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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Polygamy


Lately, Srila Prabhupada had been corresponding with his senior disciples on a controversial topic -- polygamy. Karandhara had broached the subject with Srila Prabhupada, one month previously. Prabhupada had answered Karandhara's inquiry by first describing its historical roots.

According to our Vedic process, polygamy is allowed. For example, Krishna married sixteen thousand wives, Arjuna married three or four wives, Krishna's father, Vasudeva, married sixteen or eighteen wives, like tha
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 1
3. The Lord's Pastimes Out of Vrndavana

uddhava uvaca
tatah sa agatya puram sva-pitros
cikirsaya sam baladeva-samyutah
nipatya tungad ripu-yutha-natham
hatam vyakarsad vyasum ojasorvyam

uddhavah uvaca -- Sri Uddhava said; tatah -- thereafter; sah -- the Lord; agatya -- coming; puram -- to the city of Mathura; sva-pitroh -- own parents; cikirsaya -- wishing well; sam -- well-being; baladeva-samyutah -- with Lord Baladeva; nipatya -- dragging down; tungat -- f
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Thought Of the Day

The devotee, when he is in a difficult position, or when
during Sankirtana some difficult position arises, he just does not blame
somebody else, rather he blames himself . Freedom by surrender


By H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

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Offering to HH Bhakti Charu Swami Guru Maharaj on his 66th Vyas Puja {17 september}
Oh our Lord, wish you this merry day,
You appeared and all inauspicious flew away
We offer you our million obeisances
Begging you for our countless offences
This very day your lovable dear father,
started to deliver people all over
May be, Krishna therefore sent you today
To maintain the glory of this day
Let us offer you our hearts today
Please vanish all garbage away
To serve you always, this we want,
But for it require
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Its time to learn Spiritual ABCD

Like in the material world one has to learn A to Z as a
first step to start struggle for survival  , Similarly if we learn only Spiritual  A
to D ,we’ll be able to  come out of this painful
life and go back to Godhead.


A – Association  :  Always do association with
Sadhu Jans


B – Books         :  Read Prabhupada’s books to pure the soul inside


C – Chant         : Always chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare
Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare & be Happy


D – Diet          :  Al

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actually the biggest issue with this material world is that people think that when we die, the soul will face the consequences, what will the body face as its already dead. so commit sins and get away, but these fool hardy do not know that lord sri krishna has already said that its my maya that you for get your past than definitely it will be his maya which will show us what sins we have committed when time comes. so its still time sri krishna is showing us the path every time, so without any do

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Kitchen cleaning

The temple cooks received grave news that night. "Prabhupada," said Bali-mardana Swami, "will not go ahead with the Deity installation tomorrow unless the kitchen is thoroughly cleaned". The devotees rallied, and prepared for an all-night cleaning marathon.

But the Deity installation was still in doubt. Bali-mardana had also informed Prabhupada that there were insufficient brahmanas available. Without a qualified crew of pujaris, or priests, the more demanding Deity worship could
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 2 Text 34
sarac-chasi-karair mrstam
manayan rajani-mukham
gayan kala-padam reme
strinam mandala-mandanah

sarat -- autumn; sasi -- of the moon; karaih -- by the shining; mrstam -- brightened; manayan -- thinking so; rajani-mukham -- the face of the night; gayan -- singing; kala-padam -- pleasing songs; reme -- enjoyed; strinam -- of the women; mandala-mandanah -- as the central beauty of the assembly of women.

In the third season of the year, the Lord enjo
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Why Our Wishes Are Not Granted?

Question: Why Our Wishes Are Not  Granted?



I am a reader of your "Thought for the Day" emails daily. My questions are:
1. While we are in this material body why don't we get our wishes granted by Krishna?

2. Can't we simply use our free will to get back our original spiritual body without having to undergo any kind of training?

Thank you

Answer: Get What You Deserve, Not What is Desired

Our prayers are granted in accordance with what we deserve, not what we desire. 

Spiritual b

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Why Soul First Gets a Material Body?

Question: Why Soul First Gets a Material Body?


I would like to ask you the following question: The connection and disconnection of the individual consciousness of all living entities from the physical body is known as birth and death. Why does it get connected to a physical body in the first place?

Yours in yoga

Janardan M.

Answer: He Desires to Enjoy the Lord's Energy

When the pure living entity in the spiritual world misuses his minute independence by desiring to lord it over the e

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Liberated Soul Can Become Conditioned?

Question: Liberated Soul Can Become Conditioned?

it is said that we have an eternal relationship with Lord Krishna. This means we had this relationship from time immemorial. Now let us consider a particular time when we were conditioned. Does this not mean that we were previously liberated? So, how can someone be conditioned after liberation? If we were conditioned from the beginning, then how can we say, "back to Godhead"? If we can be conditioned even after liberation, what is the meaning of "s

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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.14


rodanair gokule davanalam asayati hyasau
visosayati tenokto ramo bhakta-sukhavahah

When the residents of Gokula were crying due to fear of the forest fire, Krsna immediately swallowed it and gave His devotees great joy. In this way, He is known as Rama.

Jiva Goswami


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Meaning Of The Sixteen Names PT.13


ramayaty-acyutam premna nikunja-vana-mandire
rama nigadita radha ramo yutas taya punah

Radharani is known as Rama because She enjoys loving pastimes with Acyuta (Krsna) in a secret forest pavilion. Since He is always by Her side, He is known as Rama.

Jiva Goswami


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Bhakti is the siddhi

Now suppose if you construct a temple for Krsna, the same spirit that as one, a karmi, is constructing a big skyscraper building, a bhakta is doing the same thing. He is also after the cement, after the iron, after the stone. Does it mean simply by handling this iron and stone and cement he becomes bhakta? No. He knows that cement is the property of Krsna; it should be used for Krsna. This is siddhi. He knows perfectly. The cement comes from Krsna, iron comes from Krsna. Bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh k
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Thought Of The Day

One who has unflinching devotion for the Supreme Lord and is directed by the
spiritual master, can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead by revelation. For
one who does not take personal training under the guidance of a bona fide
spiritual master, it is impossible to even begin to understand Krsna.

By H.D.G Srila Prabhupada

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Namacharya Srila Haridas Thakur Ki Jay...


Today is the Disappearance Day of Namacharya Srila Hari Das Thakur.

ricikasya muneh putro namna brahma mahatapah
prahladena samam jato haridasakhyako’pi san
murari-gupta-caranaish caitanya-caritamrite
ukto muni-sutah pratas tulasi-patram aharan
adhautam abhishaptas tam pitra yavanatam gatah
sa eva haridasa san jatah parama-bhaktiman

Hari Das Thakur is a combined incarnation of Brahma Mahatapa, the son of Richika Muni and Prahlad. The respected Murari Gupta ha

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Hare Krishna, 50 lakh rupees Cash Prize!

Hare Krishna, 50 lakh rupees Cash Prize!If madhavas kirtan band wins on India's Got Talent, they wil give the money to Sri Sri Radha Giridhari temple, For temple construction.Spread d word!Read the deatails carefuly !!Voting starts from 10th september from 10 pm onwards. Only for 12 hours.TYPE - MAD and send it to 56882 ( send it on d date mentioned)u can vote 100 times from one mobile conection.Forward d mesage to all d devotees and let MADHAVAS WIN to serve KRISHNA better!
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