Hare Krishna Prabhu Ji,My Uncle Treated Every One Equall , I did not knew he & his wife were basic worshipper ofShiva , And Mata Ji For Last 35 Years ..I Gave Him 7 Day Session Lecture , He Just Listened 3 out of 7 ..And Started Shouting On His Childrean & His Wife ..His wife understood about Krishna Counciousness ..So She Started Chanting ..After 15 Days She Stopped Chanting , Beacause Her Husband Shouted On Her ..Now in his home , if there is discussion on anything , they always fight& shift on this topic ..He says It is because of Me ,We celebrated Navratra , Nor They Have Left Everything ..He Sometimes beat her wife also ..His Wife Says I Bear All This Because , If Anything happens to her husband she will die ..Her husband says , now because you are following this , childrens are also following ..They Read Bhagwat Gita Earlier But Finished In Just 2 MonthNow They Are Reading Shiva Purana .." I do not know how in this purana , shiva have worshipped Vishnu ,Then many times shiva have , shouted on Vishnu ..Is This Possible That Shiva Shouted On Vishnu ..In Process Of Creation This Puran Mentions , That Bhrama Came From Nabhi Of Vishnu ,But When Vishnu And Bhrama , Saw a Shiv Ling On Earth , They Could Not Find Its Depth ..My Uncle Want To Show Shiva Is Superior & He Is Ultimate God ..I have explained him i am not insulting anyone , Just Telling RealityThen He Says Your Purans Are Doctored , This And That ,He Says In Every Puran , The person on whom Particular Puran is written ..Tells he is superior .. Vishnu Says I Am Superior , Shiva Says I Am .."" I did not forced anyone in his family to follow ,Krishna Counciousness , But Why Is He Forcing His Wife "I think he believe in Karam Kand And All , That is why he worship Sun For Good Help .." He Have Said That In This Life He Will , Never Consider Anyone God Except Shiva .. "He is not ready to hear me ,his wife cry in front of me daily ,1 More Question , After Mahapralaye What Will Happen To Shiv Lok , Bhrama Lok ..What Will Happen To Shiv & Bhrama ..Are There Many Bhrama And Shiva ? What Will Happen To Them ..Why Purans Associated With Shiva Are Meant For Person In Mode Of Ignorance ..Please Suggest Something ..

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  • Hare krishna Ashwani prabhuji,
    In Srimad Bhagwatam Canto 1, Chapter 1, sloka 2 says:
    "Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated,
    this Bhägavata Puräëa propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality
    distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots the
    threefold miseries. This beautiful Bhägavatam, compiled by the great sage
    Vyäsadeva [in his maturity], is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is
    the need of any other scripture? As soon as one attentively and submissively
    hears the message of Bhägavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme
    Lord is established within his heart."

    Also Srila prabhupada in His one of the lectures said that those scriptures which do not sing glories of Krishna are matter of enjoyment for Crows "bayas teertham" . SInce Shiva Purana and all such are meant for ignorant people not for Krishna Conscious people.That's why Acharyas has instructed us all to learn only Bhakti Shastras and leave rest all.
    Srimad Bhagwatam is supreme most amongst Bhakti Shastras. that's why Vaishnavas do not give reference of scriptures associated to Shaivism...

    srila Prabhupad ki jai.............haribol
    your srevant
  • Hare krishna dear Ashwani Prabhu,
    Bhakti or path of devotional service is not at all easy to gain that is why Bhakti is called "Sudurlabha" or which is very rare to achieve. Everyone cannot achieve or follow it ,example is your uncle. The question arises why he is avoiding it.....Answer is that a person's previous sinful activities prevent him from following it. Your uncle is not a unique person who is behaving like that, almost 99% people are in the same category, their sins prevents themselves from following Bhakti.That is why everyone is asked to follow 4 basic principles of ISKCON so that we could become pious enough to adopt Bhakti.

    Brahma Loka is top most loka in this material world, Shiva Loka is also within this material world. So when Brahmaji sleeps he do pralay of lower planets but when Mahapralay is done by God(Krishna) i.e. when Brahma dies (after completing his 100 years age) everything including Brahma-loka, Shiva Loka , heavens of demiGods and everything vanishes including their residents.

    There are infinite Universes continuously emanating from body of Maha-Vishnu(expasion of Krishna-the Supreme Personality of Godhead). Whenever a particular Universe comes into existence Maha-Vishnu's expansion of KshirodakShayi Vishnu enters every such Universe. (The Vishnu we see amongst Trimurti i.e. Brahma,VISHNU and Shiva is KshirodakaShayi-Vishnu). From the navel of this KshirodakaShayi Vishnu only Brahmaji borns and then Brahmaji gives birth to Shiva and rest everything.

    The same process occurs simultaneously in each and every other Universe. So we know that there are many Brahmas and Shivas of many universes but God is one and same i.e. Krishna. That is why He is called "Adi-Purush" in all scriptures.

    we know all this knowledge from Vedic scriptures like Srimad Bhagwatam, Srimad Bhagwad Geeta, Vishnu Purana and various Upanisads and Puranas.

    Since Brahma,SHiva all have to Vanish so those who worship them will also have to vanish. That's why Scriptures suggests devotional service of Krishna only. RigVeda says "Tad Vishnoh Paramam Padam" .He only can give us Mukti or Liberation from material bondage ,hence , he is called MUKUNDA or bestower of Mukti. Since Brahma,Shiva and other demiGods are themselves not Liberated then How can they liberate us??

    Since Shiva is deity who is incharge of mode of ignorance ,so those who are in the mode of ignorance worship Him. We know it that mostly ghosts,demons and ghastly creatures who are in the mode of ignorance associate Him,hence He is called BHOOTNATH or controller of ghosts. To elevate such Tamsik people to the level of Krishna Conciousness Puranas associated to Shiva has ben created. Such Puranas are called Tamsik or meant for people in the mode of ignorance.

    Hope I am able to help you

    Jai Srila Prabhupad ki...........haribol
    your servant
    Ashish Sharma
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