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It is better to correct mistake than to live with it. To hate someone who hates u is like
sharing the same disease - Nectar Drops -  Radhanath Swami Maharaj
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TEXT 41sankaro narakayaivakula-ghnanam kulasya capatanti pitaro hy esamlupta-pindodaka-kriyahSYNONYMSsankarah--such unwanted children; narakaya--for hellish life; eva--certainly; kula-ghnanam--of those who are killers of the family;kulasya--of the family; ca--also; patanti--fall down; pitarah--forefathers; hi--certainly; esam--of them; lupta--stopped; pinda--offerings; udaka--water; kriyah--performances.TRANSLATIONWhen there is increase of unwanted population, a hellish situation is created both
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The Appearance of Sri Gadadhara Pandita

The Appearance of Sri Gadadhara Pandita

Sri Gadadhar was the consant companion of Mahaprabhu from the time of their childhood. His father's name was Sri Madhva Misra and
his mother's name Sri Ratnavati-devi. They lived very near the house of Sri Jagannatha Misra in Mayapura. Ratnavati-devi thought of Saci-devi as her own sister, and always used to visit her.
During their childhood, Sri Gaura Hari and Gadadhara would play together, sometimes at Mahaprabhu's house and sometimes at Gadadhara's house.
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Prabhupada's mood

Saturday, 1 April 1972

The sun had just risen when Srila Prabhupada arrived at Centennial Park. Seeing that he had enjoyed his visits there last year, the devotees had chosen it again as a venue for his early morning walks. The park, the largest public reserve in Sydney, was named in 1888 to celebrate 100 years of settlement by Europeans in Australia. With its lakes, lawns, paths and statues, Centennial Park still retained its nineteenth century ambience.

Prabhupada walked fast an
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 43
tatah kalagni-rudratma
yat srstam idam atmanah
sanniyacchati tat kale
ghananikam ivanilah

tatah -- thereafter, at the end; kala -- destruction; agni -- fire; rudra-atma -- in the form of Rudra; yat -- whatever; srstam -- created; idam -- all these; atmanah -- of His own; sam -- completely; niyacchati -- annihilates; tat kale -- at the end of the millennium; ghana-anikam -- bunches of clouds; iva -- like that of; anilah -- air.

Thereafter, at th
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Regular mobile phone use linked to tinnitus: research Regular use of a mobile phone for more than four years almost doubles the chance of developing tinnitus – the debilitating condition that causes constant ringing or buzzing in the ears.

By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor 7:45AM BST 20 Jul 2010

A study has found that people who used their mobile phone for an average of ten m

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Thought Of The Day

It is advised, therefore, that an intelligent person associate with the great sages and saints who are on the path of salvation. By such association, one can receive instructions which are able to slacken the conditioned souls attachment for matter, and thus the intelligent man gradually gets rid of the illusion of matter and false ego and is promoted to the real life of eternity, knowledge and bliss. 

-By H.D.G.Srila Prabhupada

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Hundreds of devotees from all over Australia and the world will be converging on Sydney’s Hare Krishna temple from Friday May 20th to Sunday May 22nd, to celebrate forty years of ISKCON in Australia.

It was exactly forty years ago, in May 1971, that Srila Prabhupada and two of his disciples first set foot in Australia and inaugurated the country’s first Hare Krishna temple in a shopfront centre at 118 Oxford Street, Paddington. It’s also forty years since the Sydney ISKCON temple’s Sri-Sri Radha-

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Krodha finds its seed in Kama

From Kama (lust) Krodha (anger) arises. Krodha finds its seed in Kama

Symbolically, mother Devaki's constant fear of Kamsa was purifying her. A pure devotee should always fear material association, and in this way all the asuras of material association will be killed, as the sad-garbhasuras were killed by Kamsa. It is said that from the mind, Marici appears. In other words, Marici is an incarnation of the mind. Marici has six sons: Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya (lust, anger, greed,
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Do not panic unnecessarily

People panic about practically everything—missed deadlines, orders not received, comments by others, fear of mistakes, negative trends. You name it and someone has panicked about it. Yet I’ve never seen even a single instance where the panic actually helped to solve the problem. Instead, panic is neutral at best and greatly interferes at worst. Panic tends to bring out the worst in everyone. It makes others (and you) feel tense and fearful. It increases the likelihood of mistakes, missed opportu
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If You Don't Feel the Urgency

If you don't feel the urgency of completely taking shelter of Krishna right now as your only duty, you are in a very dangerous and precarious spiritually compromised position. In fact, whether you realize it or not, you are experiencing the most dire of all possible emergencies. Why? Because death can come at any minute, and if you are not prepared, you will be forced by the laws of nature to remain within the cycle of birth and death. Therefore if you don't feel the urgency, you must immediatel
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