
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Matangi Mataji, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    As i read kala is time. Under the influence of time everything in this world will meet with changes. Time is there even in Spiritual world. But that time is eternal. For example, there are different periods of the day there in Vaikuntha Planets and according to that periods Lord is served accordingly.

    There are special muhurtas in which played special music types.

    Impersonal feature of God is that effulgence which comes from His Spiritual Form.

    If You further define Your question and Your own understandings it would be nice.

    Your servant,  

    • Hare Krishna Mata ji , please accept my humble obeisances!

      thank you so much for your guidance further, to my query it is in 3 canto 10 chapter verse 10 of Shrimad Bhagwatam where Vidura Ji enquire from Maitraya Rishi 

      vidura uväca
      yathättha bahu-rüpasya
      harer adbhuta-karmaëaù
      käläkhyaà lakñaëaà brahman
      yathä varëaya naù prabho.

      Hare Krishna


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