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When I was at the airport in Honolulu last night, I witnessed what most of us have seen people do when gathered together. They are on their cell phones, and it’s not so much to make a call but for viewing, surfing or texting. Rarely do you see anyone read a book, or even a magazine, and if so, the content is mundane.


However, when I rose to line up for the zone 4 group, I passed by a young fellow with partly purple hair. He noticed me and smiled excitedly. He had in his hands the Bhagavad-git

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Hoofprint Media is a family-owned and operated multimedia design company based in the United States, specializing in web design, graphic design, photography, and film. Over the years, Hoofprint Media has significantly contributed to the impact and success of ISKCON temples, devotional projects, and devotee-operated businesses worldwide. What sets Hoofprint Media apart is its unwavering commitment to excellence. Their team of skilled designers and developers is

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We locked ourselves up in service to our current drama, Witness Gopal. We were being rigid with ourselves and even staying aloof from the reading of the Gita. The congregation had come for the annual recitation of the 700 verses to commemorate the sacred dialogue between the wise Krishna and the archer, Arjuna.  

Our cast’s absence from the reading was not a deviation (we were in the same building, the temple), as the next morning we would be departing for Montreal and Ottawa on a blitz to perf

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Gaura Purnima Festival 2024 Schedule


The festival of Gaura Purnima is upon us once more, and whether you are physically present or not, we gladly invite you to join us in celebrating! Take advantage of the chance this year to serve Sri Pancha Tattva on Gaura Purnima and receive Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s unending blessings!

Please visit the Seva Sponsorship Forms here:

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Although some people consider me a nomad, always travelling to somewhere, I’m actually rather grounded by having a home base. This permits me to see people repeatedly, and Wayne, a super artist, who lives up the street on Roxborough, is a regular. He wears this distinguished hat with a wide brim, so I can spot him from many metres away. He’s gone through about three different dog-pet reincarnations. What’s different now is he uses a walker to get around in the park. Still, he’s Wayne, a nice n

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धरूनी मौन उत्तम, असे नित्य ज्यांची स्वानंद गती |
माते सकल मुनीश्रेष्ठ ते वंदिताती तुला त्रयजगती |
करी शोकनाश विश्वांचा, प्रसन्न मुखपद्म तुझे समर्थ अति |
स्वर्गाधिक-रम्य निकुंज धरेवरी, आई तुझी ती वस्ति |

वृषभानूची वंशवल्ली तू शोभसी नंदसुताची अंगना |
कधी करशील गे माते कृपाकटाक्ष करूनी मातृभावना |
लागू दे करूणेचा पवन शीतल तव त्या मेघनयना |
चातक संतान तुझे म

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Wishes for the New Year by Haripada Das

8368935078?profile=RESIZE_400xHappy, happy New Year,
I wish you, O my dear,
Have a blissful life,
Free from lust and fear. |1|

The enemies within,
Which, cannot be seen,
Are lust and anger,
Those force us to commit sin. |2|

If we remain sinful,
How can we be peaceful?
O my dear, I have to tell you,
Awake, arise and be careful. |3|

Life is very precious,
We have to be serious,
To make the best use of it,
And prevent the greatest loss. |4|

The greatest loss,
Is failure to cross,
The cycle of birth, old age,
Disease and death.

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Under the Mango Tree by Bhaktimarga Swami


The anniversary of the great dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna. The anchor person to this sublime conversation is someone by the name of Sanjaya, who is quite in a blissful state when relating it to the blind king, Dhrtarastra. Here’s how he felt in Sanskrit:

rajan samsmrtya samsmrtya

samvadam imam adbhutam

keshavarjunayoh punyam

hrsyami ca muhur muhuh

“Oh, King, as I repeatedly recall this wondrous and holy dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, I take pleasure, being thrilled at every moment.

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In Santa Clara by Bhaktimarga Swami


When today’s presentation was to be at the Ecological Center in the heart of Santa Clara Zoo, I was pleasantly surprised. And it was outdoors with a good fifty or so people, many of them well read, including doctors and teachers, that got on their feet from their chairs, as I and companion monks came in sight. What an honor! I don’t deserve that, but to tell you the truth, there’s lots of great culture in Cuba.

The program opened up with a Thai Chi presentation by three experts in the field. Th

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This is an article of appreciation and support to all our devotees who are working and maintaining our rural communities, producing food and taking care of the cows. Right now when we are living in a situation where, all the modern civilization is paralyzed and threatened for a very contagious disease and an impending economical chaos, all your services take a very special relevance. Srila Prabhupada already visualized this scenario and he spoke many times about it and bought many farms around

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There are three main causes of our suffering – papam (sin), bijam (desires), and avidya (ignorance). Srila Rupa Goswami explains in Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu (Nectar of Devotion) that we suffer because of the sins which we have committed not only in this life but also in previous lives.

Let us explore the causes of our sufferings and most importantly how to get relief from all our sufferings. Srila Rupa Goswami explains about this in his book Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu (Nectar of Devotion).

Three caus

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From the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the story of an elephant’s devotional plea provides an example for us all.

“One day everything will be well; that’s our hope. Everything’s fine today; that’s our illusion.” – Voltaire

The crocodile’s invincible jaws have got me. But the bigger tragedy is that I am unaware of its vicious grip even though its terrible gaping maw inflicts continuous pain, with brief moments of relief that I take as pleasure. In times of mental clarity, I realize I can’t get ou

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 The inauguration of Sri Rama temple will be a great and once in a life event and the most awaited event. Like our Caitanya Mahaprabhus 500th birth anniversary celebration.  

 At that time, we had Padayatra as a way of celebrating the 500th anniversary of the appearance Of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We had Dwaraka to Mayapur padayatra that was also a once in a lifetime event and then padayatra never stopped it’s still going on and on.  

So aligned to that Ayodhya Padayatra came to my mind. First

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Gaura Purnima Sponsorships


On the 2nd of March devotees will arrive for Sravana Utsava & Kirtan Mela, followed by festival inauguration, various festivities, Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama, and the grand celebration of Gaura Purnima on the 25th of March.


Click on one of the below sponsorship categories for more information:


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Prem Ras :- Juice of Love

Sometimes different people randomly exhibit a unique aura out of themselves, this aura has no specific way to describe or hold, it just randomly attracts us with no real motive and keeps on just dragging us towards them, we don't understand how & why are we going, but we still wish to go near them, whatever they talk whether useful or not it makes no sense for us, just listening to them makes us feel worthy of something, little conversations with them brings a natural hike in our humility & comp
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Back by Bhaktimarga Swami


Back I am with the sounds of Canada such as traffic roaring with the Christmas passion. And hockey sticks hitting the ice with skates hurriedly cutting into that same ice in the effort to control that puck is producing that sportive sound that makes for a happier display of exerting energy. It’s all okay for me. It demonstrates signs of life. Perhaps the happiest moment for me today was a participation in the “meditation night”. Generally I haven’t been involved for the fact that I found the co

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Liberation from the Desire for Liberation


For the advanced devotee of Lord Krishna, nothing surpasses the opportunity to serve and please Him.
By Jagannatha Gopala Dasa
The highest goal of spiritual practices far surpasses simply freedom from the suffering of material existence.

Having been born and raised in an Indian brahmana family, I have often heard from elder family members and friends about their aspiration for moksha, or mukti – that is, liberation from material existence. People who have lived tough lives filled with ups and d

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Gita Jayanti Campaign


Ayodhya Rama Temple Inauguration!

The Ayodhya Rama temple is scheduled to be inaugurated on January 24, and the Government of India intends for the celebration to span one month, concluding on February 24. ISKCON has received an invitation to participate and preach during this month-long celebration. The leaders of ISKCON India have decided to utilize this opportunity for prasada distribution, Harinam Sankirtana, and book distribution. The responsibility for book distribution will be shared by

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