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Thought Of The Day

"If you want to attain Krishna Prema then don’t think that I have chanted 16 rounds and it’s done! 1st Jan 2007, New Delhi C.C Adi lila 7(83)"By H.H.Gopal Krishan Goswami Maharaj
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There must be a pathway out of here. God would not be so cruel to keep us in this suffering condition, the cycle of repeated birth, death, old age, and disease. If we sincerely desire to find that pathway, the Lord within our hearts will gladly reveal it to us. There is nothing that He wants more for us than that we return to our original identities as His servants in the spiritual world. Each one of us actually has an identity in the spiritual world in any one of five primary types of relations
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Interactions with Dipak

Saturday, 8 April 1972

Prabhupada was encouraging and affectionate in his dealings with Dipak, who now served as Melbourne temple's full-time pujari. Dipak, in turn, reciprocated by trying to render menial service. He was in the habit of daily bringing Srila Prabhupada offered articles from the morning Deity worship -- garlands, tulasi leaves, and other sacred items.

Dipak often marvelled at the depth of Prabhupada's spiritual emotions. The day before, as he sat beside him i
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gam paryatan medhya-vivikta-vrttih
sadapluto 'dhah sayano 'vadhutah
alaksitah svair avadhuta-veso
vratani cere hari-tosanani

gam -- earth; paryatan -- traversing; medhya -- pure; vivikta-vrttih -- independent occupation for living; sada -- always; aplutah -- sanctified; adhah -- on the earth; sayanah -- lying; avadhutah -- without dressing (of the hair, etc.); alaksitah -- without being seen; svaih -- alone; avadhuta-vesah -- dressed like a mendicant; vratani -- vows; cere -- performed; hari-tosanan
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Handling setbacks & failures

The question isn’t whether or not we will have setback, disappointments, and failures in life – we will. Rather, the question is, how will we deal with them? Will we become upset, immobilized, frustrated, and hopeless or will we take a more positive approach and depend on Lord in such situations?

In other words, setbacks and failures can seem significant, even insurmountable in the moment. Yet, once we get through them, we look back at them as a necessary, even important part of our success. A nu
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"A man just got married and was returning home with his wife. They were crossing a lake in a boat when suddenly a great storm arose. The man was a warrior, but the woman became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless -- THE BOAT WAS SMALL AND THE STORM WAS REALLY HUGE, AND ANY MOMENT THEY WERE GOING TO BE DROWNED. But the man sat silently, calm and quiet, as if nothing was happening.


The woman was trembling and she said, "Are you not afraid? This may be our last moment of life! IT DO

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Love and Devotion

namo maha-vadanyaya krishna-prema-pradaya te
krishnaya krishna-chaitanya-namne gaura-tvise namah

Translation: O most munificent incarnation! You are Krishna Himself appearing as Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. You have assumed the golden colour of Srimati Radharani, and You are widely distributing pure love of Krishna. We offer our respectful obeisances unto You.

Nitai Gaur Hari Bol!!!!

All glories to srila prabhupada...



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# 7 November 1947--Born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA on the tenth day of Kartik.# Before joining ISKCON was a counter-cultural song-writer searching for spiritual enlightenment and a message that could deliver the world from chaos.# Fall 1968--Was first introduced to the Mahamantra by a nondevotee friend.# December 1968--Decided to leave the modern civilization behind, go to India, and become a life-long renunciate. But at the last minute felt he was supposed to go to San Francisco instead.# Janu
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Holy Name

Lecture on
Bhagavad-gita 7.8
23/02/74 Mumbai
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
With these present senses we cannot understand what is the holy, transcendental name of Krsna. Therefore sometimes we are misunderstood, that "Why these people are chanting Hare Krsna?" So... Because ordinary man or ordinary senses cannot understand the value, the nature of the name, therefore sastra says.. we can realize God by chanting name... Naama, the holy name of the Lord, is completely
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Question: How to Surrender and Get Initiated?

I am a regular reader of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. While reading the Dhyana Yoga chapter, we read the Lord describing about ways to attain Him via yoga. But personally, I found the purport where Arjuna says that he finds  himself unworthy for meditation very similar to my condition. In reply the Lord says that even transcendental to all these methods to achieve Him was to completely surrender unto Him. I want to ask you how do we surrender to Lord K

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Question: Is Jnana Yoga Worshipping Krishna?

Dear Spiritual Master,

If I spend one hour reading books about Krishna, does it means that I spent one hour meditating on Krishna? Does it means that I am worshiping Krishna through jnana yoga?


Answer: Yes, But Bhakti Must Be Added.

Yes you are worshipping and meditating on Krishna simply by studying  Krishna conscious literature. This philosophical approach is called jnana yoga, the yoga of knowledge. However, if you simply study the books but do no

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Humility defined

As Srila Prabhupada was getting into his car, an Indian gentleman congratulated him on his lecture. Prabhupada put his hands together in respectful pranamas, and slightly lowered his head. "Thank you," he said humbly.

On the return journey to the temple, Prabhupada chanted half-audibly in the back seat of the car, looking out the window in a way as quiet and unassuming as a child. His demeanour gave no indication that just a few minutes before he had been cheered and applauded by
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 1 Text 18
puresu punyopavanadri-kunjesv
apanka-toyesu sarit-sarahsu
ananta-lingaih samalankrtesu
cacara tirthayatanesv ananyah

puresu -- holy places like Ayodhya, Dvaraka and Mathura; punya -- piety; upa-vana -- the parks; adri -- hill; kunjesu -- in the orchards; apanka -- without sin; toyesu -- in the water; sarit -- river; sarahsu -- lakes; ananta-lingaih -- the forms of the Unlimited; samalankrtesu -- being so decorated; cacara -- executed; tirtha -- places of
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Thought Of The Day

All these books are the ultimate source of knowledge. They are not mundane speculations, they are authorized versions of liberated souls, presented by my humble self. So the strength is not in us, the strength is in the Supreme Lord. (Letter to Devananda 1968 September 28, 1968).

-By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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Anjana Sridhara

Anjana SridharaBy PoonthanamTranslated by P.R.RamachanderThis prayer is one of the very popular prayers addressed to Guruvayurappan written by Poonthanam, the author of Jnanapana. Its utter simplicity and great devotion, makes it very dear to all devotees.Anjana Sridhara Charu moorthe Krishna,Anjali koopi vanangidunnen,Ananda alangara vasudeva Krishna,Athangam yellam agathidenam., 1Hey, pretty Krishna, who is black and who carries Lakshmi,Salutations to you with folded hands,Hey happy Krishna, w
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Radha and Krishna, together



The Gopala Champu by Jiva Goswami has a very nice verse, which appears at the beginning of his descriptions of the madhura rasa section. There, Snigdhakantha and Madhukantha start their recitations in the assembly of Radha and the gopis along with a select group of Krishna’s friends, the priya-narma-sakhas. This is actually part of the mangalacharana, but as is often the case with Jiva Goswami, there is a big siddhanta involved.


इमौ गौरीश्यामौ मनसि विपरीतौ बहिरपि
स्फुरत्तत्तद्वस्त्राविति बुधजनैर

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Sri Krishna's Horoscope

Krishna's Ascendant is *Taurus* and his *Moon* is also here and at
exalted potency. Taurus is the feminine sign of Venus. Thus Krishna had
exalted beauty and femininity is all aspects of his body and mind. In
fact he is known as " Bhagavan " - which means that he is the Surpeme
Attractive Person. The impact of beutiful and sensuous Venus on
Krishna's body and mind is extremely amplified by powerful *Ketu*.

Krishna's Ascendant Lord Venus is with *Saturn* in the 6th House of
Enemies - and Krishna always
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Devotion Bhakti



 All the forms of God and Goddesses known as almighty powers are naturally self-submitted to Radha Krishna. Almighty forms of God have Their Blissful form of Divine regality which a Saint experiences in Vaikunth. It is somewhat like a king to his subject’s relationship and preferences. The loving form of Radha Krishna is the ocean of unlimited Divine Bliss. It reveals such a ‘love’ that is beyond imagination. It is so marv
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@@@@ MIND @@@@


It is not very easy to control the mind. Unless you are guided properly from the platform of spiritual understanding or spiritual realization the mind is always going to revolting. When the mind is always revolting and one follows the dictates of the mind that is called falling into the ocean of Maya. As human being, as intelligent human beings, our business is how to get out of this Maya.


(Bhakti Swaroop Damodar Swami, 1980, San Francisco, California, USA)

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One day at the welfare office, my supervisor told me I would have to work until one o'clock instead of taking my usual lunch hour at noon. This meant I would miss taking lunch with Prabhupada and his followers. I could not cope with that idea; yet I had no choice. I called Prabhupada from pay phone in the hall outside my office. This was the first time I had ever telephoned him. I felt I was being presumptuous, considering him my equal and therefore easily accessible.

Prabhupada answered. I aske

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