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Science means to know things as they actually are, not as they appear to be or as we think them to be. If one is truly scientific, he must not blindly accept something as being either true or false because it could in fact be just the opposite. For science to be perfect the instruments used to acquire and analyze the data must also be perfect. If the instruments are imperfect, the data and conclusions drawn from such  imperfect observation will also necessarily be imperfect. Since all scientific

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The Symptoms Of Kali-Yuga

As the age of Kali progresses, all good qualities of men diminish and all impure qualities increase. Atheistic systems of so-called religion become predominant, replacing the codes of Vedic law. The kings become just like highway bandits, the people in general become dedicated to low occupations, and all the social classes become just like sudras. All cows become like goats, all spiritual hermitages become like materialistic homes, and family ties extend no further than the immediate relationshi

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Srila Prabhupada's quotes.


New Vrindaban 
16 June, 1969 
Letter to: Arundhati

"Regarding your last question about the ecstatic symptoms of chanting Hare Krishna, you should know that the Hare Krishna Mantra has an equal effect upon all devotees. Just like the sunshine has an equal effect on everyone, but when it is covered, the sunshine has a different effect. Similarly, the influence of the Hare Krishna Mantra becomes manifest when one is no longer covered by the ten offenses to chanting. The more we become free from the t

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It is Bhagavad-gita As It Is

Srila Prabhupada planned to stay in Sydney for a few days before going on to Melbourne. He had already noticed that although the Krsna consciousness movement was young in Australia, there were many positive signs of improvement. There were devotees to initiate, television and radio appearances planned, and a large interested crowd at his first evening lecture on Bhagavad-gita.

A second evening class was similarly well-attended. Before commencing, Srila Prabhupada made
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 45
nasya karmani janmadau
mayayaropitam hi tat

na -- never; asya -- of the creation; karmani -- in the matter of; janma-adau -- creation and destruction; parasya -- of the Supreme; anuvidhiyate -- it is so described; kartrtva -- engineering; pratisedha-artham -- counteract; mayaya -- by the external energy; aropitam -- is manifested; hi -- for; tat -- the creator.

There is no direct engineering by the Lo
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Thought Of The Day

Many men come here and by their talents, earn huge amounts of money, but it remains here, and he goes alone with his works only to accept another different kind of body, forgetting everything behind. But if he acquires some spiritual assets it goes with him, and even if it is not perfect in this life, it begins again from that point in next life.

-By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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 Living the conditional life is just like plying a boat in the middle of the ocean. One is completely at the mercy of the ocean, and at every moment there is every chance of being drowned in the ocean by slight agitation. If the atmosphere is all right, the boat can ply very easily, undoubtedly, but if there is some storm, fog, wind or cloud, there is every possibility of being drowned in the ocean. No one can control the whims of the ocean, however one may be materially well equipped. One who h
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Beyond Airplane Relationships

When we travel by airplane, we sit with some other passengers for an hour or two and then after landing we separate from each other, never to meet again. Therefore we do not take our temporary relationships with the other passengers very seriously, and we do not feel there is anything wrong with completely forgetting about them. We accept this as a normal part of everyday existence. But yet even though our relationship with friends and family is also temporary just like our "airplane relationshi

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Complete dependence on the Lord

Every living being is dependent on someone else because he is so made. Actually everyone is dependent on the mercy of the Supreme Lord, but when one forgets his relation with the Lord, he becomes dependent on the conditions of material nature. Renunciation means renouncing ones dependence on the conditions of material nature and thus becoming completely dependent on the mercy of the Lord. Real independence means complete faith in the mercy of the Lord without dependence on the conditions of matt
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This taking of prasadam.

This taking of prasadam. 


prasadam.jpgMany devotees think that by eating prasadam, an animal will get a human body in its next life and if a human being eats prasadam he will become a devotee in his next life. In this lecture (S.B. 1.16.23) dated January 19 th 1974 in Hawai, Srila Prabhupada gives clear informations on this subject matter:


"Bali-mardana: I believe I've heard you said in other lectures that a person who takes prasadam, even a plant or a..., any kind of living entity who takes prasadam or hea
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 44
ittham-bhavena kathito
bhagavan bhagavattamah
nettham-bhavena hi param
drastum arhanti surayah

ittham -- in these features; bhavena -- the matter of creation and destruction; kathitah -- described; bhagavan -- the Personality of Godhead; bhagavat-tamah -- by the great transcendentalists; na -- not; ittham -- in this; bhavena -- features; hi -- only; param -- most glorious; drastum -- to see; arhanti -- deserve; surayah -- great devotees.

The gr
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Later, Mohanananda took Srila Prabhupada for a short tour of Sydney, showing him some of the spots where the devotees would regularly perform congregational street sankirtana. Turning into Parramatta Road, one of Sydney's busiest traffic routes, Prabhupada noted the trucks, buses and cars that hurtled along in a frenzied rush. He laughed, joking at the ironic similarity between "Parramatta" and pramattah -- the Sanskrit word for "extremely mad" or "crazy".

- From "The Great Transcendenta
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Srimati Jahnava Devi

Sri Surjadas Sarekhela was a resident of Shaligram. He had five brothers - Damodar, Jagannath, Gauri das, Krsna das and Nrsimha Caitanya. His father's name was Sri Kamsari Misra. His mother's name, Sri Kamala devi. He received the title "Sarakhela" as he used to keep the accounts for the king of Gaur desh. His two daughters were named Sri Vasudha and Sri Jahnava, who was the youngest.

In Gaur-ganoddesh-dipika it is stated that they are the expansions of Baruni and Revati in

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Sri Madhu Pandit

There is no mention of Sri Madhu Pandit in Caitanya Caritamrta. Only it is mentioned in Bhakti Ratnakar that Sri Gopinathji manifested Himself before Him. [B. R. 2.473]

Oh Srinivas! What more can I say? The Lord reveals Himself to his pure devotee, who then preaches his glories to the world. Who can describe their incomprehensible activities by which the Lord becomes subservient to their love. Thus did Sri Brajendra Kumar reveal himself to Paramananda Bhattacarya and Sri Madhu P

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Thought Of The Day

Even if somebody is not able to execute fully Krishna Consciousness, whatever amount of service he does it never goes in vain. It will eternally remain. And it will act. Even if somebody does small amount of service, and not even very willingly, still, he is assured to get human body in next birth, and chance to execute some service further. So there is no question of failure in Krishna Consciousness. It is only success. Krishna says, “My devotee is never vanquished.” So we must try sincerely, t

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South Indian Recipes

Tomato capsicum pachadi


Pachadi is usually with curd in typical South Indian cuisine but in Chettinad cuisine (also a kind of South Indian cuisine) pachadi denotes one made with thur dhal and veg.s while thayir pachadi denotes raita kind of stuff. 


So here ingredients needed are:


tur dhal one cup cooked not mashed

2 capsicums

3/4 medium sized tomatoes

curry leaves 


3/4 green chillies

1/2 red chillies, rai and jeera for thadukka (seasoning)



Add small amount of oil on to the kadai, a

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Answer that puts a full stop to Material Inquiry

 I beg to inform you that this Krsna consciousness movement is based on the Vedic scriptures. Veda means knowledge, and there are two kinds of knowledge, one mundane and another transcendental. The Vedas are considered to be originally transcendental because they come from the platform which existed before the creation. This transcendental knowledge was impregnated in the heart of the first created living being, and then he distributed the knowledg
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Knowing the Purpose of Life

" Every thoughtful human being asks the fundamental question, "What is the purpose of life?" Unfortunately, our difficulty in finding ultimate meaning is compounded by the fact that thousands of conflicting philosophies, religions, and ideologies and their proponents compete for our loyalty. Here Srila Prabhupada provides some simple and enlightening guidance.

Today's subject matter is our relationship with God. That is self-realization. The sankirtana movement is the easiest process for self-rea
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Beginning of Bhakti

Beginning of Bhakti
 Sarva-dharman means we have created so many dharmas. That is not dharma; that is... Dharma, we generally become so-called religious for artha, for money. Dharma-artha. Artha, money, is required. Why? For sense gratification, kama. And when we are dissatisfied, then we want moksa. Therefore, we are actually busy with four kinds of activities: Dharma-artha-kama-moksa [SB 4.8.41, Cc. Adi 1.90]. And above these, when we go above these, then bhakti begins. That is the beginning o
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Is God's Creation Defective?

Question: Is God's Creation Defective?

Please accept my namaskar.

I have a question. The population of earth is so huge. So many persons have come to the material world. Does this mean that God's creation is defective?  Why didn't God create us in such a fashion that we do not have to ever fall to this material world? And even falling into this world, why should we suffer? Why didn't God create things in such a way that even here you enjoy life without forgetting the Supreme?  Why do we fo

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