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Harinam Sankirtana Party

Harinam Sankirtana Party



"...this sankirtana or street chanting must go on, it is our most important program. Lord Caitanya's movement means the sankirtana movement. You may simply take two hours for chanting sixteen rounds daily, two hours for reading congregationally, and balance of time go out for sankirtana. We must do both, reading books and distributing books, but distributing books is the main propaganda."

Srila Prabhupada Letter, 09-18-72



The Lord's devotees are engaged in many differen

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Papamocani Ekadasi


Yudhisthira Maharaja said, “O Supreme Lord, I have heard from You the explanation of Amalaki Ekadasi, which occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Phalguna [February-March], and now I wish to hear about the Ekadasi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Caitra [March- April]. What is its name, O Lord, and what results can one attain by observing it?”

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, replied, “O best of kings, for the benefit of everyone I shall gladly

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Why Lord Krishna Is The Only God

Lord Krishna Is The Only God

Do you know God’s name, qualities, address, description, history dating back to billions of years, witnessed by millions, and proven?

If you can answer these questions, only then can you truly say you know God. Otherwise you are simply living in darkness.

The Vedic scriptures are the oldest scriptures in the World and the only scriptures that can answer all these questions and in detail.

The Vedic scriptures completely describe God. His history, address, qualities, descr

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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"It is very important to hear only from pure devotees ……………….Nectarean MellowsSrimad Bhagavatam is pure milk. It is nectar. But whoever speaks, whatever they speak, their consciousness is also mixed into it. So therefore when we hear from such persons - that influence of their consciousness are pierced into our heart. Similarly if someone is a mayavadi, like many speakers of Bhagavatam, their ultimate conclusion is Mayavad. Their ideal is to become God. So wh
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RELIGIO-INSTITUTIONAL PSYWAR[Principles of psychological disempowerment]1. Convince the enemy [us, the laity] that there is no war – so we see no cause for alarm.2. Make us believe that they [the institutional power elite] are stronger than they really are, and make us believe that we [the grass roots contingency] are weaker than we really are.3. Hide the truth – cover-up, distort, lie, confuse, falsify . . . divert, pervert, put down, and demonize the truth . . . to manipulate the history, pres
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Aindra Prabhu Speaks

Aindra Prabhu Speaks

Posted by Nandlal Prabhu


Many devotees believe Aindra Prabhu to be not so interested in the practical side of Krsna Consciousness, well at least until his “To Hell With” speech last year… This opinion of Aindra Prabhu would have been true some years ago but over the last five odd years he became more and more interested in the practical issues that face devotees caused by an increasingly materialistic ISKCON leadership.

As I have been seeking ways in which to weaken the GBC and

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Vaisnavi Retreat

Vaisnavi Retreat
A special event  

International Vaisnavi Retreat in Govardhana

Fostering a spirit of love and care between devotees is on the agenda for the up-coming International Vaisnavi Retreat. This special event is aimed at generating peer support between female devotees dedicated to Srila Prabhupada’s mission. It has sprung from an initiative of the now three-year old GBC Devotee Care Committee and is being organized by the Vrindavana Institute for Higher Education. 

Making friendship with p

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Hare Krishna.
The Krishna-Balaram Mandir 24-hour Kirtan Mandal is committed to the worldwide propagation of the hari-nama-sankirtana (chanting of the Holy Names of Krishna).
H.G. Aindra Prabhu and his dedicated team of devotees are staying at Sri Vrindavan Dham, performing these wonderful heart-inspiring kirtans, which we are offering below as a free download for your transcendental pleasure.

Please come to the Dhama and chant with them in blissful service to the Holy Name - get 1000 times the bene

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Sri Nama-Kirtana

Sri Nama-Kirtana

(Another nice song sung anytime, but often after greeting the Deities,

by Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)


yashomati-nandana, braja-baro-nagara

gokula-ranjana kana

gopi-parana-dhana, madana-manohara



amala harinam amiya-vilasa

vipina-purandara, navina nagara-bora

bamshi-badana suvasa


braja-jana-palana, asura-kula-nashana


govinda madhava, navanita-taskara

sundara nanda-gopala


jamuna-tata-chara, gopi-basana-hara

rasa-rasika kripamoya


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Shri Vaishnava Pranam

Shri Vaishnava Pranam

(Obeisances to fellow devotees often said after the early aratis and before doing japa)

vancha-kalpatarubhyash cha

kripa-sindubhya eva cha

patitanam pavanabhyo

vaishnavebhyo namo namaha


I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaishnavas, devotees of the Lord. They are just like desire trees who can fulfill the desires of everyone and they are full of compassion for the fallen conditioned souls.

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The Ten Offenses in Chanting the Holy Names

The Ten Offenses in Chanting the Holy Names

(The general order of prayers in many temples is that after the Tulasi puja, the ten offenses in Chanting Hare Krishna japa are recited, usually together with whoever is at the morning program.)

1. To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their lives to the propagation of the holy names of the Lord.

2. To consider the names of the demigods like lord Shiva or lord Brahma to be equal to, or independent of, the name of Lord Vishnu.

3. To disobey the order

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Shri Nrisimha Pranam

Shri Nrisimha Pranam

(Obeisances to Lord Nrisimha, sung at the end of arati)

namas te narasimhaya


hiranyakashipor vakshah-


ito nrisimhah parato nrisimho

yato yato yami tato nrisimhah

bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho

nrisimham adim sharanam prapadye

tave kara-kamala-vare nakham



keshava-dhrita-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisha hare


I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasimha, who gives joy to Prahlada Maharaja and wh

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Prema-Dhvani or Pranam Prayers

Prema-Dhvani or Pranam Prayers

(Someone says these prayers after the arati, while everyone joins in with the "Jaya" at the end of each line. This is a very basic rendition, while additional lines and obeisances to other personalities and holy places can be said as well.)

1. Jaya-nitya-lila-pravishta om Vishnu-pada paramahamsa parivrajakacharya ashtottara-shata Shri Srimad His Divine Grace Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja Prabhupada ki jaya.

2. Jaya om Vishnu-pada paramahamsa parivrajakachar

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The Hare Krishna Maha-mantra

The Hare Krishna Maha-mantra

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


"Oh Lord Krishna, Oh energy of the Lord, please engage me in Your devotional service." (This is a simple call to the Lord and His energies. It should be chanted exactly like a small child crying for it's mother. The transcendental sound vibration of this mantra is the essence of all the Vedas and non-different from Lord Krishna personally. In the temples, this mantra is

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Additional Prayers Sung During Mangala Arati

Additional Prayers Sung During Mangala Arati

The Pancha-Tattva Maha Mantra

(Jaya) shri-krishna-caitanya

prabhu nityananda

shri-advaita gadadhara


I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, along with His associates, Lord Nityananda, Shri Advaita Acharya, Gadadhara, Shrivasa and all the devotees of the Lord. (This mantra is very important and is known as the Pancha-tattva Maha-mantra. In order to derive the full benefit of chanting the

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Standard Songs Used in the Hare Krishna Temples


Obeisances to Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

(Said upon entering the temple room by his disciples, and sung during many arati ceremonies.)

nama om vishnu-padaya

krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

shrimate bhaktivedanta-

svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve





I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord Kri

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Donate Your Money Or Waste It

The fact of life is that money comes in one hand and soon after it leaves from the other. Money does not stay with us for long. So you have a choice of either wasting it on material possessions or spend it wisely in the service of Lord Krishna.

It is important to realize that everything, including your money, belongs to Lord Krishna. You are just a caretaker for a very short time. You can either spend it in the service of Lord Krishna by donating to his temples or devotees who are engaged in his

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The word vegetarian, coined by the founders of the British Vegetarian Society in 1842, comes from the Latin word vegetus, meaning "whole, sound, fresh, or lively," as in homo vegetus-a mentally and physically vigorous person. The original meaning of the word implies a balanced philosophical and moral sense of life, a lot more than just a diet of vegetables and fruits.

Most vegetarians are people who have understood that to contribute towards a more peaceful society we must first sol

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A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

In Devanagari

अभयचरणारविन्द भक्तिवेदान्त स्वामीप्रभुपाद


Gaudiya Vaishnavism,Hinduism


Abhay Charanaravinda, Abhay Charan De



Abhay Charan De
September 1, 1896
CalcuttaBengalBritish India


November 14, 1977 (aged 81)

Resting place

Prabhupada's Samadhi,Vrindavan

Senior posting

Based in



Founder acharya of theInternational Society for Krishna Consciousness

Period i

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Iskcon Timetable



Temple Service

     Daily Darsana



Mangala Arati


4.30 am

5.00 am

5.00 am

Tulasi Puja

7.00 am

11.00 am

5.10 am

Japa Meditation


12.30 pm

1.00 pm

7.00 am

Greeting the Deities

4.00 pm

6.30 pm

7.10 am

Srila Prabhupada Guru-puja


7.00 pm

7.30 pm

7.30 am

Srimad Bhagvatam Class

9.00 pm

9.30 pm

8.45 am

Breakfast Prasadam

12.30 pm

Raja Bhoga Arati

1.00 pm

Lunch Prasadam

    Weekend Feasts

4.00 pm

Dhupa Arati

5.30 pm

Evening Prasadam

    4.30 pm

Arati and Kirtan

6.45 pm

Tulasi Puja


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