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All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

Respected Vaisnavas,

All glories to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada!

It is with great spiritual joy and reverence that we, the Sarasvata Gaudiya Vaisnava Association (SGVA), announce the grand celebration of the 150th Vyasa-puja of Om Vishnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada, slated for the year 2024. This event holds not only the significance of marking the 150th appearance da

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1. Zonal Update

In the zonal report, Malati Devi Dasi shared an inspiring update of the continued development of Krishna Consciousness in different areas of the US Midwest including Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Detroit, amongst others. Highlights included; the commencement of the construction for a grand temple in the greater Columbus area in Ohio, the dynamic outreach taking place including at the many prestigious universities in the region, the deepening commitment to Krishna Consci

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By Atma Tattva Das

Spurred by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hare Krishna Africa (HKA) platform has evolved into a transformative online and in-person network of African devotees. This innovative network utilizes social media, Zoom calls, and strategic cross-border connections to serve collaboratively on various issues facing ISKCON communities across multiple countries. Initiated by the visionary minds of Srivas Das Vanacari, Kusha Das, Jnana Caksusa Das, and Kavikarnapura Das, t

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Hard Season by Bhaktimarga Swami


Ice has become crystal

Beware, for it is now brittle

Anything can break/snap

Water can’t run from the tap

It is a frozen planet

Snow assumes a blanket

A cover over land mass

Water is now glass

Movement is nil in the yard

Most entities are asleep

There’s a secret you can’t keep

It’s a whisper in the wind

Telling that Nature hasn’t sinned

She inserts a truth

With her face-biting tooth

Leaving moments to reflect

Pondering on what to reject

To simplify. Downscale

Life should not be pale

The white c

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12361102257?profile=RESIZE_710xOn January 18, 7:30 PM EDT, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA) and the Vedic Friends Association (VFA) will be hosting an online webinar entitled “The Western Hindu Perspective on the Revitalization of Ayodhya Ram Mandir.”  

Webinar panelists include Balabhadra Bhattacarya Dasa, Sri Nandanandana Dasa, and Kavindra Rishi. Balabhadra Bhattacarya is the President of the co-sponsoring organization, the VFA, which has as its aim “to present, preserve, protect and promote the principles and p

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By Atma Tattva Das

In an alignment of spiritual vision and environmental stewardship, The Braj Kund Restoration Project, created to restore the deteriorating quality of kundas in the Braj region, reflects the essence of sustainable development and holistic conservation. For the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) community, this initiative transcends the boundaries of ecological restoration; it signifies a sacred duty to preserve the sanctity of Braj – a place intrinsically

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God Bless The Child by Bhaktimarga Swami


I am quite alarmed by the vast increase of homelessness in all the places I go to, and in the areas I walk. We have all seen people pushing a shopping cart with extensions on it; half-full bags dangling to the side. Clothes, sleeping gear, and some processed foods are the contents and more. I imagine for some homeless folks, you might find medications, drugs and other addictions matter.

In my walk with Uday and Navi today, we saw such a woman in a daze standing outside a department store on Blo

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A Wise Old Monkey by Bhurijana dasa



Hare Krsna.

The monkeys of Raman Reti can undoubtably be cute. But are they wise? Mostly they use their amazing climbing skills to wander from tree to roof to balcony for the purpose of foraging for soft leaves, berries, or other eatables. When they’re not eating they fight, mate, or sleep. But, however, I’ve noted that they can also be clever and quite brave. Many strongly built males will always fiercely fight to protect from attack the young within their family. That can be said to be a ty

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True Humility by Guru Dasa

From A Meditation on the Importance of True Humility” in “Back to Godhead, Vol. 53, No. 5 (Sep/Oct 2019):
Guru Dasa (disciple of Bhaktimarga Swami): “The Tao Te Ching advises that humility is the best policy. One quote I like is translated as follows: ‘If the sage wants to stand above people, he must speak to them from below.
If he wants to lead people, he must follow them from behind.’ (Chapter 66)”

“Jesus also advised humility. He said, ‘So the last shall be first, and the first last: for man

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Lianne Kolirin, a freelance journalist who has written for CNN, The Washington Post, The Daily Express, and The Jerusalem Post recently profiled the beginnings of the Hare Krishna movement in the UK and ISKCON’s Bhaktivedanta Manor.

The article was published by The Religion Media Centre. This UK-based organization seeks to be a bridge between religions and the media, “working alongside journalists and other media professionals to explain, enhance and encourage the reporting of religion, and thus

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By Aseem Krishna Das

This year’s Sadhu Sanga program, organized by disciples of HH Subhag Swami Maharaja, was held from 30th December 2023 to 4th January 2024 at Janardan Swami Ashram in Nashik, Maharashtra. Each year, Maharaja selects a different place for the Sadhu Sanga program, and this time, it was the Nashik Dham.

Disciples of Subhag Swami Maharaja gathered from different parts of India and abroad to receive the association and celebrate the 84th Vyasa Puja ceremony of their beloved spiri

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When I look at the span of a day involving community members, I am touching all rites of passage. Someone is calling about getting married. “Do you have the wedding hall available at such and such a date?” Another individual is personally asking about help to find a partner.

Then out of the crowd a couple approach me: “Please give us blessings, Swamiji, we are going to have our first child in four months.”

And during the feast, again, someone is saying, “My wife is in her last stages with cance

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Visakha Dasi has released a new book entitled Virtues for a Happy Life: Bhagavad-gita for Children. This beautifully designed volume makes the wisdom of the Gita easily accessible through photographs, paintings, and straightforward language as it explores four virtues found in the ancient text. “For me, the four virtues highlighted in the book are foundational teachings of the Gita,” said Visakha, “equal-mindedness (seeing everyone as an atma or soul), healthy-mindedness (understanding Krishna’s

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

ISKCON UK is organizing a free international online course called Think Gita based on the teachings of S.B. Keshava Swami Maharaj. The taster session starts today January 11th at 8 pm GMT, and the 4-week course begins on 1st February, every Thursday from 8-9 pm GMT.

Raja Mukunda, who is the course instructor, is the co-founder and heads the Think Gita project and has been teaching the Bhagavad-gita for four years. He said, “People purchase the Bhagavad-gita, b

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Makar Sankranti 2024!


Today is Makar Sankranti. Aside from the northward movement of the sun today, it is a very important and auspicious day for the Vaishnava community, as on this day Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took to the renounced order of life for the sake of liberating and distributing the Holy Name to us all. Therefore, on this auspicious day, it is important to remember the pastime activities of the Lord because He is also the master of all wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge, and renunciation because He

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Poem: Care by Bhaktimarga Swami


When we actually care
We are prone to share
With those in times of need
In any physical/emotional bleed
With a gentle pinch of courage
Caring becomes a universal language
Understood by plants, vegetables
Bugs, birds, and all animals
True humans are quite aware
Of the sensitivity called care
By way of touch, a smile
Kind words, listening – all worth while
But we cannot monopolize
Rather own up and apologize
For past abuses done
With a violent cleaver or gun
To compensate, begin this day
With so

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Some fifty years ago in Bombay, when I first began to meet people to encourage them to support ISKCON, I was guided by the fourth verse of Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Upadesamrta, kindly explained by Srila Prabhupada. It instructed me to reciprocate with the people whom I met in exchanges of love. The more care and affection we gave them, the more they would reciprocate and want to support our cause. And I knew that if they engaged in devotional service, they would enhance their spiritual lives.


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Ratha Yatra Conquer Miami

On January 7th, 2024, we celebrated Ratha Yatra during the Mango Strut Parade, which has been a local happening during the last 40 years. Devotees used to chant during the parade, but there was never a Ratha Yatra until last year.

Even thousands of miles away from Jagannath Puri, Coconut Grove, where the parade is held, is a small village in Miami close to the ocean, surrounded by banyan trees, coconut, and mango trees. The village is special because Srila Prabhupada graced this place with his vi

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By Mathura Lilesvari Devi Dasi 

Krishna Lunch So Cal is a new creative outreach in southern California aimed at providing low-cost on-campus meals and meaningful connections to college-age students as food insecurity sharply rises.

“Beyond being a nutritious food hub while addressing food insecurity among students, we envision Krishna Lunch So Cal as a place where the students and other community members can come together, share thoughts, and build connections,” said Govinda Datta Dasa, founder

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12356592654?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Hari Mohan Dasa (Mohan Ashtakala), an editor and publisher of a community newspaper in Denver, Colorado, for thirteen years, has written an amazing historical fiction titled “Sadhu.” The book has received immense appreciation from authors and devotees. It explores the spiritual journey of Lord Chaitanya’s elder brother, as well as the historical and social intricacies of Medieval India.

In the list of mentioned testimonials, HH Bhakti Marga Swami said, “Blendin

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