temples (3)

13519931885?profile=RESIZE_584xBlind since birth, Yamuna Jivana Das discovered Krishna consciousness early in life. A deep yearning for understanding and engagement shaped his spiritual path. Despite the challenges of navigating a predominantly sighted world, he immersed himself in devotional service, studying scripture through audio recordings and learning from personal interactions with senior devotees.

“In the beginning, I was just listening to classes and kirtans, and that was it,” he shared. “I always wondered, how can a

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Dear ISKCON Leader
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In June 2020, the GBC SPT – Strategic Planning Support unit published a Temple Re-opening Guide and a decision-making Toolkit to support you in your efforts to re-open your temple.

You will find attached, additional materials we have developed to assist you in facilitating the safe re-opening of your temple to the public:

The Safe Re-opening Handbook is a comprehensive handbook for use by all. It is recomm

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By Madhava Smullen

After months under lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some ISKCON temples around the world are gradually starting to reopen in phases, with safety restrictions in place according to their local government recommendations. 

ISKCON of Philadelphia, USA:

After being closed to the public since March 22nd, the ISKCON temple in Mount Airy, Philadelphia reopened on June 6th for Darshan only during limited hours. The move took place several days after the Governor of Pennsylva

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