harekrishna (57)

13454527290?profile=RESIZE_584xAcademic knowledge provides information of the world, but spiritual knowledge awards us eternal liberation

One of my friends in college was known for his immense general knowledge. He knew the names of all recent Hollywood and Bollywood movies, the actors, directors, and producers of each movie, and the winners of Oscar and Filmfare awards from every year. In sports, he knew the winners of each Grand Slam tennis tournament from every year as well as similar information about football and cricket

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Meaning of the Mahamantra

13454525060?profile=RESIZE_710xFirst Meaning: –

Srila Jiva Gosvami reveals the meaning of each of the sixteen Names in the Hare Krishna Mahaamantra in his Mahaa-mantrartha Dipika as follows: –

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Krishna steals the minds of everyone, yet Radha steals even His mind by Her divine expertise. Thus She is known as Haraa.

He forcibly attracts Sri Radha with the sweet sound of His flute, therefore that Lord of all enchanting

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13454245071?profile=RESIZE_584x1. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instructions in Sikastakam, “param vijayate Sri-Krishna -Sankirtanam” is the only motto of the Gaudiya math.
2. The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna is the only enjoyer. Everyone and everything else is the object of his enjoyment.
3. Anyone who does not serve Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is ignorant and a killer himself.
4. To learn to tolerate is one of the most important responsibilities of those living in the math.
5. Rupanuga devotees offer

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13454229483?profile=RESIZE_584xMore babies, dear gents, dear ladies


The time has graciously arrived


For offspring to pop up like daisies


And keep the human race alive



Babies are objects of affection

Watching them grow touches the heart


They are honourable products of attraction


We simply have to do our beautiful part



A mommy and a daddy give their 20 years

At waving a wand called affectionate service


Their final magical 20 years end in good cheers


Because their babies serve wit

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Family Fortune by Sukhada Devi Dasi

13453592699?profile=RESIZE_584xWhen Charles asked his son and daughter-in-law a Hare Krishna couple to move in with him, he knew he’d have to adapt, but his reward was more than he could ever imagine.

Charles was born in 1917. He grew into a man of courage and principles, serving his country in the U.S. Navy for twenty years and then the Civil Service for twenty more. Assigned to a submarine fleet during World War II, he saw his share of pain and suffering and, like many veterans, came to value a safe, secure home for his wif

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13453592460?profile=RESIZE_584xOn Sunday, February 2nd, ISKCON Auckland hosted its annual Krishna Holi celebration at its lively 88-acre farm, New Varsana, drawing a record-breaking crowd of 15,000 visitors.  With clear skies and warm sunshine marking the final month of summer, visitors were eager to sing, dance, relish Krishna prasadam, and, of course, partake in the traditional throwing of coloured dyes.

The main stage hosted various musical performances of different styles, each incorporating the chanting of the maha-mantr

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WE ARE FULL by Bhaktimarga Swami

13452625500?profile=RESIZE_584xThe reality these days is that our centres for our communities are fully capacitated.  Since covid’s demise, we burst at the seams.  Yesterday’s report on the second meeting in Whitley, Ontario, after a grandiose opening in a rented space, the church management remarked, “You are attracting more people than we are.”


Two hundred people packed the facility.


In Brampton, where we own a building, the attendance is full.  Nanda Maharaja Das, one of the coordinators, gets on the mic to encour

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13451739282?profile=RESIZE_584xSo today is Nityananda Prabhu’s appearance day – Nityananda Trayodasi therefore we will start our class with a verse from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila 1.7

sankarsanah karana-toya-sayi garbhoda-sayi ca payobdhi-sayi sesas ca yasyamsa-kalah sa nitya- nandakhya-ramah saranam mamastu

TRANSLATION: May Sri Nityananda Rama be the object of my constant remembrance. Sankarsana, Sesa Naga and the Visnus who lie on the Karana Ocean, Garbha Ocean and ocean of milk are His plenary portions and the portio

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13451738879?profile=RESIZE_584xThe Supreme Mercy of The two Lords

In Vedanta Sutra there is a famous – “anandamyo bhyasat”. This sloka explains the constitutional position of every living being. Everyone is looking for pleasure. The soul and it’s natural condition is Sachidananda, eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, full of ecstasy. Therefore the heart of every living being is constantly seeking beauty, charm, and ecstasy. Therefore the Lord descends into this world to distribute prema bhakti divine love. Because –

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13451738285?profile=RESIZE_584xFramed on the wall next to Govinda’s Dining Hall are two statements about the Hare Krishna Movement.  Here they are:


“The Hare Krishna movement is but the most recent phase of an ancient tradition of religious piety known in India as Vaishnavism.  The devotees in the Hare Krishna temple live a full and active life of study, prayer, singing, and day to day management of the temple’s activities.  Many are also active in a variety of more practical tasks such as the publishing and sale of book

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13451375452?profile=RESIZE_584xSo today is the transcendental appearance day of Lord Varaha. We have got the regular Bhagavatam verse on the board from Prthu Maharaj’s going back to Godhead. However we are not going to read that this morning. We are going to talk about Lord Varahadev instead because it is an interesting narrative.

There are different incarnations or appearances of Lord Varahadev. Previously the white boar incarnation has been described. The one that is in the Bhagavatam as we receive it is the story about the

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13451373899?profile=RESIZE_584xVarahadeva’s Appearance Day

Sri Varaha deva mahatosav ki


Let us begin by considering the philosophical truth of Krishna’s incarnations, so that way we will get the perspective on His descent to this material world.


Srila Prabhupada spoke about this in 1977. This is exactly 40 years ago in Bhubaneshwar, right? He spoke about Varaha’s appearance. He said “Ramadi murti su kala niyamena.” Krishna, the original adi pursua, is taking various forms. Ramadi murtisu, especially three Ramas, Parasuram

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SOME THURSDAY YOGA by Bhaktimarga Swami

13451337696?profile=RESIZE_584xMy good friend from Montreal, Anubhava, who managed our ashram temple for 7 years in Montreal, came for a breath, a break, and a change for four days.  There was a problem with the train midway through, but eventually, all worked out.  Actually, it was myself who suggested he give himself a little vacation.  He took up the suggestion.


Since the time of his arrival, I dined with him and talked all about the marvellous things happening at the temple in Toronto with books being distributed, ce

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The Highest Compassion by Niranjana Swami

13450717889?profile=RESIZE_584xatmaupamyena sarvatra
samam pasyati yo ‘rjuna
sukham va yadi va duhkham
sa yogi paramo matah

He is a perfect yogi who, by comparison to his own self, sees the true equality of all beings, in both their happiness and their distress, O Arjuna!

One who is Krsna conscious is a perfect yogi; he is aware of everyone’s happiness and distress by dint of his own personal experience. The cause of the distress of a living entity is forgetfulness of his relationship with God. And the cau

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SWEET DREAMS by Bhaktimarga Swami

13450679089?profile=RESIZE_584xI delivered the Bhagavatam class today, and we spoke about life in the material world with its nightmares and sweet dreams, the combination.  That sentence on its own sounded impactful to the group.  When I said the phrase “sweet dreams,” my mind raced to the time I met Annie Lennox when she visited our temple at 243 in the early 80s.   She’s the singer behind the song “Sweet Dreams” which is a classic pop piece.  I recall how she was so nice.  I made some samosas for her and her band, The Eury

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FILING THE SNOW by Bhaktimarga Swami

13450111452?profile=RESIZE_584xI was really proud of the fact that I did a major cleanup with my filing cabinet of scripts.  People know me as a walker, dancer, teacher, but I’m also a director of plays who writes scripts for drama.  Well, it was time to clean up that one big drawer, put everything in order, and eliminate bulky bunches of too much paper.


 With the help of Nityananda, the assistance went a long way to clearing the anarthas (unwanted accumulations). The project grounded us somewhat.  So, that was one proje

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13449473875?profile=RESIZE_584xEach single verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam tastes like transcendental condensed milk of a Surabhi cow mixed with kesar, simply delicious and a nectar most satisfying to even conditioned souls (although it is meant to be tasted by paramhansas – liberated souls).  No wonder that, along with Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam is the specific scripture meant for kali-yuga.

I am sharing another transcendental verse and its nectarean purport by Srila Prabhupada, for the pleasure of devotees, describing caus

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A WALK ON YONGE by Bhaktimarga Swami

13449422871?profile=RESIZE_584xThe day was done as far as giving classes and cleanup on various levels at the temple.  Digging up an old script, which I still haven’t found, is giving some anxiety.  I’m not sure where that is going, but I’m getting ready for India, a trip coming up soon.


 It was 10 to 10 PM, and I had not yet met the outside air.  Let’s see what an hour stroll can do to make the day truly done.  I took to Yonge St.  The wind showed some might, and it had been playing with cardboard pieces that were strew

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13444744459?profile=RESIZE_584xHare Krishna Devotees!
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

On Tuesday, February 4th, we will be celebrating Advaita Acharya’s appearance day! Please join us at the temple on this special day for the program at 4 pm. We will have space blocked off for all the devotees so that everyone can gather comfortably and take part in the program. We will have the space reserved for Sandhya Arati as well so devotees can participate.

We will hear the glories of Sri Advaita A

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13444737273?profile=RESIZE_584xA farewell from a fine Bangladeshi family, my hosts in Tampa.  Arjuna from Dominican Republic bid me goodbye at the airport.  I flew off with perfect walking weather behind.  As I have written, swimming was another dream.


 At Air Canada Jazz flight 1245, I reached my seat.  I didn’t anticipate to use the screen in front of me, but I couldn’t resist watching a documentary, 500 Days In the Wild by filmmaker Dianne Whelan.  She embarked on a journey paddling, cycling, and walking the longest t

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