Govinda deities which are going to be installed and then in the small temple hall while attending the sandhya arati of Gaur Nitai gazing at them , Rohini Tanay pr triumphantly left us to serve their Lordships eternally. The conch shell of arati blew to confirm this.
Short yet sweet life of Rohini Tanay pr will be ever etched in the deepest core of all of our hearts.while taking treatment year back in cancer hospital based on cow therapy at baruch-GUjarat, Rohini tanay pr would give classes to other terminal patients and also innovatively arrange dramas for them. No one there ever thought that the speaker is also a terminally ill patient like them.
Later he had kept in touch with many of these patients even when he was in Bhaktivedanta hopsital in his last days. He would call them and they would also call him and he gave hope to many of them and even encouraged them to chant.3 yrs back i used met him regularly on my travels to NIgadi temple.
He was serving in kitchen at that time. Once he gave a short class (as part of brahmachari class schedule for new devotees) and i was there to listen to it.when i heard him speak,i remembered the story of dasharathi - (disciple of ramanujacharya) who also served in kitchen but when given chance to speak had amazed all , i could see him as an Upcoming preacher in The Nigadi ashram. he spoke exactly in the style of Gaura gopal pr. He liked hearing Gaur Gopal pr's youth classes and often used examples from his classes.we thank all devotees who wonderfully got opportunity to serve him and we feel proud to have got his valuable association.
Srila prabhupada speaks in one of his class that " any one who leaves his body dedicating his life for krishna will surely go back to Krishna"So while i am mourning for his early departure , i am sure that he is mourning for me for i have to stay more in this material world and experience more miseries , while he is smiling and definitely praying for all of us to join him in the evergoing party in the spiritual world.
At your service,
Cintamani Sakhi devi dasi
(forwarded by Gopati das prabhuji and Mukund prabhuji)