Gita Jayanti is the day on which Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna.The Gita is also known as the Gitopanisad and is considered one of the Upanishads. The title Bhagavad-gita is sometimes translated as “The Song of God.” Gita means “song.” God, Krishna, is so sublime that whatever He speaks is music and poetry. The word bhagavan has been analyzed by Vedic authorities. Bhaga means “opulence” and is related to the word bhagya: “good fortune.” And van means “one who possesses.” So bhaga
gita jayanti (22)
By Giriraj Swami
Today is the auspicious occasion of Gita Jayanti, the day Lord Krsna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, the day of Moksada Ekadasi. To begin, we shall read from Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Chapter Nine, “The Most Confidential Knowledge,” two verses that can provide us with guidance for our lives:
api cet su-duracaro
bhajate mam ananya-bhak
sadhur eva sa mantavyah
samyag vyavasito hi sah
api—even; cet—if; su-duracarah—one committi
For those whose lives have been forever improved by meeting Lord Krishna personally in the pages of the Gita, Gita Jayanti is not only a day of celebration but also a chance to express their gratitude. And the best way to do so is to share the Gita with others. Krishna Himself says, “There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.” (Bg. 18.69)
The Gita teaches the essence of spiritual knowledge, purely and succinctly, in a way that anyone – in any
You are distributing this knowledge, so you become immediately recognized, very dear servant, very confidential servant of Krsna. He says personally. [Bg. 18.69]. “Amongst the human beings those who are doing this preaching, nobody is dearer than these persons to Me”. – Srila Prabhupada
Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita. In the present age, peopl
This is the anniversary commemorating the day that Srimad Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Lord Sri Krishna to His dear-most devotee Arjuna.
It was spoken at the place now known as Jyotisar Tirtha amid the waring families of the Kurus and the Pandavas at Kurukshetra. If one wishes one can still go and visit that place and see the monument erected there with Krishna as Parthasarati (the chariot driver) and Arjuna the warrior on their chariot.
It is claimed by the ashram, which maintains the shrine, th
On Gita Jayanti, the day of the advent of the Bhagavad-gita, spoken by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, I reflected on Srila Prabhupada and how he addressed members of the Gita Pratishthan (Gita Foundation) in India, in 1976. The way Srila Prabhupada dealt with the conference was exemplary and extraordinary as I shall relate.
In May a prominent industrialist named Ramkrishna Bajaj (almost everyone in India knows Bajaj Autos and Bajaj Electricals) wrote Srila Prabhupada that he was organizing a conferenc
By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi
The inaugural celebrations of the New Navadvip Dham from December 22-25, 2023, coinciding with Gita Jayanti and the 10th anniversary of the Sadhu Sanga Retreat, was a huge success.
The event embraced a familial ambience leaving an indelible mark on the 150 participants, including prominent local residents. The highlight of the event was cooperation among devotees. Govinda Caran Das, one of the organizers of the Sadhu Sanga Retreat said, “The response was overw
Ayodhya Rama Temple Inauguration!
The Ayodhya Rama temple is scheduled to be inaugurated on January 24, and the Government of India intends for the celebration to span one month, concluding on February 24. ISKCON has received an invitation to participate and preach during this month-long celebration. The leaders of ISKCON India have decided to utilize this opportunity for prasada distribution, Harinam Sankirtana, and book distribution. The responsibility for book distribution will be shared by
An address by Giriraj Swami to leaders of Hindu organizations in Houston, October 23, 2009.
The Bhagavad-gita is also known as the Gitopanisad and is considered one of the Upanishads. The title Bhagavad-gita is sometimes translated as “The Song of God.” Gita mean “song.” God, Krishna, is so sublime that whatever He speaks is music and poetry. The word bhagavan has been analyzed by Vedic authorities. Bhaga means “opulence” and is related to the word bhagya: “good fortune.” And van means “one who
“Anyway, print books, distribute profusely, and that will be the best preaching work. What will your three minutes’ preaching do? —but if they buy one book, it may turn their life. So, make this your important task, to print our books…and distribute widely, and that will please my Guru Maharaja. Never mind it takes little time to make progress, our process is slow but sure, and we are confident that if we continue in this way, we shall go one day back to home, back to Godhead.”
– Srila Prabhup
By HH Bhakti Raghava Swami
I was walking down Rideau Street in the city of Ottawa some time during the summer of 1973. Although I had still not found what I really wanted in life, I was somewhat relieved that I had been able to walk out of the expected social pressures of modern day society.
I had already finished my university studies, graduating from Ottawa U in 1968, had worked for three years as a Social Worker with the Children’s Aid Society in my home town of Timmins in Northern Ontario,
By Madhava Smullen
Devotees in the Czech Republic read the entireity of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is online during a nonstop 27-hour live broadcast on the sacred occasion of Gita Jayanti, December 25th.
The idea was originated by Loka Saranga Das and moderated by Madhu Pandit Das, while Priya-kirti Das advertised the livestream. The reading, conducted via Zoom and broadcast on Youtube, was also inspired by Vaisesika Das’s Live to Give Campaign.
More than thirty devotees read from th
Hare Krishna
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Dear prabhujis and Matajis
ISKCON Nepal releases a new Melodious Hare Krishna Rock Kirtan as an offering for Gita Jayanti
It is like a story mode that targets to preach Bhagavad Gita to an audience.
Is it possible to share in dandavat?
Hope you like
Here are the links for video : Click here
Gita Jayanti is the day on which Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna.
The Gita is also known as the Gitopanisad and is considered one of the Upanisads. The title Bhagavad-gita is sometimes translated as “The Song of God.” Gita means “song.” God, Krishna, is so sublime that whatever He speaks is music and poetry. The word bhagavan has been analyzed by Vedic authorities. Bhaga means “opulence” and is related to the word bhagya: “good fortune.” And van means “one who possesses.” So bhaga
This year is an unusual year. One of its many unusual features is that Christmas and Gita Jayanti, the speaking of Bhagavad-Gita (The Song of God), are celebrated on the same day. This is a special opportunity to connect East and West.
The Gita, India’s endearing holy book, is spoken 5000 years ago by the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna to the warrior prince Arjuna right before the great battle at Kurushetra in northern India. Arjuna is hesitant to fight. On the other side of the battlefield, his cousi
Silver Jubilee year festival of Gita Jayanti inaugurated in grandeur at ISKCON Mayapur on 23rd December. After a long silence following the lockdown, it is a pleasure to welcome over 2000 guests who have arrived at Mayapur to take part in Gita Jayanti festival. Inaugurating the session, HG Bhakti Bijoy Bhagavat Swami informed that around 20000 students have been enrolled for Grade1 Gita Study Course and this shows how people are very eager to receive this king of knowledge. HH Bhakti Purusottama
For those whose lives have been forever improved by meeting Lord Krishna personally in the pages of the Gita, Gita Jayanti is not only a day of celebration but also a chance to express their gratitude. And the best way to do so is to share the Gita with others. Krishna Himself says, “There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.” (Bg. 18.69)
The Gita teaches the essence of spiritual knowledge, purely and succinctly, in a way that anyone – in an
The Bhaktivedanta Players of UK have made their Bhagavad-gita audio drama available for everyone to hear during the this most auspicious month of Marga when Bhagavad-gita was spoken, and when whole of ISKCON focuses on the Gita.
The nearly hour-long play consisting of two parts uses carefully chosen music and dramatic sound effects to make listening to the most important conversation in humankind a memorable experience for the audience.
Listen to the audio drama here: https://www.bhaktivedantama

“Anyway, print books, distribute profusely, and that will be the best preaching work. What will your three minutes; preaching do?—but if they buy one book, it may turn their life. So make this your important task, to print our books…and distribute widely, and that will please my Guru Maharaja. Never mind it takes little time to make progress, our process is slow but sure, and we are confident that if we continue in this way we shall go one day back to home, back to Godhead.” - Srila Prabhupad