Krishna (4351)

Buddhi Yoga

Hare Krishna ,

In Bhagavat Gita in many places Buddhi Yoga is referred to as devotional service by Srila Prabhupada.

Though i am aware yoga means linking with supreme still the word Buddhi yoga is confusing me.

Buddhi means intelligence and Buddhi yoga

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what is mayavada , are they referred to those people who worship demigods or those people who are impersonalists or those who think that there is no life after the death of this material body or those who think god has no form

im confused

pls help

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doubts in gita

Hare krsna dear devotees

Please accept my humble obeiscances

in bhagavad gita starting in the introduction chapter it has been given that there are 5 types of basic direct relationships with krsna and they are

1. One may be a devotee in a passive state;

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Draupadi's surrender ?

I have a question and request someone to enlighten me with it.

When the Kauravas tried to disrobe Draupati first she asked help from her husbands, then the king Dhritrashtra, then great personalities like Bhishma, Drona etc but all failed. Finally w

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is sadasiva visnu tattva?

Im lil confused abt advaitya acharya , sm says he is sadasiva and sm he is mahavisnu. Actually who is he? Here sm1 said he is combination of both and sadasiva is a visnu it? Please do help me with proper evidence and texts. Thank you. Hare

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Regarding Lord Narasimha ?

Hare Krishna ! All glories to Shrila Prabhupada !

Lord Krishna is the madhurya(sweetness) feature of the Lord. Lord Chaitanya is the audarya(merciful) feature of the Lord. Similarly Lord Narasimha is what feature of the Lord ?



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