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Sri Siksastakam: songs of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura
7th August 2011
Venue: ISKCON Radhadesh, Belgium

What we have understood so far is that chanting the Holy Name is the way to
achieve ultimate
perfection. We become what we actually are. The process is simple: we are
spirit souls and by chanting we regain our actual spiritual identity.

But there is a factor that makes it difficult: maya, or illusion. We are
spirit souls, but forgetting our actual identity we think that we are this
body. Maya means that

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Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Appearance

        Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was born on Sunday, Sept. 2, 1838 in Biranagara 

(Ulagrama) in the Nadia district of Bengal. He was the seventh son of Raja 

Krsnananda Datta, a great devotee of Lord Nityananda. He was also known as the 

great grandson of Madana Mohana and the third son of his Godfather 

Anandacandra. He would be known as daitya-kulera prahlada (Prahlada in the 

family of demons). This was because Vaisnavism was not very much respected in 

his family; on his mother's side, there was

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First Class Service

Always do a first class job in your service to Krishna because your Krishna consciousness depends on it. In other words you can only be Krishna conscious to the extent that your service is nicely done. If you do tenth class service, your Krishna consciousness will be tenth class. And if your do first class service, your Krishna consciousness will be first class. You can learn how to do first class service from those devotees whose service is first class. So full advantage of advanced association
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Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur - Appearance Day

2514844723?profile=originalBHAKTIVINOD THAKUR reestablished the teachings of Lord Chaitanya which by then had been largely misrepresented or lost. Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur wrote almost one hundred books to explain the science of Krishna consciousness expose pseudo incarnations of God, and defeat misconceptions about the path of devotional service. Srila Bhaktivinod Thaknr was both an active preacher and the Deputy Magistrate for Jagannath Puri, Orissa, as well as the father of ten children. One of his sons was Srila Bhakt

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-Why? Why? Why? I do not understand why to preach?

I see people, they seem to me happy with smiling faces. When I request them to chant the Holy Names they say that no time, no need…

            With these questions I started to disturb senior Devotees. They used to say to me that Lord Gouranga wants it, Srila Prabhupada wants it. Because of that we preach.

-         Why for people Krishna Consciousness? I see them they are really enjoying life even without it.

I lived in the hostel with 6 girl

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Sril Prabhupada Quote

Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. Just like we work in some big establishment, and if we can satisfy our immediate boss, that is the satisfaction of the whole company. You haven't got to see whether all the members of the company have become satisfied. Simply the immediate boss under which you are working, if he is satisfied, then you know the company is satisfied because he will submit the report of his work. Similarly, Krsna is very kind. He is helping you in di
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Quoting from Srila Prabhupada,

Quoting from Srila Prabhupada, 

In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.1.11) Srila Rupa  Gosvami states
anukulyena krsnanu-
   silanam bhaktir uttama

In this verse Srila Rupa Gosvami clearly states that if anyone wants to execute unalloyed devotional service, he must be freed from all kinds of material contamination. He must be freed from the association of persons who are addicted to fruitive activities and mental speculation.

When freed from such unwanted associati
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The 4 Regulative Principles

His Grace Sankarshan Das Adhikari has answered as follows regarding why no eggs, May 25th, 2009
We are not vegetarians.  We are Krishnatarians.  We only eat those foods that have been offered to Krishna.  Since Srila Prabhupada, who has perfect knowledge of Krishna, has instructed us that Krishna does not eat eggs, we therefore do not offer them to Him, and therefore we cannot partake of them even if they are unfertilized."

Regarding spouse who is not Krishna conscious, Srila Gurudeva  Sankarsh
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Who Is Demon and Who Is Divine

Who Is Demon and Who Is Divine

75/02/04 Hawaii, Bhagavad-gita 16.8

Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



Nitai: "They say that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is no God in control. It is produced of sex desire and has no cause other than lust."


asatyam apratistham te
jagad ahur anisvaram
kim anyat kama-haitukam
 [Bg. 16.8]







This is the verdict of the asuras. We have discussed the characteristics of asuras for the last two days. Now, gradually, Krsna is explaining the d
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Spiritually Advanced Devotees

1. Is strict with personal Sadhana
2. Makes the order of guru life and soul, always thinking about how to execute, and doing best to execute
3. Does not take credit for achievements, giving all credit to guru instead
4. Does not take offense with small mistakes of others, forgives easily, but is not foolish and does not allow others to exploit oneself
5. Always engaged in Krishna Katha, hearing or chanting
6. Does not knowingly commit offenses against the Holy Names
7. Does not indulge in mental specu

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If eggs are not baby chickens, then those non fertile eggs are outsource of female chicken's Menstrual cycle. A female's egg (of any species,) unfertilized by semen, is not life but it is a menstrual flow.


Hens are so tightly packed in the battery cages, that they cannot move an inch during their encagement.


Hens are forced to lay up to 200-220 eggs every year, leading to weakened bones, feather loss, etc. (due to loss of vital minerals like calcium, etc.)


Male chicks are of no commercial value 

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An Important Lesson In Our Life


“Be Present”



Q. You mentioned that Lord Caitanya created different situations for the purification of the persons in His lila...We may not be clear enough in our situation, so what can we do to link with His will, mercy, or arrangements directly?

A. A phrase I used earlier was "Be present." I can expand on that, but just take that phrase: be present, moment to moment. Don't be out to lunch, or absent,or nobody home. Be present with the Holy Name, with the servic

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Hare Krishna,

Yes, in the mundane sense, no one can escape the results of one's karmic debts - in other words, the family and friends we have today are a result of our debts to those individuals. However, instead of running away from them saying they are not Vaishnavas, we should very skillfully see how they can become Vaishnavas... in this connection, it is important to note that the transformation is gradual, for example, it may appear that someone has "suddenly become a devotee" but meanwhile

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Srila Prabhupada On Cow Protection

There is also a prayer in the Vishnu Purana that states:

namo brahmanya-devaya

go-brahmana-hitaya ca

jagad-dhitaya krsnaya

govindaya namo namah

My Lord, you are the well-wisher of the cows and the brahmanas, and You are the well-wisher of the entire human society and the of the entire world.

Purport: In this prayer we see that special mention is made of the cows, indicating that special protection must always be given to the cows who are very dear to the Supreme Lord. The Lord is very fond of cows and

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Proprietor & Thief

Proprietor & Thief
Anyone who is using Krsna's money without acknowledging, he is a thief. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Stena eva sa ucyate: he's a thief. So in this material world, one who has no Krsna consciousness, one who is not using things in Krsna consciousness... Everyone is using Krsna's... Nobody has got any property. Isavasyam idam sarvam [Iso mantra 1]. Everything belongs to Krsna. That is the version in Isopanisad. Now, in this American land, now divided into Canada, North A
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Yukta Vairagi

Yukta Vairagi (Utility is the Principle)
It was Rupa Gosvami, however, who enunciated the principle of renunciation through using things in the service of Krsna:
anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah 
nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate
prapancikataya buddhya hari-sambandhi-vastunah
mumuksubhih parityago vairagyam phalgu kathyate
When one is not attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krsna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness. On the o
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Visit to Melbourne

Prabhupada spoke at length on the basis of Vedic authority. It was clear to his audience that he was here to instruct, not to invite casual give-and-take dialogue. He delivered the timeless message of Bhagavad-gita intact, faithfully quoting the Sanskrit, quoting the previous spiritual masters, delivering perfect knowledge supported with reason and argument, exacting scholarship, and deeply committed devotion. It appeared that he had long ago mastered all the references and con
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 2 Text 33
varsatindre vrajah kopad
bhagnamane 'tivihvalah
trato bhadranugrhnata

varsati -- in pouring water; indre -- by the King of heaven, Indra; vrajah -- the land of cows (Vrndavana); kopat bhagnamane -- having been in anger on being insulted; ati -- highly; vihvalah -- perturbed; gotra -- the hill for the cows; lila-atapatrena -- by the pastime umbrella; tratah -- were protected; bhadra -- O sober one; anugrhnata -- by the merciful Lord.

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A Chaste Disciple Never Finds Fault

Atmanivedana das: A fallacy, which for a few devotees, seems in vogue is that our ISKCON Founder-Acarya, Srila Prabhupada, who is the ultimate savior of humanity in Kali-Yuga, makes false statements about things of this world.

Now Srila Prabhupada acknowledged that he made errors in his grammar and spelling, etc., and asked for his work to be edited. Such mistakes in form are par

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