
Origin of Ganga

Hare Krishna, dear devotees!!

I was having a discussion regarding Bhagavatam with some of my friends, inclined to the Krishna Consciousness movement. We were discussing about the origin of Ganga as described by Sukhdeva Goswami in 5th canto.

I'm extracting a portion of it----


 LordViṣṇu once approached Bali Mahārāja while the King was performing a sacrifice. The Lord appeared before him as Trivikrama, or Vāmana, and begged alms from the King in the form of three steps of land. With two steps, Lord Vāmana covered all three planetary systems and pierced the covering of the universe with the toes of His left foot. A few drops of water from the Causal Ocean leaked through this hole and fell on the head of Lord Śiva, where they remained for one thousand millenniums. These drops of water are the sacred Ganges River. It first flows onto the heavenly planets, which are located on the soles of Lord Viṣṇu's feet. The Ganges River is known by many names, such as theBhāgīrathī and the Jāhnavī. It purifies Dhruvaloka and the planets of the seven sages because both Dhruva and the sages have no other desire than to serve the Lord's lotus feet.

The Ganges River, emanating from the lotus feet of the Lord, inundates the heavenly planets, especially the moon, and then flows through Brahmapurī atop Mount Meru. Here the river divides into four branches (known as SītāAlakanandā, Cakṣu and Bhadrā), which then flow down to the ocean of salt water. The branch known as Sītā flows through Śekhara-parvata and Gandhamādana-parvata and then flows down to Bhadrāśva-varṣa, where it mixes with the ocean of salt water in the West. The Cakṣu branch flows through Mālyavān-giri and, after reaching Ketumāla-varṣa, mixes with the ocean of salt water in the West. The branch known as Bhadrā flows onto Mount Meru, MountKumuda, and the NīlaŚveta and Śṛńgavān mountains before it reaches Kuru-deśa, where it flows into the ocean of salt water in the north. The Alakanandā branch flows through Brahmālaya, crosses over many mountains, including Hemakūṭa and Himakūṭa, and then reachesBhārata-varṣa, where it flows into the southern side of the ocean of salt water. Many other rivers and their branches flow through the nine varṣas."


The geographical description regarding the flow of Ganga and its branches is accurate. But the origin seems not to tally with what we have read in our geography books that it originates from Gangotri glacier at Goumukh in the Garhwal Himalayas.  Vedas are infallible no doubt, and each and every word of Bhagavatam is true. Everytime there is a tussle between mundane science and Vedas, the Vedas have proved its superiority over the former. So what Sukhdeva Goswami describes is accurate. Then how can we resolve this contradiction regarding the origin of Ganga. 

Your aspiring servant,


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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna,mataji!! About Himalayas, there is no confusion. In Bhagavatam, it is said that Ganges is the causal ocean from Vaikuntha that flowed through spiritual planets and descended on earth and geography says that it is originating from glacier. That is where the confusion lies. It can be that it is actually descending from spiritual planets but we can't perceive it with our mundane senses. But it hurts when geographers call this a myth and blind belief. Vedas are the embodiment of truth. So I am at a fix as to how to resolve these two opposing statements. Hope the advanced devotees like you and others will throw more light on this!!

    • Volunteer

      my humble obeisances Prabhuji,

      i am not advanced at all but trying to follow advanced Devotees. 

      Yes, You are right our senses are not perfect. We can not see things as they are in the reality.

      For example, we theoretically know that the lines on railway go always parallel, in this way they never cross each other. But our eyes see them as crossed at the end.

      It says that there are so many parallel worlds in subtle or other form but we can not feel them or see them. 

      As we know from physics our ears can hear only from 0 up to 2000 mega hertz not more and less.

      Same thing is with Ganges waters.

      Your servant,   

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Gourab Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    If ordinary geography is saying that Ganges fall down from Himalayas then it is not contradictory with the words of Bhagavatam, isn't it?! or i misunderstood something?

    Your servant,

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