iskcon tucson (2)

13099892288?profile=RESIZE_584xISKCON Tucson was recently featured in the Arizona Daily Star which has a large online readership and over 230,000 print subscribers in the region. The article gave readers a window into the Sunday Feast, a brief history of the community, and highlighted several community members and how they came to Krishna Consciousness.

You can read the full article here.  To follow the expanding service of the Tucson community, receive updates on their Temple project, and more, read their latest newsletter,

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For the past fifteen years, ISKCON Tucson has been serving the city’s unhoused with a healthy seven-course meal along with the chanting of the holy name.

The monthly prasadam distribution, which includes kirtan, is part of a partnership with Southside Presbyterian’s “Cross Streets Community” initiative. The CSC program is a multi-faceted outreach to the unhoused population of Tucson that offers hot meals, showers, laundry services, haircuts, a clothing room, and a place to feel safe and loved.

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