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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

YouTube has recently bestowed Bhuvanasundari Radha Devi Dasi with the coveted Silver Button Award for her channel, “Krishna’s Cuisine,” which she began in May 2020. The social media honor is for YouTube creators who have reached the milestone of 100,000 subscribers, a feat only achieved by 0.28% of all YouTube channels.

ISKCON News interviewed Bhuvanasundari Radha about how she felt after receiving the title and how the YouTube channel “Krishna’s Cuisine” mani

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The popular film “HARE KRISHNA! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami Who Started It All” continues to reach a growing audience worldwide through multiple online platforms. The ground-breaking documentary was released in 2017 and garnered best picture at the Illuminate Film Festival

One of the most well-known platforms,, has now made the film free (with occasional ads). It is available for viewing on Tubi in the United States, Canada, Australia, India, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Sa

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Narasimhadev Monthly Abhishek

12238933464?profile=RESIZE_584xNarsimhadev Monthly Abhishek Update For 2023

Today the 28th of Sep, Sri Dham Mayapur will be hosting Narasimhadev Abhishek, along with special prayers to the Lord. Please take advantage of this day to offer prayers on behalf of your forefathers as Pitru Paskha begins tomorrow the 29th of Sep. The period from the full moon of Bhadrapada month to the new moon day of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month is called Pitru Paksha. For the peace of the souls of ancestors, there is a belief to perform Shraddha

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Walking Interest by Bhaktimarga Swami

12238928097?profile=RESIZE_400xKeshava Swami is quite the educator and has been enthusing our community with his lessons. I was quite happy to hear (from his own mouth) that he's also a walker. From the temple/ashram at 243 Avenue Road, he was self-driven to walk to the CN Tower, a distance of 5.5 kilometres, and back. His motivation was to pick up on the vibrations of the city – to take its pulse.

"What do you think?" I asked. Basically he expressed it's a good place for sharing Krishna consciousness.

I spent my day on calls

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Urmila dasi
Chairperson, Sastric Advisory Council

Gradually in ISKCON various gurus, as well as some ISKCON authorities who recommend devotees for 1st and 2nd initiation, have introduced additions, subtractions, and changes to the system of initiation that Srila Prabhupada had for his society. The changes to the giving of the Brahma-gayatri mantra was what first came to the GBC’s attention, and so they requested their Sastric Advisory Council (SAC) to research the topic. After years of review a

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By Divya Prabhanda Das

This September, ISKCON Croatia celebrated its 40th anniversary with the Zagreb Ratha Yatra and the Maha-Abhisheka of Srila Prabhupada as the closing ceremonies. In 1983, ISKCON was registered in Zagreb not only for Croatia but for the whole of former Yugoslavia. Besides the devotees from all parts of Croatia, devotees from the Slovenian, Bosnian and Serbian yatras also joined the celebration.

The celebration started with the 9th Zagreb Ratha Yatra, attracting the attentio

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By Atma Tattva Das

In the annals of South African Krishna consciousness, few names shine as brightly as that of Mukhara Devi Dasi. Her life story is a testament to unwavering dedication, selfless service, and an unshakable commitment to spreading the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. With a legacy deeply woven into the fabric of ISKCON South Africa, Mukhara Devi Dasi’s journey is a source of inspiration for generations of devotees, illuminating the path of devotion with her exemplary life.


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The Mayapur Vrindavan Trust (MVT) has officially announced the dates of the 2023 Kirtan Mela festivals, to be held at their ashrams in Rishikesh and Vrindavan. Devotees worldwide are invited to attend. The festival dates are as follows:

MVT Rishikesh – Tuesday 24th to Saturday 28th October 2023

MVT Vrindavan – Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th November 2023

Many wonderful Kirtaniyas (musicians) from all around the ISKCON world will be present for these ecstatic Kirtan Mela festivals – chanting, danc

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Ranga Devi & Sudevi Appearance Sep 2023


Today is the appearance day of Ranga Devi and Sudevi.

Although all dressed in bright yellow outfits, each Sakhi bore a unique design and pattern that is quite different from one another! Oh, and the transcendental Sakhis! Hey! Govinda! look like full moons embedded in golden robes.

Not to speak of the lavishly decorated altar, the Vrindavan vibes it exudes with monkeys and parrots… And Radha Madhava, how beautiful they look in the vibrant yellow attire; they exude divine elegance and grace.


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I was blessed to walk a short stretch of The Great Trail in Caledon. Today I trekked around Crawford Lake with members of our Toronto and Thunder Bay communities. What is so special about this body of water which is a mere two days' walk from Toronto?

To quote from Canadian Geographic, Crawford Lake is a rare meromicitic lake. "In meromicitic lakes, the water in the lower half does not mix with the water in the upper half, which can be partially attributed to the lake's shape. In July 2023, Cra

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It’s Raining Retreats at New Mayapur


By Rasananda Sankirtan Das and Chandni Raj 

New Mayapur hosted a series of retreats this spring and summer with stalwart devotees such as Ananda Vardhana Swami, Bhakti Raghava Swami, Bhakti Vigyana Swami, Bhakti Vikas Swami, Mahavishnu Swami, Radhanatha Swami, Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami, Adi Karta Das, Parividha Das, Devaki Devi Dasi, and Mandakini Devi Dasi. They each graced the holy French dham with their transcendental presence and inspired the Sankirtan efforts of the French Yatra. Thes

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By Atma Tattva Das

In a remarkable tribute to the spiritual legacy of His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami, Soweto Ratha Yatra 2023 on September 30, 2023, is set to be an unparalleled event of devotion and transcendence. This year’s festival holds profound significance as it marks the first celebration of this grand event since the passing of Kadamba Kanana Swami earlier this year in March.

The Soweto Ratha Yatra, an annual tradition envisioned by His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami, promises to be

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What is it with ____ ? By Bhaktimarga Swami

I was extremely happy to share some of my poetry with the very content devotees in Brampton. They took to kirtan so well, and to listening. One of the poems about prayer really captured them. Here it is:




Is it not the most divine form of communication

A way of expression, a marvellous supplication

An urge from the heart due to a hurt or a wound

A cry so desperate from feeling so ruined

A call for help as if lost in dense jungle

Seeking signs for a way out of the tangl

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Pitru Paksha 2023


Dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Sri Mayapur dhama.

The period from the full moon of Shukla Paksha Bhadrapada month (29th Sept) to the new moon day (14 Oct) of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month is called Pitru Paksha.
It is recommended in the sastras that in this period, one should offer Srardha (oblations) to the forefathers. One should also pray to the Lord to bestow a higher destination to his forefathers. One should also donate

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The Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS) is pleased to announce the release of two new publications as it prepares for its upcoming November conference, “Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana: Current Research on History, Philosophy, and Science.”

The first publication, “2019 Consciousness in Science Conference: Partial Collection of Abstracts and Papers,” is the fruit of BIHS’ first international conference held in 2019, “Consciousness in Science.” The event was hosted at the historic

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For devotees around the world who wish to deepen their relationship with Srimad-Bhagavatam, the BBT is excited to announce “Get the 34!”, devotees everywhere reading and memorizing Srimad-Bhagavatam’s Divinity and Divine Service, Canto 1 chapter 2.

You can download the audio recordings in Sanskrit and English and a PDF of the verses from the Bhadra Campaign website.

The Challenge

The challenge — should you choose to accept it — is to memorize the 34 verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2, both forwards

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Stuff Along The Way by Bhaktimarga Swami


Uday and I agreed to meet at Yonge and Bloor for the subway train to head west for a live Gita class session. And on my way for the 5 o'clock juncture, a Palestinian man walked next to me. "What are you?" he asked.

"A monk with Krishna."

"Are you Indian? You dress like one, but you are white."

"I thought I was beige. My parents are from the Netherlands. Mom looks Dutch. Dad's got some Italian in him, so I speculate. And what are you?"

"I come from the land stolen by a thief. The name starts wit

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On this auspicious day of Parshva Ekadashi, we are blessed to have the auspicious appearance of Lord Vamanadev, Srila Jiva Goswami, and Sri Indulekha Sakhi!

Tripple blessings all in one day!!!

Significance of Parsva Ekadasi: A Day of Fasting and Worship

Parsva Ekadashi, also known as Jayanti Ekadashi, is a propitious day of fasting and worship. By observing this fast, individuals can seek forgiveness for their past sins and gain high spiritual benefits. It is believed that keeping this fast pr

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Lord Vamanadeva appeared within this world from the womb of Aditi, the mother of the gods. He appeared at midday on the shravan-dvadasi, the 12th day of the lunar month of Shravan when the moon is waxing.

There are many lessons for Vaishnavas to learn from the narration of His activities, as found in the 8th canto, 18th chapter of the Bhagavat Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam). Amongst the lessons are these:

1. That God comes to this world in many forms; not just once, in one form, or even many times

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By Gauravani dasa

1. He is known by many names, the most common ones being Vamana (the little dwarf), Trivikrama (he who has taken three step; the giant form), and Upendra (Indra’s younger brother);

2. In every planetary system the denizens worship a particular visnu-tattva as their sole Lord (Plaksadvipa, Surya-Narayana; Brahmaloka; Maha-purusa; Maharloka; Yajna-purusa, et cetera) and in the heavenly planets, the demigods worship Lord Visnu in His plenary portion: the four-armed Vamana;

3. Wh

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