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Lord Vamanadeva

The Dwarf Incarnation of Supreme Lord


Sri Ulagalantha Perumal Temple

At Kanchipuram

Vamana avatar, an extraordinary astonishing incarnation of Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared as the son of Kasyapa Muni and Aditi to regain the universe for His devotees- the demigods from the great King Bali who had ruled over the entire universe.

He appeared as Lord Vamana, a brahmana dwarf and tricked Bali Maharaja by asking for three steps of land. When Bali agreed to offer Lord three

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“Bali Maharaj, very intelligent personality. He was the son of Virochana, grandson of Prahlad, great grandson of Hiranyakashipu, great grand-nephew of Hiranyaksha. A very mixed up type of family heritage!”

So he performed yajna to please his guru Shukracharya, and his guru-maharaj was very pleased with him. In fact he arranged for the descendents of Bhrigu Muni to come to perform this yajna. And his disposition, his good qualities, was so pleasing to everyone that the descendents of Bhrigu show

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Srila Prabhupada on Lord Vamanadeva


Srila Prabhupada writes to one his disciples about Lord Vamanadeva:

Montreal 3 July, 1968

My Dear Satsvarupa,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 28, 1968, and I thank you very much for it. Regarding Bali Maharaja: He is born in the same atheistic family of Maharaja Prahlada. He happened to be the grandson of Maharaja Prahlada, and as his great grand-father, Hiranyakasipu was very powerful, and as there was animosity between the demigods and the demons, Bal

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Appearance Day of Srila Jiva Goswami


When Sri Gaurasundara came to Ramakeli, Sri Jiva was blessed by having darshana of His worshipable lord, though he was just a baby at the time. Placing the dust of His lotus feet on the child’s head, Mahaprabhu indicated him to be the future sovereign preceptor of the Gaudiya sampradaya.

As he got a little older, Sri Jiva took up the worship of the Deities of Sri-Sri Rama-Krsna. He would carefully decorate Them and offer bhoga and arati, serving Them with his full attention. Even in his play, w

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Sri Vamana-dvadasi by Giriraj Swami

7684039090?profile=RESIZE_400xWe shall read from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Eight, Chapter Twenty-two: “Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life.” We begin with the chapter summary:

“The summary of this twenty-second chapter is as follows. The Supreme Personality of Godhead was pleased by the behavior of Bali Maharaja. Thus the Lord placed him on the planet Sutala, and there, after bestowing benedictions upon him, the Lord agreed to become his doorman.

“Bali Maharaja was extremely truthful. Being unable to keep his promise, he was ve

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By Atma Tattva Das

Driven to share the Holy Name, the Bhakti Bloom team has planted the seeds of unity and spiritual awakening at their inaugural Kirtan mela, a two-day extravaganza spanning July 29th and 30th, 2023, near Berlin, Germany. This transformative event drew seekers from diverse backgrounds, offering them a fragrant bouquet of melodies, profound spiritual insights, and a unique opportunity to commune with the Divine.

The event was a resounding success, and its inception and developme

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By Atma Tattva Das

Devotee Care South Africa (DCSA), an integral part of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in South Africa, recently hosted a highly relevant End-of-Life Seminar at the Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple in Durban during the last week of August 2023. The seminar, held in collaboration with the Bhaktivedanta Medical Association (BMA), provided invaluable insights into the delicate subject of end-of-life care.

The seminar addressed the profound questions and

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Ekadashi Reminder! 26th Sep 2023


Tomorrow Is Parshva Ekadashi || Also Called Vamana Dwadashi – Vamanadev Appearance

(On This Auspicious Day, One Should Fast From Grains)

Lord Vamanadev is the fifteen incarnations of the lord, In this form, the Lord figures were that of a dwarf, and His bodily hue was blackish, and He was dressed in yellow garments. Lord Viṣṇu appeared at an auspicious moment on Śravaṇa-dvādaśī when the Abhijit star had arisen. At that time, in all the three worlds (including the higher planetary system, outer

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Introduction: Radha Ashtami, also known as Radhashtami, is a significant Hindu festival celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm across India. It marks the auspicious appearance day of Radha Rani, the divine consort of Lord Krishna. Radha Ashtami falls on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the bright half of the Bhadrapada month in the Hindu calendar, typically occurring in August or September. In this blog, we will explore the significance, rituals, and cultural aspects of Radha Ashtami.

The Signi

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By Rasananda Sankirtana Dasa 

On September 22nd-24th, 2023, the community of Radha-Parisisvara temple will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the installation of Sri-Sri Radha-Parisisvara on the most auspicious day of Radhastami.

On the 22nd, a Maha Harinam will proceed from place Saint-Michel (the historical location where devotees would go on Harinam back then) to rue Lesueur (which was the former location of the temple), passing by Luxembourg Park, where Srila Prabhupada once held an ini

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Teacher Training Course

Discover Your Teaching Potential with the Teacher Training Course I & II


Are you ready to embark on a transformative teaching journey? The Teacher Training Course is your gateway to becoming an empowered teacher and preacher in the Krishna Consciousness movement. This dynamic six-day course, guided by HG Aniruddha Dasa (TTC I) and HG Rsi Kumara Dasa (TTC II), offers a comprehensive curriculum that goes beyond the classroom, equipping you with essential skills that can be applied in various fac

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Tata play customers have to add 'FTA complimentary pack new' pack on their set top box. 

They can add this pack themselves on TATA play app (Android or iOS) or they can add this pack thro the call centre.
By activating this pack, they get 228+ free channels on TATA play. Hare Krsna TV channel is part of this free pack.
For more details, call Hare Krsna TV call centre 7666 839 839.
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The ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry (IDWM) acts on behalf of the GBC to ensure that the worship in our temples and centres is done according to the standards as given by Srila Prabhupada. It also provides training for devotees interested in developing their skills and abilities as Pujaris and brahmanas. The Ministry is also presently compiling ‘position papers’ that address often asked questions related to worship. By closely studying and researching Srila Prabhupada’s books, conversations and let

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Radhastami Festival 2023


Srimati Radharani is the queen of Vrindavana and dear most devotee of Lord Sri Krishna. She is an expert in all the fine arts and Her transcendental form is like an ocean of nectar. Her splendid bodily luster is like the yellow pigment gorocana, molten gold, or stationary lightning. She wears wonderfully beautiful blue garments and She is decorated with various pearls and flowers.

Srimati Radharani is the ideal maha-bhagvat. As the most excellent devotee, She is also the most compassionate. She

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( १ ) पवित्रीकरणम्


ॐ अपवित्र: पवित्रो वेत्यस्य वामदेव ऋषि: विष्णुर्देवता गायत्रीच्छन्द: हृदि पवित्रकरणे विनियोग:।


ॐ अपवित्र पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्थां गतोऽपि वा।

य: स्मरेत् पुण्डरीकाक्षं स बाह्याभ्यन्तर: शुचि:।।


( २ ) त्रिराचमनम् 


अन्तर्जानुहस्त: संहताङ्गुलिना शुद्धजलं गृहीत्वा मुक्ताङगुष्ठकनिष्ठेनवामेनान्वारब्धपाणिना ब्रह्मतीर्थेन त्रिरप: पिबेत्।

१ 👉 ॐ केशवाय नमः

२ 👉 ॐ नारायणाय नमः

३ 👉 ॐ माधवाय नमः

४ 👉 ॐ हृषीकेशाय नमः


( ३ ) आसनशुद्धि: 


ॐ पृथ्वीतिमन्त्रस्य मेरुपृष्ठ ऋषि: सुतलं छन्द: कूर्मो देवता आसने विन

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The 6th annual MAN-tra Men’s Retreat is returning in just a few weeks to New Vrindaban, West Virginia, USA. Space is still available for the gathering which runs from Friday, September 29th thru Sunday, October 1st.

With an aim to empower devotee men to integrate Krishna consciousness into all aspects of their lives, the MAN-tra Retreat was conceived by H.H. Bhaktimarga Swami and H.G. Anuttama Prabhu in 2018. Every year the retreat features a variety of special guest speakers covering topics rel

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By Atma Tattva Das

After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, ISKCON’s 12th European Farm Conference is back and poised to make a significant impact on the future of agriculture. The event is organized by the GBC Ministry of Cow Protection and Agriculture and will be held on a working farm in Zum Oberdorf, Jesewitz, Germany, from September 29th to October 1st, 2023. Devotees are encouraged to register soon at the following link.

ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, h

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Restructure by Bhaktimarga Swami

12229069494?profile=RESIZE_400xOne of my main purposes in the visit to the Vancouver area was to participate in a restructuring of our admin team at the ISKCON spiritual community. That involves a reassigning of posts in the management and a welcoming in of new volunteers.

I see it like playing cards and the shuffling that it features. No cards need removing from the deck. Each one is simply moved to a different location or department. The family is one. All members are important.

Our new president is Nitai Rama, AKA Stephen

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The influence of maya is very difficult to overcome. In our scriptures, the material energy is therefore compared to an ocean. When you sail the ocean you never know when the weather will become stormy and high waves will make it impossible for you to continue your journey. Material life is similar – you never know when difficulties will shake you. Krishna explains this fact to Uddhava and then says: “Devotees are like a strong boat that comes to rescue those persons who are repeatedly rising a

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All yogis are careful about what they eat…or at least they should be. Food is not only connected to our physical well being but also our karmic footprint. In general, we tend to be rather neglectful of karma, nature’s law of action and reaction. As humans, we imagine ourselves above the law, different from nature, and somehow immune to its rules.
But indeed, every single thing we do, every move we make, is not without its impact on our lives – now and in the future. Eating is an obvious and eas

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