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The Beautiful Lord

Srimad Bhagavatam - 3.28.16-17


His loins are encircled by a girdle, He stands on the lotus of His
devotee's heart. He is most charming to look at, and His serene aspect
gladdens the eyes and souls of the devotees who behold Him. The Lord
is eternally very beautiful, and He is worshipable by all the
inhabitants of every planet. He is ever youthful and always eager to
bestow His blessing upon His devotees.


The word darśanīyatamam, which is used in this verse, means that the
Lord is so be

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We Cannot Concentrate on a Formless God

From what I understand from the scriptures, meditation is not concentration, but we call it de-concentration because scriptures say we meditate by saying "neti neti" (not this not that). God is not a thing whereupon we can concentrate. When we solve a problem, we can concentrate because our intellect has the ability to capture a problem. Intellect does not have capability to capture God. Therefore when we take our mind from other things we get a

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Thought Of The Day

When we chant Hare Krsna mantra, we should chant with some love, with some feeling, and with the desire to please Krsna. Not that I have a quota to perform, so I will run through my 16 rounds. This is like a formality or a ritual.Freedom by surrender


by H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

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Why Pray?

Someone asked God :

when everything is already written in destiny then why we should pray?

God smiled and Replied:

It may be Possible my child that i write "As U Wish" in your Destiny..

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Thought Of The Day

Our business is to try our best. Result we leave it for consideration of Krishna, and we shall not be disappointed whether the result is favorable or unfavorable. Actually there cannot be any unfavorable result, because we are serving Krishna.

by H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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Go Veg

Wait! Don’t turn away!

Its not a Peta sponsored article. And I’m neither an old chap nor a complete vegetarian, technically. Going veg does have its benefits. From the point of view of your health, you cut down the risk of heart attacks. You bring down the risk of obesity. You get endowed with a healthy heart.

From a spiritual point of view, you lead a much more calmer life. Research shows that vegetarians don’t loose their cool in stressful situations. You’re happier that another creatu

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Madhavas ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Madhavas - Sankirtan Rockband

***why to support Madhavas ??? Ans :-

they are devotee band with initiated devotees members and they are presenting Sankirtan on international TV show.

and that shows 1st pries is 50 Laks Indian Rupees, which they going to donate ISKCON Mira

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Serving God is Serving Mankind?

Question:  Serving God is Serving Mankind?

My humble obeisances,

How far is the statement, "Madhava seva is manava seva," correct or relevant today?


Answer: Watering the Root Nourishes the Tree

The concept, "Madhava seva is manava seva," which means, "Serving God is serving mankind," is a universally valid principle, which has always been true and will always be true. God is the root of the entire tree of creation, and everything else is the leaves and branches of that tree. Just as w

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Testing one's Spiritual Advancement

So by the result, one has to see.

Just like there is examination. One student says, "Oh, I have studied
so much." But when the examination was taken, he failed. So what does
it mean that he studied? That means he did not study, that's all. The
test is that spiritual advancement means minimizing material
activities. Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat [SB 11.2.42].
Automatically they will be detestful for material engagement.
Spiritual advancement means that.

Just like a hungry man, if you give h

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Our Hidden Treasure

Once, an astrologer named Sarvajna came to the house of a poor man.
Surprised at the man’s wretched condition, he asked him why he was so
unhappy and why he languished in such poverty even though his wealthy
father had left him a large treasure. Unfortunately, the man’s father
died in a foreign place and did not disclose the location of his
assets; thus, the man suffered the distress of poverty because he was
ignorant of his rightful inheritance. Only the astrologer, whose name
means “the omniscient on

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Chanting Om

A large box of flowers had arrived that day by air-freight, and the ladies immediately set about stringing them into long opulent garlands.

In the afternoon, Srila Prabhupada met with Syamananda's parents in his room. He told them that he was pleased with their son's new altar construction. Syamananda's father, Harvey Buttonshaw, was a late middle-aged man with longish grey-black hair and a substantial moustache. He had been a mercenary for many years and had even served with the Frenc
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 2 Text 31
vipannan visa-panena
nigrhya bhujagadhipam
utthapyapayayad gavas
tat toyam prakrti-sthitam

vipannan -- perplexed in great difficulties; visa-panena -- by drinking poison; nigrhya -- subduing; bhujaga-adhipam -- the chief of the reptiles; utthapya -- after coming out; apayayat -- caused to drink; gavah -- the cows; tat -- that; toyam -- water; prakrti -- natural; sthitam -- situated.

The inhabitants of Vrndavana were perplexed by great difficulti
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Hare Krsna!

Part 2:

What is detachment, and how do we become detached?

Detachment is often mistaken to mean we don’t care, or we don’t feel compassion, or we are lazy. This is not detachment! True detachment means we are not disturbed by external events, or material thoughts and emotions. And the reason why we are not disturbed is because of our deep connection and attachment to the Lord. As Lord Krsna says in the Gita: “Such a liberated person is not attracted to material sense pleasure but is alw

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“Krsna’s Radharani”

Posted on September 3, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaKrsna is not alone. Krsna is always with His friends, either gopis or thecowherd boys, or with His father, with His mother. You’ll never find Krsnaalone. Just like here is Krsna. Krsna is not alone. Krsna is with HisRadharani and with His devotees.>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.25.13 — Bombay, November 13, 1974
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Why Krsna’s gopis’ lila?

Posted on September 6, 2011
Filed under BVKS Sanga

Bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah [Bg. 18.55]. If you want to
know in truth, tattvatah… Krsna wants that one should understand Him
tattvatah. Not that superficially to take Krsna, that “He was very fond of
the gopis, and let us hear the lila of Krsna.” Why Krsna’s gopis’ lila? Why
not Krsna’s lila killing the demons? That, the people are not interested, to
hear about Krsna’s killing the demons. Because the gopis’ lila, it appears
to be

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Radha: greater than Krsna

Posted on September 5, 2011
Filed under BVKS Sanga

Krsna and Radharani are both transcendentally qualified, and They attract
one another. But Radharanis transcendental attractiveness is greater than
Krsna’s, for Her attractiveness is the transcendental taste in conjugal

>>> Ref. VedaBase => TLC 14: The Ecstasy of the Lord and His Devotees

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Radharani’s excellence

Posted on September 4, 2011
Filed under BVKS Sanga

“Srimati Radharani’s excellence was Her cooking,” Prabhupada said. “She
could also sing and dance, but Her great service was Her cooking for Krsna.
Mother Yasoda would ask Her personally to come and cook for Krsna and the
cowherd boys. So, all in a line, She would feed them prasadam.”

(from Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta)

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Chanting without offense

Chanting without offense Part 1
The cold shower…

Chanting without offense Part 1

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 03:24 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

If one is committing offenses in the matter of chanting the Holy name,
then one may chant for many many births, and still one will not attain
the desired success of this chanting is Krishna prema!

So although the Holy name is Krishna, it is also mentioned that there
are certain ways to access the name. Sometimes if we commit offenses
in the ma

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Srimad Bhagavatam 3.28.18

The glory of the Lord is always worth singing, for His glories enhance
the glories of His devotees. One should therefore meditate upon the
Supreme Personality of Godhead and upon His devotees. One should
meditate on the eternal form of the Lord until the mind becomes fixed.


One has to fix his mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
constantly. When one is accustomed to thinking of one of the
innumerable forms of the Lord — Kṛṣṇa, Viṣṇu, Rāma, Nārāyaṇa,
etc. — he has r

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material contamination.

Hare Krishna,
All glories to jagat guru, param guru Srila Prabhupada!

Kindly accept my humble obeisances.

The best example of material contamination is if you find yourself in this planet and are not self realized, then that is due to material contamination. Material contamination results from the sprit souls contact with matter and being influenced by the modes of matter.

Also anything, action, behaviour, thought whether in the gross or subtle mind that does not render service or incline one to ser

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