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Our greatest problem is that we have turned away from Krishna. This one action has turned into our existential dilemma. We are lost servants. But strangely we think, at least unconsciously, that it is Krishna who has abandoned us. Only when we become eager to meet Krishna again, and serve Him with body, mind and heart – as eager as a drowning man is eager to breathe again – can we attain our spiritual success. Real love, however, will only flow when we move out of the center and put Krishna the

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From Back to Godhead

The ideas of the Western philosopher Kant come close to the concept of dharma.

For some, duty is a dirty word—we want to do what we want to do. Period. To hell with duty. But let’s consider this more seriously: What is duty, and should I be concerned about it? Clearly, duty means different things to different people. And yet it’s not uncommon to wonder: What am I meant to do? Is there a reason I was put on this earth?

Duty is a term loosely applied to any action or course o

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Evolution Or Production? By Jnana Dasa


From Back to Godhead

Implicit in current theories of evolution are two basic assumptions: first, that the myriad living forms have come into being exclusively by chance and the action of natural laws; and second, that consciousness and all life processes are nothing more than physiochemical interactions. In many arenas, both within and without the academic world, a debate is raging to determine the truth or falsehood of evolutionary theory and its implied assumptions. And for good reason. For i

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During the September 6th Krishna Janmashtami festivities at ISKCON NYC, Jenifer Rajkumar, a member of the New York Assembly, 38th District, presented an official proclamation that honored the NYC’s Harinam Sankirtan devotees for their many years of service to the community. Their mission, according to their website, is “the propagation of harinam-sankirtan (the congregational chanting of the holy names of God) in the streets and subways of New York City daily for as many hours as possible.” Thi

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On September 6th, BBC Radio 2’s Pause for Thought episode was entitled “My Spiritual Inspiration” and presented by devotee Nimai Devi Dasi (Nima Suchak). Her reflection, an homage to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, was part of the week’s theme, “To Go Boldly.”

“Prabhupada was fearless because of his conviction in the teachings he had received from his own guru…For his bold journey was one which changed the course of my life and of thousands of others,” said Nimai.

Nimai De

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My Story and Ode to Srila Prabhupada

Born into dense illusion, one of countless conditioned souls;
doomed to endless births and deaths while playing different roles.

My life a hell that made no sense, trying drugs I took my chances;
searching faces on streets and buses, hoping to find someone with answers.

Religion as I knew it seemed a total farce,
and the diet of dead animals weighed heavy on my heart.

So, trapped, I studied different books, became an avid reader:
Leary, Huxley, Buddhism, a s

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It is wrap up time for my visit to B.C., and I am receiving all kinds of gifts (such as a watch) that I'm not worthy of, a pack up lunch for the plane, hugs and goodbyes of all sorts and kinds. Satyabhama has been so sweet with daily unch during my stay here, and her son, Arjuna, in his teens, offers comic relief. Vishnu Priya pops by for gifts too, and Makunda Madhava, who offered me teabags of valerian for my insomnia, stood there to hear my testimony on how this substance worked for me for t

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Mother Devaki's fifth book is out...!

To create a culture of bhakti in our home is a challenge! This book gives insights and guidelines related to very practical aspects of life - how to adjust and transform our family life so it is an ashram, a suitable place to facilitate our spiritual growth and development.

In the Srimad Bhagavatam (4.26.16), Srila Prabhupada states:
"There is no difference between a good wife and good intelligence. One who possesses good intelligence can deliberate properly and save himself from many dangerou
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Sri Rama - The Root Source of All Incarnations

सीतानाथ समारम्भां रामानन्दार्य मध्यमाम्
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे श्रीगुरू परम्पराम् ।

I bow down to the lineage of Sri Sampradaya upto my own Acharya which is being started by Sri SitaRama and Anandabhashyakara Svami Sri Ramanandacharya is situated in middle of this Succession of Sri Sampradaya. 

Although there are many verses which are being given in shastras to realise that Sri Sita-Ramachandra is the Original Supreme Personality of Godhead ; The Root source of all Incarnations like Sri Krishn

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The Share Your Care Foundation (SYCF) has released its most recent newsletter, outlining the extraordinary service it has been offering in Ukraine over the last six months (February – July). This initiative is dedicated to support the devotees who have been affected by the war in Ukraine and is under the guidance of HH Niranjana Swami, the GBC for Ukrain. It has the approval and overwhelming support of the entire GBC body. It focuses on devotee relocation from conflict areas, devotee maintenanc

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By Thomas Haribol

ISKCON NYC Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir is undergoing extensive renovations as part of its Transform Campaign. The ambitious initiative is restoring, in part, some of the original features of the Brooklyn building while creating a more welcoming facade to engage the increasing foot traffic in the neighborhood. The new elegant large front doors will bring more light, and hopefully visitors, to the growing and engaged spiritual community. The second-floor renovations include a l

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The Power of Prabhupada’s Remnants


Srutakirti dasa: We were on an airplane from Mexico City to Caracas, and Prabhupada started taking his puffed rice and peanuts. He ate for about ten minutes, and then he just looked and said, “Okay.” So I moved the puffed rice over, and I gave half to Paramahamsa and had the other half in front of me. After a few minutes, a stewardess was walking down the aisle and she stopped right in front of us and reached over, put her hand in my plate, and grabbed a handful of puffed rice and threw it in h

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Visits and visitors by Bhaktimarga Swami

The Vancouver Krishna community celebrated the birthday of Balarama with chanting, class and feasting. I took the opportunity to read my poem, "About Balarama", a synopsis of his pastimes and why we honour him so. He is just one of those many avatars that enrich the lives of bhakti practitioners. He is indeed colourful and precious. When we chant the Maha Mantra, the words Rama Rama refers to Balarama. Being the half-brother of Krishna, he is bound to demonstrate wisdom, love, and playfulness.

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ārādhyo bhagavān vrajeśa-tanayas tad-dhāma vṛndāvanaṁ

ramya kaścid upāsanā vraja-vadhu-varga-vīrya kalpita

śrīmad-bhāgavatam amalaṁ purāṇaṁ premā pum-artho mahān

śrī-caitanya mahāprabhor matam idaṁ tatradaraḥ na paraḥ

“It is the conclusive opinion of Lord Caitanya that the most worshipable form of the Lord is that of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the son of Nanda Mahārāja. Vṛndāvana Dhāma is the topmost worshipable abode. The highest and most pleasing type of worship of Kṛṣṇa is done by the vraja gopīs. Śrīmad-Bh

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युधिष्ठिर ने पूछा : जनार्दन ! अब मैं यह सुनना चाहता हूँ कि भाद्रपद (गुजरात महाराष्ट्र के अनुसार श्रावण) मास के कृष्णपक्ष में कौन सी एकादशी होती है ? कृपया बताइये ।

भगवान श्रीकृष्ण बोले : राजन् ! एकचित्त होकर सुनो । भाद्रपद मास के कृष्णपक्ष की एकादशी का नाम ‘अजा’ है । वह सब पापों का नाश करनेवाली बतायी गयी है । भगवान ह्रषीकेश का पूजन करके जो इसका व्रत करता है उसके सारे पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं ।

पूर्वकाल में हरिश्चन्द्र नामक एक विख्यात चक्रवर्ती राजा हो गये हैं, जो समस्त भूमण्डल के स्वामी और सत्यप्रतिज्

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My dearest Srila Prabhupada,

Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to you on this most auspicious day of your Vyasa-puja.

In 1969 you wrote the following in a letter to one of your disciples:

Just as you have already understood the benefits of this Krsna Consciousness Movement, try to realize and assimilate it more and more and distribute it to the suffering humanity. Our movement is the greatest gift to the human race. They may not immediately app

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The next day was Vyasa-puja day, the celebration of Prabhupada’s seventy-fourth birthday. That morning a package arrived from New York containing several copies of the Vyasa-puja booklet, a twenty-five-page paperback filled with homages from Prabhupada’s disciples.

Months before, one of the devotees had discovered an old issue of a magazine published by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati; the magazine contained a Vyasa-puja homage Prabhupada had written commemorating the appearance day of his own

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Who is Srila Prabhupada? by Praghosa dasa


A talk given on Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja seeking to understand the unparalleled contribution he has made to the history of Gaudiya Vaisnavism This picture showing Srila Prabhupada with godbrothers and friends is both rare and revealing. Rare as it is one of a kind. Revealing because Prabhupada is very animated, with most others setting their gaze on him. While we cannot be certain, it is reasonable to assume that this conversation could be about the epic journey that Prabhupada was soon to

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1) O Krsna, Who descended in the province of Mathura, O Lord Who gives the great gift of pure love for Yourself, O Perfromer of extraordinary pastimes, O great Treasure-house of various kinds of sweetness, O Lord Who is full of transcendental opulences, great mercy and majesty. All glories unto You.

2) O Krsna, O Deliverer of the Pandavas and Protector of King Pariksit, everyone should hear talks in relation with You, just as King Pariksit who enquired about Your pastimes.

3) O Krsna, you are s

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By Sri Nandanandana dasa (Stephen Knapp)

(An Excerpt from “Advancements of Ancient India’s Vedic Culture”)

As devotees and followers of the Vedic path, we already accept the premise that Lord Krishna appeared 5,000 years ago and spoke the Bhagavad-gita in the Mahabharata war. But it is always nice when scholars, other researchers and science can add support to what we already propose. So let’s take a look at this.

One aspect that can show us the early nature of Vedic society, and with a little

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