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By Prishni Sutton, BIHS 

The Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS) will host the third installment of an ongoing lecture series based on the books of Richard L. Thompson (Sadaputa Dasa, 1947-2008) with a hybrid (online/in-person) event at the BIHS Headquarters in Gainesville, FL, on February 3, 2024, 11 AM to 1 PM EST. 

In this series, Thompson’s books are covered chapter by chapter with a presentation summarizing contents and central arguments, followed by a discussion. The focus o

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Taking Care by Bhaktimarga Swami


It came to my attention through my meagre introspection that Krishna Consciousness is nothing but a caring culture—a caring for God, a caring for His environment, His creatures, you and me. All that exists is His, and so kindness must prevail in His world.

Caring, for me today, came in many forms. I was happy to receive a call from one of my students. He mentioned he had good news about marriage and a date preferred for the wedding. I was thrilled, of course, as I want to see our young folks

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Nashik Sadhu Sanga 2023

This year Sadhu Sanga program was organised at Nashik, Maharashtra. Disciples of His Holiness Subhag Swami Maharaja gathered from different parts of India and abroad to get the association of their spiritual master and nurture their devotional lives. They also gathered to celebrate the 84th Vyasa Puja ceremony of their beloved spiritual master His Holiness Subhag Swami Maharaja. Each year a new place is selected by Maharaja for the Sadhu Sanga program and this time it was the Nashik Dham. The ev

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Dear devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Šrila Prabhupada!

I’d like to use this opportunity to inform you about a successful book distribution program that started back in 2012 and is still ongoing. I hope many of you will get inspiration from this report and replicate it in your yatras. During Vrisabha Prabhu’s (my close friend, a devotee from Croatia) stay in Sarajevo in the period from 2012 to 2014, there was an opportunity to enter libraries with Srila Prabhupada’s

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“He who was previously a very munificent cowherd boy has now appeared as Mahesa Pandita. In ecstatic love, he dances like a madman as though intoxicated to the beat of a kettle drum. [C.C. Adi 11.32]

According to Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, Mahesa Pandita was formerly Maha-Bahusakha in Krsna-lila. He was a companion of Nityananda Prabhu, and was present at the Danda Mahotsava held at Paninati.

In Bhakti-Ratnakara, Taranga Nine, it is stated that when Narottama dasa Thakura came to visit Khardaha, h

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November 4, 2023, marked the first leg of Padayatra Mauritius’ Island-wide Padayatra. Coinciding with the tirobhava tithi (disappearance day) of Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami, Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami, the walk was also dedicated to commemorating the forty-eighth anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s first visit to Mauritius.
The day’s itinerary covered approximately 10km, starting at the Sri Sri Radha Golokananda mandir in Phoenix then heading north th

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The Bhaktivedanta Medical Association – US (BMA-US) will be holding its 6th annual BMA Conference at Deland, Florida, on February 2nd-4th, 2024.

Their purpose is to provide a spiritual atmosphere where devotees involved in the healthcare field can meet and bond with one another and brainstorm ways to help our devotee communities at large. Part of the global Bhaktivedanta Medical Association, THE BMA-US held its previous 2020 retreat in Houston with over 100 participants from all across North Am

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In a recent study of 22 sets of twins published in the Journals of the American Medical Association (JAMA Network), researchers found that “a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet.”

The results confirm earlier findings from researchers in Norway, which showed a plant-based diet can add up to 10 years to one’s life. You can read the full study here.

ISKCON devotees advocate a lacto-vegetarian diet, strictly avoi

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Bagel Love by Bhaktimarga Swami

12355682301?profile=RESIZE_400xKathi’s bagels are irresistible. She’s married to Vallabha Hari, MC extraordinaire. They happen to live near the corner of Bloor and Spadina which is on my urban walking route. So tonight, after dealing with oodles of people stuff over the course of the day, I felt a pressure to get out into the fresh—as best as our city could offer—air. 

I cleared the stairs and hit the sidewalk with Navi next to my side. We headed out Bloor west and dropped by Kathi and Vallabha’s for a friendly visit. Sure en

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What you were born to do is no longer a mystery. Career Dharma, The Natural Art of Work, by Urmila Devi Dasi (Dr. Edith Best) and Dr. Ruchira S. Datta, is here to help you discover that. The English word natural comes from the Latin term “naturalis,” which means birth, or in Middle English, it denotes the physical power of a person. What is your superpower? What is your dharma?

In this comprehensive volume, the authors begin with the wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita, which speaks of our sanatana dhar

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Namarasa Das is back after a one-year hiatus with a new season of in-person interviews. In 2018, Namarasa started “The Late Morning Program with Namarasa” podcast, which quickly gained in popularity because of its engaging host, wide variety of guests, and willingness to talk about a broad range of topics, including “hot button” issues. The return is good news for the thousands of devotee listeners who were missing the podcast during the break. 

“In January 2023, I took a break because my daugh

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A Mix of Activities by Bhaktimarga Swami


A sign went up at the entrance of Govinda’s. “Closed for January 2”, it read. That’s today. I conjectured that the staff for Govinda’s Dining were bushed, exhausted from the two prior days. The crowds were overwhelming.

A nice problem.

The donation income from the eating facility is doing well and is now the temple’s major source of income. It was our guru’s desire that the distribution of sacred food be implemented. People would benefit. 

My eyes caught a glimpse of the sign just prior to

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I recently met a person who met Sriman Jayananda Prabhu and worked with him. His name is Lance, an elderly welder/stained-glass artist who was part of the San Francisco hippie scene in 1968. I met Lance early last year in downtown San Juan, Puerto Rico, right in the middle of the tourist district. Though I wasn’t dressed in devotional clothes, I had full tilak on. He recognized my tilak. As best as I can recall, here’s how our conversation went:

Lance: Hey, are you from the temple up in Gurabo?

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The inauguration of Sri Rama temple will be a great and once in a life event and the most awaited event. Like our Caitanya Mahaprabhus 500th birth anniversary celebration.  

 At that time, we had Padayatra as a way of celebrating the 500th anniversary of the appearance Of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We had Dwaraka to Mayapur padayatra that was also a once in a lifetime event and then padayatra never stopped it’s still going on and on.  

 So aligned to that Ayodhya Padayatra came to my mind. First

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In a resounding celebration of devotion and artistic prowess, the New Govardhana Congregation recently captivated audiences with their spellbinding play, “Abhimanyu-Man of the Hour.” Held in the heart of Murwillumbah, Australia, the 500-seat auditorium resonated with the tales of the Mahabharata, bringing to life the heroic journey of Abhimanyu.

The brainchild of the dedicated group, the play had its origins in a collective desire to engage the youth positively in Krishna consciousness. Indrani

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The Sadhu Sanga Kirtan Retreat 2024 is scheduled to take place on Memorial Day Weekend (May 24-27, 2024) at the Frisco Conference Center in Dallas, Texas. We have reserved all available accommodations for our group in the Embassy Suites hotel attached to the conference center as well as in most nearby hotels that are just within walking distance. The furthest offsite hotel is only about half a mile away. So, no driving is required from any offsite hotels for most devotees.

This year, all the on

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A sign went up at the entrance of Govinda’s. “Closed for January 2”, it read. That’s today. I conjectured that the staff for Govinda’s Dining were bushed, exhausted from the two prior days. The crowds were overwhelming.

A nice problem.

The donation income from the eating facility is doing well and is now the temple’s major source of income. It was our guru’s desire that the distribution of sacred food be implemented. People would benefit. 

My eyes caught a glimpse of the sign just prior to my P

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Back in May 2023, ISKCON News profiled ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya’s groundbreaking move to spread the teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam and advance Vedic education by launching a new educational program in collaboration with the Simhachalam community. They also launched a mobile app and website which both offer a user-friendly interface that allows individuals to easily create an account and access a range of courses. Some courses are entirely free, encouraging participants to delve into the t

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Devotees and guests at the two ISKCON temples in Spanish Fork and Salt Lake City, Utah, participated in their annual January 1st Japathon. The yearly event, which began in Utah in 2009, was inspired by Ananta Rupa Dasa, then president of the ISKCON Boise, Idaho Temple, which has held the event for over 25 years. The intention of the Utah devotees is that the blessings of the Holy Names be applied to the state’s residents by chanting at least one of Krishna’s names for each of the one million ho

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