Sri Bhagwan Das posted photos
Jul 19, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to M's discussion .
"Respected Prabhuji, Hare Krsna & danadavat
May I request you to kindly inform the source on which basis it has been certified that  "all mantras are same in power"?
your servant"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to M's discussion Help please! I need krishna in my everyday life.
"Hare Krishna, dandavat Devotees,
Besides above, Rashmi Mataji is always very prompt & gives very practical applicable advices for better improvements in KC.
your servant"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Nikita Bharti's discussion Distinguishing between krishna and Vishnu
"Hare Krishna, Prabhuji, dandavat
for your kind information please.
श्री कृष्ण ही भगवान हैं, जिनके तीन पुरुष अवतार हैं | सर्व प्रथम कारणोंदक विष्णु (महाबिष्णु) जिनके उदर में समस्त ब्रह्माण्ड हैं तथा प्रत्येक श्वास चक्र के साथ ब्रह्माण्ड प्रकट तथा…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Amrit Shirodkar's discussion Where are the demons in this material world ?
"Hare Krsna!
You have rightly explained kali in this age. Dean prabhuji has given details as provided in Srimad Bhagavatam.
your servant."
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to subhkrtdas's discussion black magic
"Respected Prabhuji, dandavat pranam, AGTSP,
whatever you have mentioned is very very true.
your servant"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Mohini Madhavi's discussion Getting married to a non Devotee...
"Respected Devotees, PAMHO.AGTSP,
Kindly note that our sincereity in each relation and each action is being observed by Sri Krishna Himself sitting in our heart as Parmatama, hence, whatever may be the circumstances,we have to give our best.Our…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Amrit Shirodkar's discussion why are women termed as less intelligent class in Srimad Bhagavatam ?
"Hare Krsna! prabhuji dandavat
We all jeevatma or living beings are all shakti(part & parcel of Krishna) & HE is shaktiman and our one and only one purpose in this & each life is to serve HIM only.
Your servant"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to RISHI's discussion One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India
"Haribol!!! Mataji dandavat
Very well explained.
Though Sri Krsna is present in heart of each entity (as Parmatma) including human beings whether indian,African, European,Arabian or so on, but person fortunate to take birth in India should try to…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to umesh P's discussion Only one earth in whole universe or more
"Hare Krshna!
Yes there are enormous earths in material world each one having own Brahma, Indra------ but only one GOD i.e. Sri Krshna. And this material world is one fourth only. Three fourth is God's abode Golok Vrindavan as certified in Srimad…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Chirag Sharma's discussion Please Pray.
"Hare Krishna Prabhuji, dandavat
Whether a devotee should ever pray Lord for some relief? whatever is the situation, he take it as Krsna's arrangement for his purification. For all purpose and matter, chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra is the only…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Amit's discussion Our Role in Goloka.....
"Hare Krishna Prabhuji, PAMHO,
Rashmi Mataji  has very rightly pointed out quality of a pure Devotee and our duties. your kind attention is invited to few prayers given below:
चैतन्य महाप्रभु की प्रार्थना: मै तो जन्म जन्मान्तर आपकी अहैतुकी भक्ति की…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Radha Krishna Das's discussion Hare Krishna
"Hare Krishna! Mataji, dandavat
No doubt, Bhagwan Krishna is very merciful and at times it has been shown as accepted by you in your post. Kindly note that a true devotee whatever be the situation, never ask for favour and leave it to GOD. Whatever…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Sri Bhagwan Das's discussion Why Sri Bhishm Pitamah's name is included in the list of 12 Mahajans?
"Hare Krishna Mataji, dandavat
I have read that due to some bad karmas in his previous life, he had to undergo the pain of the bed of arrows. Please note that only 12, I repeat only 12 are included in this list. So there must be some more specific…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Sri Bhagwan Das's discussion Why Sri Bhishm Pitamah's name is included in the list of 12 Mahajans?
"Hare Krishna, Prabhuji, dandavat
I am obliged for the information provided by you & other devotees. The katha referred in your reply is about highest principles of religion explained by Sri Bhishm to Pandavs & other Rishes present. It also included…"
May 15, 2019
Sri Bhagwan Das replied to Chirag Sharma's discussion Practicing away from association.
"Respected Mataji,
yours comments, suggestions are always excellent,relevant, to the point and practical and in sync with KC. your are almost first to guide devotees.These also inspire me and help me too.
your servant"
May 15, 2019