Krishna (4351)

is pepsi/coke allowed in ISKCON

dear all,

I recently joined this forum as my friend (who is Krishna's devotee) asked me to join so that I get open minded views on today's problems.

I agree that all religions ask humans to be kind to each other and try to serve to All Mighty.


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GOD & Vidhata

Hare Krishna,

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gurudev & Gauranga.


Is there any difference between God & Vidhata?


I hope my question is clear.


Your servant


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4 Replies

Ad on website

Hari Bol Admins of the website.

Can we get some filtering on the advertisements coming on the website? Do not want to name any in the morning time, but some can be avoided, perhaps. Do we have a filter?

Your servant,



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