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"Cow protection is the most important business of the human society ...human civilization will advance only on the basis of brahminical culture and cow protection….the cow is your mother…. He (bull) is your father…..the protection of the lives of both the human beings and the animals is the first and foremost duty of a government….."
-(Srila Prabhupada Lecture Los Angeles, December 4, 1968)

According to Indian way of thought, everyone is advised to do good to others namely not only to the human s

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Hare Krishna Valley News

Hare Krishna Valley News 


In the beginning of January, my wife Veda Priya and I moved to the Hare Krishna farm on a permanent basis. Our goal was to establish a bed and breakfast facility and to run a retreat center. Over the last six months we have upgraded the guest facilities to make them more comfortable for our visitors. The bed and breakfast facilities are now ready for people to enjoy, and we warmly welcome all of our members and friends to take advantage of the country atmosphere.
Our fa

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Does the Spiritual Master Have A Material Body? Is He Omniscient?


Some devotees have said to me that Srila Prabhupada’s form is spiritual. Now with my physical senses I perceive that Srila Prabhupada has a physical body. So how can it be possible that I can perceive a spirtual body? One can notice that Srila Prabhupada’s body was changing from youth to old age as do material bodies…

Hare KRSNA Madhudvisa dasa

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I have had an issue disturbing me for some time now and w

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His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

He came with the message 
of the Absolute World


The following is just a very short glimpse in to the achievement of the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.


Srila Prabhupada’s Journey 

One candle may light many other candles, yet each candle has the same intensity as the first. Yet the first still remains the original candle.

In the same way the Supreme Personality of Godhead expands himself in unlimited forms.

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What is ISKCON?

What is ISKCON?

The International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), popularly known as the Hare Krishna Movement, was founded in 1966 by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. ISKCON is a worldwide association of devotees of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; its members consist of 10,000 temple devotees and 250,000 congregational devotees. Over four decades ISKCON has grown to comprise of over 350 temples, 60 rural communities, 50 schools and 60 restaurant

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Dear Vaishnavas,
 Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Guru-parampara ki jaya!

The Bhaktivedanta College organizes the international Radhadesh Summer Camp for youth from 12 to 20 years of age.
For three weeks, you’ll experience the brightest sides of spirituality and will gain a deeper understanding of the values of life. All this in good company and beautiful surroundings. Don’t miss it!

There will be two camps in 2011:

Mon, 11 July – Mon, 1 August

Tue, 9 August – Sat

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Without Conscious Effort

This morning is stood on the little bridge and looked down into the rushing creek. I heard the water over the rocks chanting and I thought, “Should I really try to answer more questions about japa?” I felt reluctant to go to the discursive level, and I was also afraid of presumption. I wanted to stay a simple villager, or even as simple as water running over rocks. I wanted to chant unconsciously, the way water flows down rocks or the way breath goes in and out without conscious effort.

Japa Walk
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World of Miseries

One should not be happy or distressed over desirables and undesirables, knowing that such feelings are just created by the mind.

There is nothing like cause and effect for the surrendered soul. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says in this regard that being put into this material world is like being thrown into a mine of salt. If one falls into a mine of salt, he tastes only salt wherever he goes. Similarly, this material world is full of miseries. The so-called temporary happiness of the worl
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To be initiated by any guru is not sufficient for going back to Godhead. The guru who can deliver you back to home, back to the spiritual world must himself be engaged 24 hours daily in Krishna's service and engage you also in doing that. Initiation means beginning. It does not mean that you are now delivered. It can be compared to registering as a student in a university. Registration does not mean that you are now graduated. It simply means that you are now formally beginning your studies. Wou
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Real conteraction against danger

Whatever we have manufactured, pratikaram, counteraction against
danger, that will be also failure if Krsna does not sanction it. That
is realized by Prahlada Maharaja. He says "My dear Lord, people have
manufactured so many pratikaram, counteraction." But tanu-bhrtam,
"Those who have accepted this material body, they are simply
manufacturing things to counteract dangers. But even though they have
all this counteracting machine or counteracting agents, still, without
Your sanction, this counteracting m
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Unalloyed devotee

One should become an unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, and serve Him with rapt attention.
The Lord taught the Gosvämé about devotional service, comparing it to a creeper, and advised him to protect the bhakti creeper most carefully against the mad elephant offense against the pure devotees. In addition, the creeper has to be protected from the desires of sense enjoyment, monistic liberation and perfection of the haöha-yoga system. They are all detrimental on the path of
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February 10, 2011, Mumbai: Radhanath Swami was invited for an interfaith dialogue on the topic “Decline of morality in public life: Role of religion in restoring it” organized by K.J. Somaiya Bhartiya Sanskriti Peetham. The Somaiya trust is one of the largest educational trusts in India with 34 institutes and 27,000 students.

Radhanath Swami at Interfaith Dialogue

The dialogue brought together members from the highest order of the Christian, Hindu and Islamic faiths. H.E. Oswald Cardinal Gracias and H.E. Cardinal Murphy-O’ Connor repr

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Inspirational Nectar

"In the beginning there may be some failures. That is quite natural.
Just as a child is trying to stand, he may fall down. But that does
not mean he should give up the idea. Go on. A time will come when he
will be perfect. A time will come when you’ll be perfectly Krishna

Srila Prabhupada - Los Angeles, January, 1969
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Srila Prabhupada's poems

Bali-mardana and Upendra kept Srila Prabhupada informed of the latest developments on campus. Prabhupada was happy to hear of the university success, describing it as "engladdening". He continued to stress to them the urgent need of spreading Krsna consciousness amongst Australia's youth:

Just try to convince the younger section about the importance of this movement and how this one single venture can solve all the problems of the world. Krishna consciousness is not dry. I
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 10
puruso 'ndam vinirbhidya
yadasau sa vinirgatah
atmano 'yanam anvicchann
apo 'sraksic chucih sucih

purusah -- the Supreme Person, Paramatma; andam -- the universes; vinirbhidya -- making them each separately situated; yada -- when; asau -- the same; sah -- He (the Lord); vinirgatah -- came out; atmanah -- of Himself; ayanam -- lying in place; anvicchan -- desiring; apah -- water; asraksit -- created; sucih -- the most pure; sucih -- transcendental.

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How to Find Permanent Bliss?

Question:  How to Find Permanent Bliss?

Hare Krishna, Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Day in and day out, I am trying very hard to become an ardent student of Krishna consciousness, but I always end up overwhelmed by miseries stemming from my work, people, corporate politics, mood swings, and other emotional disturbances.

I am feeling very sick and tired of these day to day nuances. In my office everyone is playing so much politics and mind games, and t

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Chanting Rhyme

There is a rhyme that I invented for my son to encourage him to concentrate while chanting Japa. It's very simple, but underlines two important points....hearing and pronounciation.
Chant the words so you can hear,
the Maha mantra loud and clear
In spiritual life, simple concepts are very important and these simple aspects of chanting are very important for our progress in Japa.
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Boat Festival



Hare Krishna! ISKCON Delhi (Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi Temple)is celebrating its 2nd Sri Sri Radha Krishna Boat Festival on 31st March 2011. Festival will be start by evening 06:00pm with the possession of Sri Sri Radha Krishna and it will reach by 06:30 to Kaliya Krishna Pond of Temple and then after aarti the Boat Festival will start by 06:50pm
Boat festival ki............jai

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Devotees at New Vraja Dhama, a sustainable ISKCON farm community in Hungary also known as Krishna Valley, are set to plant 6.5 hectares of trees—an incredible 50,000 Acacias, Oaks, and Willows—on their property at the end of this March.

But the effort is just a fraction of a much bigger project that has been underway since the community’s inception in 1993.

“This will bring the amount of trees we’ve planted since starting our 660-acre farm to 54 hectares—or 133 acres,” says Radha Krishna Dasa, wh

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